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Everything posted by Ruthie

  1. Well, it was shoved off-kilter when Then it was pushed to the precipice when And that scene in the final act did me in. My second biggest problem with the movie is its repeated use of the deus ex machina. If the Russos were a little more creative, and pushed the envelope just a bit more, there would have been no need for those contrivances, and a very good movie would have been a really great one.
  2. What they could have done was kept the third act as "grounded" as the first two. It became too outlandish when My suspension of disbelief went buh-bye at that one.
  3. THIS! CATWS, while very good, is not a family movie by any stretch of the imagination. Add in NCAA, and I wouldn't be surprised if Saturday = Friday.
  4. 1. God's Not Dead is a good, if over the top, film really aimed at Christians. Noah is "good" depending on what one's preferences are, but I do hope that those outside the faith who see the movie are curious enough to read the actual biblical account. If so, its a win-win. 2. Yikes! Are you guys okay?
  5. I'm going to respond to these here because they were posted here, but anything beyond this I would appreciate if you PM what I hope will be your mature and well-thought responses instead of cluttering this forum with them. I understand that we currently live in world in which many deem it acceptable to make fun of Christians and Christianity, but that doesn't mean that you should do so. And if you do decide to go down that road, it doesn't make it right or less hurtful. If Non-Stop was up against a movie depicting Islam, I seriously doubt any of you would have posted anything along the lines of what the quoted posts illustrate, let alone have gotten away with it without some level of backlash. All I ask is that Christians and Christianity be shown the same "respect/deference" in this forum - and on BOM in general - that is shown toward other religions and to those who support gay rights. By the way, I'm PMing this post to Shawn and the mods.
  6. I was about to fall asleep with 20 minutes left in the movie. Good thing I didn't because the last 10-15 minutes turned the previous 80 minutes from a cute mess into something grand.
  7. I doesn't look like it will be good at all. But it does look like it will be really cute. So its worth one viewing in my book.
  8. Hotdogs, peas & carrots, in homemade macaroni and cheese. BOO- YAA!
  9. Actually, it was worse. Phone it in assumes the actor has the chops to begin with. Sofia didn't know a thing about acting. Her father cast her because she was his daughter. Oh well, apparently she's a better director than she ever will be an actor, which may not be saying much.
  10. I'm very surprised (more like shocked and horrified) that MOS made this list at all, let alone at that rank. Yikes! Sure it was a mediocre movie - but among the worst of all time? Yikes, again! BOOOOOOOOO to those who voted for Citizen Kane and 2001! You hacks should be boiled in a vat of plum pudding. Except for you Baumer, you get a pass [/brown-nosing mod]. Actually, I can understand how someone can find them overrated, but to consider them among the worst just seems weird. And how is it that New Moon is so low on the list? It should switch places with ROTF, which deserves to be on the list in the worst way. What’s wrong with you people! Overall, this was a fun read. Great idea and excellent job, Iceroll. I look forward to participating in the next round, if there is one. In other news, if the Starbucks near you is selling the chestnut praline latte, buy it. YUMMY!
  11. I had neither seen nor heard of the man prior to TA. I was highly impressed by his performance and finally decided to see NYSM because he was in it.
  12. Oh, and if you want a taste of what creepy movies were like long before creepy became cool, check out Night of the Hunter and Cape Fear (both with Robert Mitchum).
  13. Wow! I forgot all about this one! Great suggestion. In fact, I'm going add this to my watch list for tomorrow.
  14. All of the recommendations are fantastic. I'd like to add...The Guns of NavaroneStalag 17Friendly Persuasions Yankee Doodle Dandythe first or second Thin Man movie A Star is Born (Garland & Mason)
  15. So, are all you CF/JL fans happy with the weekend result? Hint: the answer should be "Yes."
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