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Posts posted by Gamora

  1. It'll be interesting to see how much this makes tomorrow when the weekly results get put up, I've been keeping a bit of an eye on sessions online and there's definitely more people seeing this in the middle of the day on weekdays than I usually see. I just booked a Saturday afternoon Imax showing and nearly 170 seats have already been booked which is definitely not normal - I had to settle for a much crappier seat than I'd normally like or normally have to put up with booking three days in advance.

  2. I figured today would make just as much tbh, I've been looking at the sessions online and shit is just selling out all over the place, and late shows where they don't usually have them as well. I'm excited to see the final numbers for the weekend because it's already massive let alone adding the rest of it.

  3. I have a session already booked for tomorrow in Imax but I've been reading about all the awesome things that happened and I want to see it again so I just bought a ticket for 90 minutes from now. It's at the crappy theatre I usually avoid but I gotta see it again and all the decent seats for the better local cinemas are gone (if the session isn't completely sold out already) so I'll just have to suck it up.

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  4. 34 minutes ago, DeeCee said:

    This is the front right hand corner for the 7:30 session at Event George St in the 806 seat theatre. Use your imagination for the other 3 quarters. 



    I'm seeing similar stuff here of shit selling out, besides the really late night sessions they've only recently added, but I'm sure they'll be popular too once people realise earlier sessions are sold out. ANZAC tomorrow so you can stay up late! The 1AM Imax session is now just under 90% full too.

  5. I'm extremely interested to see how Endgame does here because holy shit, I'm looking at the showings for tonight and they're sold out/almost sold out across the board, and in some smaller towns/cities I'm looking at on Reading they have all sessions sold out for tonight and tomorrow. Between school holidays and a lot of people taking this whole week off due to only three working days this is going to be a monster of an OW.

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  6. Looks like the Imax sessions for Endgame are selling well for opening day, and I noticed that they've just put up a 1AM session for Imax on Thursday morning, so it'll be interesting to see how that sells. It's ANZAC on that day so I suppose it's not out of the question it could do well since people don't have to go to work the next day. It's a pity the school holidays finish on the 28th and aren't a week later, but I guess that could help the OW on the Wednesday and Friday.

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  7. 1 hour ago, MyMovieCanBeatUpYourMovie said:

    Just anecdotally, from what I've seen online and that one survey that was commented on last weekend, the word of mouth is at least somewhat different between women and men on Captain Marvel (in general, obviously). 


    Could the ratio leaning more towards women over its second weekend mean something positive for its legs going foward?

    The wom is something I've noticed myself as well so I'll be interested to see if it makes any kind of difference in the following weeks.

  8. 18 minutes ago, DeeCee said:

    A lot of things could have happened between CM and GOTG.  The video I linked earlier suggested and interesting idea.  In GOTG Quill says that a Kree girl gave him one of his scars.  Could Peter Quill be in CM2 while he's still a Ravager?

    He'd have a lot more than a dinky scar like that if Carol gave it to him. Also, please no @ that idea in general.

    • Like 1
  9. 6 hours ago, Jamiem said:

    Hi I’m new here, I’m from New Zealand so just wanted to give a little update Captain Marvel seems to be doing alright. Gold Class (premium experience tickets are $35 NZD) is sold out or near sold out for both Albany and Queen Street on Event Cinemas website. Most of the other later shows already half full. It was full when I saw it on Wednesday but doesn’t seem to be as front loaded as Alita, although doesn’t seem to be a huge event like the Star Wars Episodic films or an Avengers film either. Be interesting to see what the weekend numbers will be. 

    Heh, nice edit. Welcome though, it's always nice to have another kiwi around here. I've been checking the Event site a bit over the day too and noticed it was doing well in Gold Class, so that was cool to see. IMAX has also been selling well, and the Grand at The Embassy, too, although I do wonder how much of that is due to Courtnay Place Reading now being closed like I was talking about above.


    It'll be good to see some numbers on Monday though, the showings I've been too have been popular and people seemed to have enjoyed themselves, so hopefully it does well in the long-term.

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  10. 15 minutes ago, Darth Lehnsherr said:

    Oh also thought the score was pretty good. Wished maybe there was a more recognizable "Captain Marvel theme" but it certainly wasn't as bland as alot of MCU scores can be. 

