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Everything posted by Poseidon

  1. Of course not. It's pretty obvious, that in times like these, people urgently need them, even if they are just fictional. They still help to escape the daily struggles and spread hope for real-world heroes to arrive.
  2. So Disney giving out an upper Range of $198m pretty much confirms, they know it's going over 200m with great audience scores. Unbelievable, this movie, at one point, should have been another Dr. Strange at best. Just WOW!
  3. History is gonna be made this weekend. Another superhero to unite the people, while politics do just the opposite. I think we don't even know, yet, how Wonder Woman and Black Panther, as simple Entertainment, will influence the lifes of so many people, being surpressed by others.
  4. If you ask me, putting those numbers into perspective, MI6 is the big winner... Deservedly, it delivered a great trailer and looks like it could pull one of the surprises of the summer and make use of the ridiculously slow July/August.
  5. 100 Million saw it on TV... Super Bowl Spots never have great numbers on YT. Look at GotG: Or JW: When I was a kid, I had a dinosaur book. The claws of Deinocherius were the only thing they found back then and they always scared me. Today we know, it was no terrible raptor, but I always imagined something like Indoraptor as the dinosaur fitting with those claws.
  6. There you go. Your next "Creepiest Movie ever" by intellectual critics movie with a trailer, that won't impress the horror crowd. It Follows, Babadook, The Witch, It comes at Night. They all came, they all tried and then they failed...
  7. No new releases, great trailer views, a lot of facebook fans and a PG 13 Rating. Everything points at another underestimated horror movie. I think this could even go $15m+
  8. The awkward thing is, how Eastwood sells the sory as a story of American Heroes, while it really was a story of international cooperation.
  9. It's doing pretty well on YT and Social Media, so I think Lionsgate might be underestimating what they have here.
  10. I never understood, why they stopped using music to promote movies. Adeles Skyfall was worth a couple of 100 millions of the WW Gross of the movie and still, nobody bothers to sell a movie with music today. Also, most movies on the All-Time-List have a soundtrack, that's part of Pop Culture now. In my opinion,l it's a cheap way to create buzz.
  11. He is kind of right. Jumanji seems like a christmas movie, as it's lighthearted in a time, where many feel threatened by certain political movements all over the world. Maybe it's just that, an escape from all the negativity, that SW could not deliver with TLJ.
  12. If it wasn't influenced by trolls, then tell me, why the IMDB-Score is constantly going up after all those zero-pointers were given early?
  13. Bridge of Spies did 500k in Previews. Would translate to $23,7m for the Post. Should go low to mid 20s, nothing wrong with that.
  14. Overall, this has been a great holiday Season. A $625m movie, a $325m+ movie, two $100m-grossers with PP3 and The greatest Showman. We won't see that in 2018, where Mary Poppins might do 200m+, but where Bumblebee, Aquaman and Spiderman all seem to look like they might not break out like we've seen it this year.
  15. Oh, look. A PG 13 Horror Movie doing well on the first weekend of January. How surprising.
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