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Johnny Tran

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Everything posted by Johnny Tran

  1. And despite all the marketing and End Game tie ins to try to push it further and further... it being a run of the mill MCU movie and all, it's in the same company as Aquaman and still hasn't outgrossed it.
  2. Well by most accounts the movie is garbage so I'd take that win and be happy that I put out something most people didn't like and still came away with millions in profit.
  3. Well like I said this is are rare miss for WB marketing. I said it weeks before release that WB isn't doing enough. I could see if people were coming back from the theaters and saying "wow, the critics got it wrong here..." but not even that is happening. Everyone who has seen it thinks it is at worst "fine". Most reactions are way more positive than that. The hold was not a catastrophe, it is the fact that it started out so low which is the issue. And the release date is going to murder it. So it's a clear situation where this needed to get up into that $75M OW range and it should have had WB done more to promote it accurately.
  4. It is right now but I don't know if it will have the late legs to get to $180M that Ant-Man did and I assume $500M WW is dead? $400M is dead too?
  5. SHAZAM! is going to be profitable so that's good but I don't think there's any question it should have made more. It is loved by critics and it is loved by most people who have seen it. So that goes back to marketing. WB is usually on point with this but something happened this time around. SHAZAM! is not a household name. I expected Ant-Man numbers. Maybe domestic it can get there. However, overseas was NOT on board with this project. It's a shame because I don't want to see comic book movies that always rely on big huge save the world set pieces. But if grounded comic books cannot make a dent with overseas markets then I feel we will see studios continue to give us huge clusterfuck big third acts and the heart will be missing..
  6. So basically Ant-Man numbers.. everyone was freaking out here but it's going to end up being a hit and reportedly has a small budget. It's fine, would have liked to see more but it's Shazam, not a household name.
  7. I hate to harp on it but I had been saying for weeks WB was dropping the ball on this from a marketing standpoint. Which is rare for them because they've been known to put asses in seats. Even if you just look at New Line they do an incredible jobs with their horror movies. I don't know why the marketing on this was so lowkey.
  8. I've always said on here that most people, casual moviegoers don't want to see "good movies" in the theater. They want a spectacle. If a movie just so happens to be a spectacle but also good then that's fine too. Shazam tried to bring back the 80s and early 90s family vibe into the comic world but that doesn't sell in this era. Even Spiderverse which ended up having a great multiplier, most casual moviegoers didn't care how great it was.
  9. Wonder Woman was great, Aquaman was great.. this post doesn't compute.
  10. Dumbo flopped. No reason for anyone to get angry about it. It is what it is. It was a critical and box office fail.
  11. Watchmen is one of the best movies based on a comic/graphic novel of all time. Have to watch the extended cut to fully appreciate it's greatness and the detail that went into it. Welcome to the boards.
  12. Yep I don't see how it reaches anywhere near 50. I think 46.5 is about right.. if it reaches 50 I'd call that a big W off this Friday number.
  13. I'm seeing about $46.5M for Dumbo. That's quite a bit under most predictions and the studios internal tracking.
  14. But it cost money to make money. Huge tentpoles spend hundreds of millions to get people in the theater. Original movies don't have the same hype behind it.
  15. I disagree about people only wanting sequels and remakes and comics. Films like Us show that people do want original content.
  16. In any event, if you are an ultra fanboy of any huge corporate whether it's Apple or Sony or whatever and you don't own stock or have any kind of monetary interest, I find that to be weird and a waste of time.
  17. I think it is just easy to root against Disney because of their practices, doesn't mean I want every Disney IP to suffer, I hope dumbo does ok.
  18. There is no way this could have ever reached those kind of numbers. WB hasn't put the money into it and it's not tied to the biggest movie of the year. I hope nobody was actually hoping for that.. that's like hoping Us could do $120M opening weekend or something outlandish. Movies have a ceiling and that ceiling is largely dependent on how the studio itself perceives the property. In other words, most cases you have to spend money to make money. WB will be happy for this to turn a nice profit. Only fans are hoping for outrageous heights that could never be.
  19. That's "literally" what I argued? Do you know what the word literally means? Then go back and find the post where I said a movie that supposedly cost $250M to make but made $100M is "impressive". If that is my literal argument then surely you can pull up the post where it's said. 😉 I can look at Us and see that is cost nowhere near a huge tentpole. I don't need to see a filing for that. But if it's a huge tentpole vs. another huge tentpole and it's hundreds of millions of dollars that are involved then yes I'd rather see some raw numbers than try to guess. I mean unless Us had a crazy cosmic level CGI fuckfest in the third act.. I wouldn't know but that would be surprising if it occurred.
  20. Is that what I'm arguing? Then you are either not paying attention or English isn't your first language. Please tell me English isn't your first language, I'll be more sympathetic to that. This is the most ridiculous post I've read all day. You know nothing about the final production costs of any of these movies yet you are posting as if it's fact. It's not. Anything cited is a guesstimate. 😉
  21. I already said that CM is having a good or even great run. The problem is for some people, some stans if you will, that is not enough. You want everyone to say it's a mind blowing run and we should all praise the lord that we witnessed such a feat.. yet there are movies that just had similar runs and people were downplaying their success. I don't just care about Marvel or about DC or Fast or any one franchise. I want movies to be discussed without bias. There's too much fanboyism going on here lately. Apparently you are a member to that party because you keep implying that I'm some sort of DC stan, why? because I want people to treat Aquaman's run in equal terms? I have nothing to gain from one studio or another. I'm over comic book fanboys. It makes this forum very difficult to read.
  22. The whole reason this is a discussion is because people in here were saying CM isn't being talked up enough Go try your shtick on someone else.
  23. F8 was a sequel to $1.5B but partially the reason it made that was because Paul Walker passed away. Come on now.
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