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Posts posted by Gamora

  1. 6 hours ago, LouisianaArkansasGeorgia said:

    Gamora and/or Nebula should be instrumental in his defeat. Period.

    As a huge fan of Gamora (obvs) and Nebula, nothing would please me more than them both dealing him the killing blow together. But with Gamora dead(?) at least one of those is unlikely to happen, and while Nebula's got a chance since she's working with the Avengers I'm still not sure how closely involved she'll be in it. My personal dream scenario would for sure be them killing that evil purple fuck but I'm definitely going to keep my expectations in check with regard to that since the OG gang will take precedence as its their swan song.

  2. 24 minutes ago, DeeCee said:

    What do you mean?  Marvel the company?

    No, when Fury got the name "Avenger" from the side of her plane and renamed his initiative after it. Eta: or am I misunderstanding you lol. It's too damn late I'm going to bed.


    14 minutes ago, JGAR4LIFE said:

    God I hope not. It should be Steve or Tony or even Thor.

    Of course she's not going to defeat him, just having some fun. I seriously don't know why people are even remotely concerned about it, they're not going to have her lead the victory over Thanos in a million years.

    • Like 2
  3. 1 hour ago, Mulder said:

    Are the Skrulls purely good or is it more enemy of my enemy is my friend?

    They were good from what was shown in the film, they just wanted to get away from the Kree and find their own homes to live in. I really liked Talos, Mendelsohn was basically playing himself but that's not a bad thing 'cause he seems pretty awesome and his sense of humour fit in well with the MCU brand so he pulled it off well. But the Skrulls in general were painted in a good light and were firmly seen as victims so I thought that was cool. I avoided as much as I could about the movie beforehand so I hadn't read anything about them, but I liked how they went from the villains to the people Carol and Fury started helping.


    My brain is kinda mush right now but what's standing out is the music since it was basically a playlist of my favourite songs growing up. Them playing Just A Girl over her whooping her former team's asses might've been on the nose but that song is amazing and it great to watch so I really don't gaf. And her kicking that old lady's ass and the people on the train trying to stop her was hilarious, I love how they still tried to protect her even though you could see she was spry as fuck and giving as good as she got.


    I really loved how much Fury was obsessed with Goose because as a cat person I feel that. It does amuse me SLJ is meh about pets irl because he sure as hell played a cat-lover to perfection in this. And I liked how Goose knew who to fuck up but then didn't eat Talos when he was undercover as a Kree, that was a funny moment when she didn't eat them all but also a nice way to show that she knew it was someone who was on her side. I do think Fury losing his eye to Goose was the kind of fan service that grates but the laugh when Coulson brought in a selection of eyes to choose from to replace it made up for it, so I can't be too mad.


    And the end credits! It was so awesome to see the Avengers gang again and looking so sad with what's happened. I really didn't know if they'd show her alongside them but then it cut to her and I freaked out and the audience went nuts as well. We only see her for a few seconds but everyone was hyped and there was clapping after that part too (in addition to right after the movie ending), and I even joined in that time because YES. Carols' gonna fuck Thanos the fuck up motherfuckers!

    • Like 3
  4. 25 minutes ago, CoolEric258 said:

    That's true. IMDB has the US as one of the last countries to get the movie, as just about every other market will get the film in January or early February. Not exactly sure why, but I guess Universal knows what it's doing.

    Oh nice. It's a good time for us since the parents will be off work for the next 1-2 weeks as well so it'll make as much as it's gonna then.

    • Like 1
  5. I was looking on the local cinema site for upcoming releases and saw this on both the NZ and Aussie sites as being released here on 3rd January, is that correct? https://www.eventcinemas.co.nz/Movie/How-To-Train-Your-Dragon-The-Hidden-World


    If true it does make sense since the New Year period is the middle of summer school holidays but that's a lot earlier than I'd expect an "early" release.

  6. 3 hours ago, aabattery said:

    The MPDA of NZ has not uploaded any reports since the first week of August, and the BOM page for NZ has also not updated since then. Maybe Numero has an exclusivity thing with them or maybe they just got annoyed at me peeping on their data. Still, I miss my numbers.

    I was just looking at their site last week and wondering why they were so behind. I don't go there for recent figures so I couldn't remember if they always had that delay but I guess not. It does make me wonder about the reason behind it.



    • Like 1
  7. 16 hours ago, John Rambo said:

    Premier number or OD?

    It was a weird rollout here, they had a single IMAX early preview on Monday (that was 85% sold out when I last checked it. Also not sure if it was at any other chains since I didn't look), then they had previews everywhere again on Tuesday night, and then more on Wednesday night. So no full days afaik just three "previews" which will be what those numbers are. Will be interesting to see what it ends up with come Monday.

  8. 8 hours ago, aabattery said:

    Hidden in the actual MPDA report:


    6 ~ Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again Universal Pictures $186,294


    That's more than Ragnarok IIRC. Big weekend coming me thinks.

    All those sold out Chicks at the Flicks sessions. Will be interesting to see how it goes though.

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