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Posts posted by exomassey

  1. I can’t agree here. 

    The thing is at least No Way Home and MoM will probably be fun and exciting.

    Eternals always looked like it was taking itself a bit too seriously.


    Chadwick’s death is tragic but with Marvel still to introduce characters like X Men, Blade and Fantastic Four, they will be fine. They just need to find their groove again.



  2. Spidey will be successful anyway even if it’s a mess. Eternals…


    I’ve seen a lot of people say they are finished with the MCU after Endgame felt like a natural ending point.


    Cant say I disagree but I think Marvel has to find it’s groove again sooner rather than later.


    Also: Even though he worked on Black Panther, Nate Moore has been the producer Feige has assigned to work on Eternals and Falcon & Winter Solider. Likely the two weakest Phase 4 properties…

    • Like 2
  3. What’s happening in here? lol


    If the movies a mess, it’s a mess. Sometimes things don’t work out. If you look at the reviews a lot of them say the same negative things.


    Sometimes Marvel movies get a pass if they’re at least fun but I think this movie just took itself too seriously.


    I was going to see it 1st weekend but now? I’ll wait for Disney+, I suspect that is what a lot of people are doing and why ticket sales are slumping after poor reviews.

  4. Even the Marvel friendly critics are not liking it. This Marvel and Zhao collaboration just didn’t work.


    It’s unfortunate but I think if it was one of the more established franchises getting bad reviews(Avengers, Thor, Spider-Man) more people would care.


    With Eternals being something new and not a popular comic anyway, it just seems Marvel will be like ‘we took a risk and it didn’t pay off’.


    Whether the Eternals franchise continues though, that’s down to the audience.

  5. Just looking at some tweets of critics I follow and expect a good few more Rotten reviews. It just really seems that this film does not work. Rolling Stones just called it a ‘bore’.

    I bet Marvel wasn’t really expecting this reaction or they wouldn’t have dropped the embargo this early.


    The worst thing though is the media headlines from some of biggest news sites saying the film is boring and a misfire, when it’s more of a mixed bag for now. 


    Will see how audiences react but this negative media attention does not help.

    • Like 1
  6. 1 minute ago, Spidey Freak said:



    Inhumans are trash, Eternals are as dull as dishwater. I guess you could say trash is more interesting than dishwater.

    No I agree I’m not a fan of the Inhumans but they are at least more fun and have a dog who can teleport.


    (I haven’t seen the TV show, I’m talking strictly Inhumans comics lol)

  7. True.


    I just think Zhao has such a specific style. Her doing the movie about what are essentially Marvel’s Space Gods and Monsters is a risky choice.

    Maybe she should have done more grounded characters like the Runaways or some X-Men characters.


    Also maybe the Eternals are just boring characters in the 1st place. Let’s be honest the Inhumans are more interesting, at least they have a giant space dog.

    • Like 1
  8. 2 minutes ago, Let There Be Legion said:

    We’re definitely gonna need someone to post when it hits 53 reviews what the new score is, then 54 reviews, then 55…  


    Crucial info here. Highly path dependent sorta quantity dontcha know.

    LOL sorry, I just had time to check out reviews. I’ll stop now, promise.

    • Haha 1
  9. I was reading one of the reviews by Robbie Collin and he’s say Marvel doesn’t deserve credit for the diversity in this movie. 

    I agree to a certain extent but I think the largest franchise of all time doing it in this day and age is significant considering the way things are right now with this constant, stupid ‘woke’ shit.


    It just feels sometimes Marvel can’t do anything right with certain groups but what can ye do.

  10. It feels more like this Zhao and Marvel collaboration just didn’t really work like they thought it would.

    Zhao is credited for the script and story here, she was more creatively involved than usual for MCU directors.


    The issues with casual critics just seems more like it’s a bit boring than outright sayings it’s bad like other superhero movies (Fant4stic, BvS etc)

  11. 7 minutes ago, Menor said:

    I feel like this is almost the same concern though. The review bump is what was supposed to pump it up to keep up with BW, like it did for Shang-Chi (on lower overall PS, but in terms of pace). The pace being bad relative to BW is directly because there was hardly any review bump. 



    It’s an interesting one but maybe audiences don’t want to keep going to Marvel movies unless it’s something special.

    Black Widow benefitted from being the first MCU in two years, Shang Chi had a really positive reception but with Eternals everything just seems very ‘meh’.

  12. 3 minutes ago, Menor said:

    Eh. The trailer views were quite strong, and the sales were doing quite well up until yesterday, which was pretty bad. I think the reviews being lower than normal for MCU may have blunted the upward trend. As far as the second point, who cares about Film Twitter people? They are only useful to laugh at, not to predict BO from. 

    So the middling reviews are hurting the pre sales?

  13. 4 minutes ago, champsi said:

    You do seem to be anxious for this to fail. Better bet this wont go rotten. Shang-Chi opened at 94RT and ended with 92RT. Also. The movie seems very divisive. It could go either way. Up or down. Or  just stay in the low 70s even. People here seem to just wanna focus on the bad. Just want to remind everyone that Joker is at 68RT. 59 Metacritic. 


    Joker reviews bash on its writting and being a Scorcese movie wannabe. 


    What do Eternals and Joker have in common? They are artsy movies. They are... very outside the box. Both bold and. ambitious. 

    BUT. The audience received Joker really well actually. 

    Eternals score could go to any direction. Its to divisive to predict

    I do not want this film to fail. I’m a Marvel fan!


    It probably won’t go rotten but I’m just saying as more critics share their reviews, they won’t be as easy to impress as the ones who attended the premiere.


    Maybe it is just divisive. Marvel doing something outside their ‘formula’ can only be a good thing for the future.

  14. 2 minutes ago, Porthos said:

    Now my comment about not jumping on the doom and gloom train notwithstanding, I'd be lying if I said that the soft review bounce wasn't noteworthy.  But the term I'd use is noteworthy, especially as it had a fairly strong embargo bounce.  


    How much of the review bounce was already eaten by the embargo bounce just a few days before?


    That being said... I'm not in love with its current pace against Black Widow ticket sales locally (I say pace coz a direct comp suffers a bit due to differing length of pre-sales).


    Want to see a few more days of data before really baking in my thoughts, and they probably belong in the tracking thread and not here anyway.  But... Well, that's where my, concern is a bit of a strong word but I'll use it, is and not so much with the review bounce (or lack there of).

    Genuinely, maybe there is just a lack of interest in Eternals.

    The trailer didn’t really seem to grab people and now with the reactions, maybe people see this as one they can easily skip in theatres. The Marvel brand and some of the cast can only do so much. 

    Also every time I go on Twitter people are just mocking everything about the Eternals. This film has a real uphill battle lol.

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