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Everything posted by YM!

  1. Killers of the Flower Moon was great. Really had a blast with it. Think it could’ve been like 15-30 minutes shorter as it drags a bit in the middle but thoroughly enjoyed it. I do love how heartbreaking the whole film is, as the themes of exploitation going hand and hand with greed still hit hard and are done well. DeNiro was by far my favorite performance, just a shitty old greedy white dude that just chews scenery as he stoops lower and lower. I also thought Gladstone did great with the parts she had, though I don’t feel comfortable calling her a lead, has an air of suaveness and fierceness that I dug. DiCaprio also did great at this with the last act leading to an eclectic end. - 4.5/5
  2. Thing is we’d hear it by now. We’re getting a sizzle reel tho so maybe something akin to Guardians 2 teaser with Strange.
  3. Think it’ll make May but there likely won’t be a trailer ready in time for Marvels. Methinks Apes and Snow White will be the attachments while this being a December trailer
  4. We have about 35 films and a week for deadline. We don’t have enough films for a full game year, so I suggest a final deadline. Monday, November 20th, the Monday before the long thanksgiving weekend or Monday, November 27th. @SLAM!
  5. Pretty good. About 75% of Elemental on a school day. Should do about the same if not higher, no?
  6. I’m not even sure if that would be enough if quality isn’t there. Think it’ll likely do 1B but not sold much more over it.
  7. Surprised Trolls tracking is pretty weak, considering the Quorum data was very good.
  8. Hulk stuff even if it’s just Red-Hulk is a far bigger sell than Bucky lol, and I do think there’s still some representation momentum it can get with FalCap. And tbh you don’t need to watch the show to get Cap 4 unlike Marvels which has two big Plus characters in the role that no one cares about. Also as someone who disliked the show, there’s far worse recieved marvel shows fandom wise (Secret Invasion, Moon Knight, and even though I think it amounts to nothing more than an upset vocal minority She-Hulk)
  9. Cap 4 is probably an easier sell than Marvels, and is definitely an easier sell than Thunderbolts and Blade.
  10. You can’t turn that to a plus thing because it’s far too late. There’s a better chance at a Batgirl situation which even then won’t happen.
  11. I can see Cap 4 or Mufasa being the Christmas title for Disney mainly to have a family title and DP3/F4/SM5 being the 2025 slate for Marvel so they have a stream of heavy hitters that can get their mojo back.
  12. I don’t think it’ll be ready for late summer if DHD thinks it won’t start filming until start of next year. At best it could make November or December, but feeling a 2025 release date is more likely.
  13. I don’t blame her. I don’t care if you didn’t like CM1 or her character, the fanbase did her so dirty and the only people in the MCU that defended her were Boseman, SLJ and Cheadle. And all this because some of y’all got in your feelings for her advocating for more diverse critics.
  14. Tbh if Disney were to do it and paid Swift big money, they should’ve dropped a trailer to go with Eras with the Swift version.
  15. Yeah I like it but it’s not giving Disney vibes. I do wonder if it’ll catch on though which is the biggest concern.
  16. Tbh I think this strike was good for Marvel because it’s the first time they have had a break. No, Covid doesn’t count because the vast majority of phase 4 projects were still in production. This is the first time they had to stop everything entirely and take a moment to reflect and tbh is something I wished they really committed to in 2020-21 as it was clear Feige wasn’t ready. If Star Wars and Harry Potter fanbases could’ve waited patiently and still be potent, so could’ve Marvel.
  17. The whole thread is interesting and had some neat tidbits. Guardians was more or less left the way it was because Perlmutter wanted it to fail to reign in Feige, Norton and MCC creative beef, Perlmutter and the committee largely setting the precedent for Phase 2’s quality problems viewing it as a way to move merchandise (Hela was supposed to be Thor 2’s villain) and some of the constraints still today, the next Big 3 being Panther, Spidey and Carol but Boseman untimely passing, Sony taking back Spidey and Feige and the parliament leaving Larson to the wolves, No Way Home barely making it out alright, Chapek and Iger pushing Armor Wars and Fantastic Four despite not being ready, the shows not being run by Feige but the executives, Feige firing Alonso was mainly due to her response to the Don't Say Gay law
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