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Everything posted by Ruthie

  1. I liked TMNT and GOTG and am happy to see they are both performing well. Seeing the close earnings between the two is fun to watch.
  2. Obviously the managers are DC fanboys.
  3. If they bring back Ratchet, then all of this will be fine in my book.
  4. LOL. Uh, it is a good movie. You should see it. Then you will be especially glad for it.
  5. Awww, come on, now. Michaelangelo's design is cute. It fits his personality. In fact, all of the designs fit the personality of the character.
  6. Isn't that the reason all franchises exist and movies get made? How is TF any different.
  7. Good for TMNT and for GOTG! TMNT may have better legs than we think because it's much more kid-friendly than GOTG. GOTG is an teenager-adult movie disguised as a kid flick.
  8. Well, if I knew how to spell Google in Canadian, I would find the site and search on it.
  9. And she happened to be one of the worst things about the movie. She could have be driving Barbie's pink roadster for all of the credibility she had piloting a fighter jet.
  10. Lack of Warriors 3 was definitely the worst part about TDW. Oh, and great opening for GOTG.
  11. And what makes it so kid-friendly. Well that and some heavy-handed exposition.
  12. If you compare GOTG to the old Saturday movie serials of the 40s and 50s, you will find that the tone, pacing and character beats are almost identical. And this movie, more than any other Marvel film, showcases the studio's ultimate aim: to recreate the Saturday morning serial vis-à-vis the revived studio system. Plugging GOTG in where they did is actually rather brilliant because its the perfect engine to power things to the next level, and the 80-90m OW is the audiences stamp of approval on the approach.
  13. Instead of the character being played along the big-tough-guy-with-a-heart-of-gold cliché, he was played as a traumatized guy who happened to be really big. Such an approach is the smart way to make characters connect with the audience. Kudos to Gunn for turning that table, and to Bautista for pulling it off.
  14. GOTG will connect with kids the way TA did. I wouldn't be surprised if this thing has massive legs.
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