    You just reminded me to check for the score digitally and it's finally been made available on itunes. I've been holding out for it so I'm glad it's finally released. I really want to listen to it in isolation since I only really noticed it at the end during the final fight, particularly when she breaks free of the tendrils and then powers up for the first time, but I really liked it there.

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  11. I was just thinking about the fact that the Reading at Courtnay Place shut down due to earthquake damage and how that might affect the grosses in NZ in general? It's a pity it's shut since it was a nice theatre, I went there last year to see Black Panther while I was in Wellington. I'm sure some will just be pushed to other cinemas (like The Embassy just down the road) but some people just might not bother to see movies besides ones they're really looking forward to.

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  12. 9 hours ago, Yandereprime101189 said:

    And, how do they end up finding out he's an alien? 


    Chewie was my favorite character in the comics,, so yeah

    Talos is the one who first says Goose is a Flerken when he goes to Maria's house and the rest of them are all confused about it since he's scared of it, then it's confirmed by Starforce later when scanning the cat, and then we see the Flerken come out when it eats the Tesseract to keep it safe in the final battle.


    5 hours ago, DeeCee said:

    I think a lot of the jokes work better if you’ve experienced the 90’s. 

    Lol for sure. There was some knowing laughter again at my second showing during the CD downloading bit, and also when Carol uses the computer at the beginning. 1995 was a few years before I started using the internet myself but I could still identify with the slowness and low-techness of it all. Although pagers were never a thing anyone I knew used so they remain a bit of a mystery to me as to exactly how they work, but I did see them on tv a lot back then.


    Btw I realised I got the Talos reactions mixed up, he does the silent shaking of the head when Fury asks if the turbulence they're having going into space is normal, not the cat scratch reaction. Tbh I just need a lot more Talos, can they bring him back for CM2 pretty please?


    28 minutes ago, terrestrial said:

    So no one answered, DeeCee did some posts after this one and didn't say no.

    I think CM will be way earlier in Endgame than a lot seem to have assumed, acc the appearance of the characters, and bcs they are still evaluating the aftermath.

    If someone want to answer that, please do not forget the post about not Endgame, I do not want to start anything.

    As I really really love the character I like that, more potential screen-time or her, but am also seeing the potential of her going to places to look for, search for,.... her not getting more screen-time as I am hoping for. Not to take away, I am hoping for together scenes.... and a reunification with Fury, where he reacts/behaves in a way the other have not seen him be yet.

    I think she'll come into Endgame pretty early as well personally, although that's just an assumption based on the end credits scene of course. It does make me wonder how they got Fury's pager, I suppose it was just recovered since it was close to his vehicle when he dropped it. Fingers crossed she's in an early enough part of the movie to get into the second Endgame trailer because that'd be epic and might also give her film a boost as well. And her meeting up with Fury again would be awesome, she looked pretty worried when she showed up at the compound, but that could also be since half the universe had turned to ash. But seeing them reunited after their awesome relationship in this film and with how much Fury has changed in the meantime would be great to see for sure.

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  13. 1 minute ago, DeeCee said:

    The best part was Fury saying it's just scratch and then it cuts to Talos and he has this look on his face that screams, "no, it's not just a scratch".

    Lmao that's right, the camera cuts to him shaking his head all like dude you're so screwed. Man I'm glad Talos survived I hope we see him again.

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  14. 15 minutes ago, Valonqar said:

    gamora killing him wouldn't make sense cause she already did it and regretted it in the fake reality scenario. therefore, he should undo the soul stone sacrifice by taking her place in the soul realm and bringing her back. it's a wasted set up if they just do him in. even the ending proves he took it hard that he had to kill her. 'what did it cost?" "everything". that's the most interesting aspect of IW.

    Gamora's reaction to "killing" Thanos wasn't simple - part of it would've been sadness because he was someone she would've (might've?) loved since he did "raise" her, but he was also her abuser who turned her into a murderer and the person who killed half her people. People can love their abusers while hating them at the same time, emotions are complicated and very rarely straight-forward. I wouldn't say she regretted killing Thanos at all, but it still would've been painful even though she knew it had to be done.

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