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Everything posted by YM!

  1. I can see them giving Superman the mentor role for Shazam like Iron Man and Spider-Man.
  2. Odds are he'll be in Shazam 2. He is getting his own spinoff too. I think they may put Superman in as Shazam mentor (a la Homecoming).
  3. I think the GA in America is into superhero movies, Star Wars, and certain animated movies, because they want to feel good due to the climate in the US.
  4. Not to be the harbringer of doom but Valerian starts in 10 minutes and at my theater, they barely sold over 30% of tickets.
  5. I am honestly surprised. It wouldn't surprise me if it went sub $150M.
  6. True but it also wouldn't surprise me if they put War Machine in there too. I can also see Superman in Shazam. I'm thinking: Shazam: $105M/$330M CM: $95M/$305M
  7. To be honest I can see either or. On one hand, Shazam has the potential to be the most family friendly/kid appealing live action superhero movie even moreso than Spider-Man. It also wouldn't surprise me if they went the teamup route and put in Superman or Batman as Shazam's mentor (a la Iron Man in Homecoming). On the other hand, Captain Marvel has Nick Fury and potentially War Machine to help grosses, and the film before the storm (aka IW2 for the MCU), Disney also has Dumbo and Space (another Cars movie), they can double feature CM with throughout the Spring Break weeks. Also given the spot it's released on (International Women's Day) and the past success of Wonder Woman and Hunger Games, CM could go the distance but not $350M+ of course.
  8. Both of which could do $250M-$300M domestic but which one will rein supreme?
  9. So they'll be two Captain Marvel movies in 2019. However I can see Shazam being one of the most kid friendly superhero movies and potentially leg it out to $300M with its April spot. Captain Marvel can also do some solid numbers too ($250M-$300M domestic) thanks to Disney loading both Dumbo and Space in spring to help with weekend double features.
  10. If it's legs are great, it's domestic may do his $420M WW prediction alone.
  11. Don't lose hope. Annabelle could get double features too.
  12. 1.) Good to see another TLNM lover 2.) As it's biggest stanner on the forums, honestly no, it could fall into the POM/LBM trap due to it's prevalent TV show. However it can still make some decent numbers. But there's been a huge animation drought this year too. Pony is lucky do $60M. Worst Case: $25M (x3.4x) = $85M domestic Best Case: $45M (x3.55x) = $160M domestic My guess: $35M (x3.2x) = $112M domestic
  13. I think Emoji and Dark Tower will double feature with Spidey.
  14. And the competition he hopes to destroy it end up crashing: Mummy, Cars 3, TLK, DM3, Spider-Man, and Apes. He recently gave Kingsman his blessing so Ninjago will do $40M-$50M OW after all.
  15. 1.) WW will benefit from Dunkirk double features. 2.) Dunkirk is now likely to do $45M now 3.) What is your beef with WB?
  16. Domestically. When DM3 is basically the franchise's Shrek 4, you know the films are going to start to decrease domestically.
  17. Question is where does the DM franchise go from here. Minions 2 is definitely going sub $200M domestic but probably $750M-$800M WW.
  18. https://twitter.com/BradAbleson/status/887750241528590336 The Creatoer/Director of Comedy Central's show: Legend of Chamberlain Heights, (Brad Ableson) is co directing.
  19. That makes sense. A lot of animated film companies are outsourcing their films outside of Disney's units and Blue Sky Studios. Agreed but an outsourced Bone or $40M CGI Adventure Time wouldn't surprise me either, but I think DC Super Hero Girls is the obvious and likely choice. I can see strong legs from The Star if it does an $30M OW (which admittedly is best case scenario) and manages to draw in families and Christians and those of faith.
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