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Joel M

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Everything posted by Joel M

  1. I was sceptical of this being extremely faithful and maybe pointless for fans of the game, but it's better than I hoped. I prob can recite the entire game from memory, so the expansive stuff is really what's selling it to me. Anna Torv for example makes Tess pop more than she did in the game just with a few moments of extra stuff. Otherwise it was a pretty good, the characters and setting are already well established, so here we go. I also don't get the bit so many people do about the spores getting retconed. Like it's fine, it's a TV show, you gotta watch peoples faces when they act. Game lore is not the holy bible, you can bend it. Don't be like Star Wars fans.
  2. Amazing movie and the whole cast was just incredible. McDonagh's best since In Bruges quite easily. I hope Colin wins for this.
  3. A little dissapointed by how tame this was. It's fine but nothing close to this years Malignant. Should have been funnier and probably R.
  4. I got out of video games around the same time and as a result never bought a PS3-Wii-360. Playing this and GTAV on a borrowed PS4 pulled me right back in. If you like this kind of story focused games it's possibly the best ever made.
  5. Finally saw it. Takes some time to take off but eventually it became absolutely amazing. I love the first one but this on first watch feels even better. The most surprising thing was the kinda smaller scale of the story but it was imo more focused and emotional than the first as result even if a bit shaggier. The visuals were just breathtaking, the underwater action stuff omg. The Abyss walked so this could run. I guess for some also the basic dialogue might be a ding against it but I really don't care because the movie worked completely. Like every other Cameron movie with basic dialogue.
  6. lol I did not see that second half of the trailer coming.
  7. Let's keep explaining why a perfectly fine performing Ticket to Paradise is on VOD so soon by listing all the bombs that were saved by VOD. No one would argue if early VOD was just for the bombs, but it's for everything. Even legit mainstream hits like Smile and Elvis got like a month a half in theatres. That's not normal.
  8. I get what you 're saying but kinda disagree. Cassian adventures are split in very defined 3 episode arcs but Deirdre, Syrinl, Mothma arcs move independently and their screentime varies wildly from episode to episode. Sometimes they get heavy focus, some times they get one scene. Same with Skaarsgard and his rebels that are the connective tissue between Cassian-Ferix-Coruscant/Empire through lines. Every episode even the most uneventful ones felt thematically coherent and full to me which is not the case with most "it's really an 8-hour movie" shows.
  9. Yeah but what if a film is doing fine in theatres and doesn't need saving? They could give it at least a full month to decline more naturally and still made the same VOD bucks.
  10. It was great all the way through. I disagree with all the Mon Mothma has too much screentime, this or that could be trimmed etc. For me the best thing about this show is that it actually feels like a TV show and not a supersized movie chopped up to pieces. Scenes and character moments play out, not everything is about moving the plot forward, there's flourishes that are just there to flesh out the world and don't have to be justified. Not everything is as gripping as the prison escape or the heist that are the big look at ma shit moments of the season but the season as a whole is better for it. And it's because of how meticulously they 're building up the rebellion from many angles that I'm a bit bummed about the only 2 seasons plan. I know the show isn't as succesful as the the other ones but I would still prefer them to keep this pace than speeding up to Rogue One by the end of next season.
  11. still sounds messy but the NY reaction seems more positive than split down the middle. Now we just need to find a way this doesn't megabomb at the boxoffice.
  12. And also did ok at the BO in the end despite the reviews. I'm pretty sure the twitter/viral gossip stuff helped market the movie and elevate its status, how much I dunno. But they helped.
  13. I get the obituaries about its box office prospects, but I 'm still hoping it could be a good or even great movie. I 've read only the start of the script and just by that I was pretty sure that this wouldn't be an across the board critic praised oscar juggernaut. It seems like it might be too bloated for some, too unnecassarily R or faux edgy for others but I'm still hyped even by the bad reactions. Doesn't feel like like another Amsterdam even if it flops at the bo just as bad. After Barry Jenkins Lion King 2 and Greta Gerwig's Netflix Narnia movie, maybe it's time for Chazelle's Ninja Turtles reboot.
  14. I used to think Rogue One was only half a great movie because they took it away from the director and reshot stuff. Without knowing who did what, I'm kinda flipped now into thinking that Gilroy did the best he could with Edwards paper thin characters.
  15. I feel at big part of it is by design. He's the audience surrogate and I think they 're playing a long game with his arc compared to everyone elses. Cassian lives through all this and slowly gets defined by what's happening to him and the others but the mini arcs are not about him. The heist was about Nemik and the others already true believers, the prison break was about Andy Serkis realization etc.
  16. 1.Barton Fink 2.Fargo 3.Inside Llewyn Davis 4.The Big Lebowski 5.O Brother where art thou 6.No Country for Old Men 7.Miller's Crossing 8.Raising Arizona 9.Ballad of Buster Scruggs 10.The Man who wasn't there 11.True Grit 12.Burn after Reading 13.The Hudsucker Proxy 14.Blood Simple 15.Intolerable Cruelty 16.A Serious Man 17.The Ladykillers Hail Ceasar is the only one I haven't seen and Tragedy of Macbeth shouldn't count.
  17. Sure maybe I was just too optimistic about its prospects because I'm a bit biased. I was pretty confident it will do ok financially until very recently. At some point I remembered that the highest grossing prestigy studio movie post-pandemic is still House of Gucci.
  18. Weird that the chose to open it on Friday. Most movies in that calendar configuration would either open on Wednesday to mitigate the Sat new year's eve drop or bypass it altogether and just open on Christmas Day. I'm not one of those cheering this to flop, but this last minute shift from limited to 25/12 to 23/12 seems a bit worrying. Not in the sense that the movie sucks, but Paramount must be really anxious how this will perform with a biggish budget and that runtime etc
  19. It's not just now, medieval epics were never really in vogue. Most of huge historical epics were either ancient sword-and-sandal movies or set in more contemporary historical times. Only medieval set movies I can think of in the last 50 years that were hits are Braveheart, Excalibur and Monty Python.
  20. Does this movie even exist? Are people gather in theatres to give Brendan Fraser a standing ovation in front of the one pic they have released so far? No trailer, no poster, absolutely nothing.
  21. You have intermission even in big multiplex theatres? In Greece we used to have intermission for even 90minute movies when there were mostly 1 or 2 screens theatres. After big theatre chains took over in the the early 00s, they didn't had intermission and a few years down the line the smaller theatres stopped doing intermissions too.
  22. That's a shame but there's already a second season planned that leads all the way to Rogue One events that I assume will happen anyway even if just for the good reception Andor is having right now. Doesn't seem in danger of not finishing its story. If you ask me I think they should do more than 2 seasons if the Disney overlords allow it. The story starts early enough in the Rebellion, that they could do many adventures and expand even more the cast of reccuring characters before Cassian has to join the Rogue One crew. #sixseasonsandamoviethatalreadyhappened
  23. Avatar's theatrical cut I think was 2 and half hours. I agree with @baumer about the runtime whining every time a movies is 2,5-3 hours. People gotta pee but if a movie is good, a movie is good. Maybe if they bring intermission back in a casual way for all longer movies people will stop complaining.
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