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Everything posted by YM!

  1. It was one of the first games I had on my PS2 when I was a kid. It sucked.
  2. Black-hearted evil Brave-hearted hero I am all, I AM ALL I AM!
  3. I was the smartest kid in K4 but I still was a dumb 4 year old.
  4. When I was like 4 or 5, I remember tasting my sister’s Game Boy Advance charger. I remember it tasting good.
  5. Exactly. The fact that adults fighting over who’s characters in spandex and tights is better is ridiculous. They’re so much more films out there and way more better stuff to do in life.
  6. Besides Snyder’s films tend to not get good reviews for the most part anyways.
  7. Not necessarily the best source but: http://www.showbiz411.com/2017/11/24/source-john-lasseter-already-out-of-pixar-for-good-disney-waiting-to-announce-after-coco-oscar-run I got this from an animation blog.
  8. Hot Take: Chappie isn’t that bad. It’s decent
  9. Which helps prove my point. CW acted like a pseudo Avengers. I still think $400M+ is happening (practically a lock), I even think IW will have a $200M+ OW but I don’t think $500M is possible, I think sub $400M is more likely due to a lower ceiling.
  10. Neither sides are innocent. I can’t stand either of them. Thankfully the fanboys on here from both sides are small in numbers.
  11. Yeah. Both are pure garbage and should be ashamed to call themselves fans.
  12. Look I’m sticking with my $210M/$450M/$1.3B prediction but CW which was marketed as Avengers 2.5. barely doing $400M and having to know 8 films in advance might make accessibility hard. I’m not saying it’ll happen or is even likely, I’m saying there’s a small chance. A very small chance.
  13. I agree with this about JL flopping but the fact that the GA will need to know a large surplus of MCU movies make the Avengers movies less accessible.
  14. The fact that audiences are going for solo movies (or smaller teamups) rather than the big ensemble team-ups (however JL was faced with a plethora of problems) and that the ceiling for Avengers movies domestically seem to be shrinking. I am still thinking $210M/$450M but I can see a very small chance (5%) it goes under $400M.
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