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Everything posted by Ruthie

  1. The US audience "got" GOTG, they get Thor. Remember, Thor1 out-grossed CA1 in the US. The problem with TDW is that it was a middling-to-average movie that had hefty competition. So while it performed well, it could have done better if it's quality was on par with the other choices available. If Thor3 is a stronger and more fluent movie, it will likely do as well as CA:TWS if not better.
  2. Hey, I didn't mean any offense by my response. I thought I was being rather lighthearted actually. Friends? Oh, and the numbers look pretty good all things considered.
  3. According to M-W dictionary, JUDGEMENTALISM ISN'T EVEN A WORD!!!! Just kidding. And I agree with you. BTW, my post wasn't meant to be a jab, just a clarification. I'm finding more and more that people have rather...misinformed...perceptions about Christians. It's a far cry from the way things were when I was growing up, so I'm all for explaining things. No harm, no foul. Oh, and the numbers look rather decent all things considered.
  4. No, we Christians are allowed to make choices about what to do with our time just like everyone else. Probably with even more room to wiggle.
  5. Good for TMNT. So glad its doing better than anyone expected. It's a fun and cute movie that deserves the bucks it's making.
  6. You're in college. You need to see TMNT to give your brain the fun-filled tune out it craves.
  7. Women have been pouring significant amounts of money into movies for years, at an increasing rate as they've developed their own jobs/careers. What has changed is their tolerance to pay for movies in which female characters are little more than a promise of sex for the male lead, or grown women who think and act like annoying adolescent minded twits. Add to that a creative void that has hampered Hollywood for the past several years and studios had no choice but to aim their sights at demos other than 13-24 aged males.
  8. I enjoyed this movie tremendously. Obviously, TMNT is targeted at pre-adolescents, but the movie is structured so that the broad range of folks in the older demos could enjoy it as well. And that's no small trick for a property as quirky as this. The fight sequences were fun and engaging, and the interactions among the turtles were displayed with pitch perfect timing and charm. B from me.
  9. It's been a long time since I made someone cry, and you represent a great opportunity. Get your hanky ready. *buys tickets for four to see TMNT*
  10. Moore, OK just happens to be home of one of the best theaters in the country, and it's a hop from OU.
  11. It's obvious that Feige already has the end game and key markers in mind for phases 1-4. And if that plan doesn't include a BW movie, then good. It would be a mistake to do a BW movie just to have a Marvel film with a female lead.
  12. Confession time: I had no idea who Bautista was prior to his being cast in GOTG. When I learned that he was a wrestler, I rolled my eyes. I'm still surprised at how good he was, and how much chemistry he had with everyone in the cast, including the tree and the raccoon.
  13. I was going to send you to see EtE, but it's a school night and you need to save your strength. So it's off again to GOTG you go.
  14. Why was SC2 even put in 3D? It doesn't seem like the kind of film that anyone would want to see in that format, let alone if someone wanted to see it and the only show available was in 3D. Among that, the budget and the timing, I'm completely baffled by the decisions made for this movie. It's performance is sad, but, it's almost as if TPTB were asking for it.
  15. LOL! I love BOF.And look at Lucy go.
  16. All I care about is that Walt Disney got it in the end. EVERYBODY SING...scooby-doobie-doo, HE'S DEAAAAAAAAAAAD!!! On another note, this was a bunch of fun, JAndrew. You're quite the creative one. Thanks for all the work you put into it. And thanks for finally killing off that scum Walt Disney. It took you long enough!
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