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Joel M

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Posts posted by Joel M

  1. 24 minutes ago, WittyUsername said:

    I’m not even talking about the Shia thing. That’s an entirely different can of worms. There just seemed to be plenty of tabloid news about her relationship with Styles that made it feel like it was the 1990s all over again. 


    I'm not following gossip that closely to really know but Styles is the kind of celebrity that would be on tabloids for real or made-up reasons every other week. So it makes sense their relationship would be heavily covered anyway.


    But I didn't get the sense that she was labeled "Cheater" or "House-ruinerer like it's the 90s. Like I said until a couple of a weeks ago I think she had a fair amount of good will both from the media and from the "movie/cinephile internet" that actually knows who she is.

  2. 1 hour ago, WittyUsername said:

    I mean, the media/tabloids seem to be destroying Wilde over her relationship with Styles, don’t they? 


    Not really. For months it has been mostly Styles stans doing a twitter crusade against her and some gossip about an alleged feud with Pugh that most people considered typical tabloid bullshit. But the general sentiment online I think was fairly positive for her until like a week ago. People def took her side when she was served with divorce papers on stage and called the whole thing a pretty low blow by Sudeikis.

    It wasn't until the Shia receipts came in and the Miss Flo video that the climate flipped on her. And it wasn't because of Harry Styles. She was caught with her pants down trying to use a casting change to score some girlboss points while badmouthing her lead on camera. That's it really. Sexism exists, women get criticized unfairly, Harry Styles fans are truly deranged but Wilde has only herself to blame for this mess.



    I also truly find this whole saga very entertaining, I don't even care about the movie anymore. Miss Flo arriving in Venice minutes after the press conferance is over? can't make up this shit.

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  3. On 8/3/2022 at 4:49 PM, jedijake said:

    Alice Looking Through the Looking Glass


    I mean, the TOTAL gross wasn't even 70% of the first one's OW !!!


    Maybe in strict numbers but how can you call that the biggest dissapointment when pretty much everyone expected it drop massively or outright flop at least a year or more before release. Depp and Burton in the 6 years between the 2 Alice movies went from biggest names in Hollywood to boxoffice poison.


    Prince Caspian is more like it. People expected that to be one of the big movies of that summer right up to the last minute.

  4. 9 hours ago, CaptNathanBrittles said:


    It might as well be an original though as the book has zero recognition/foothold in the west.


    yep it's silly treating movies that are based on relatively obscure material as based on brand as if the connection is helping them. A movie based on a thing most people never heard of? Same thing with Old last year not being an "original" hit technically.

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  5. 2 hours ago, vale9001 said:

    Anyways with Leo it would have made easily 5 times more. So he doesn't risk very much but he has a huge star power for sure. 


    I think there's a lot of hindsight in Leo hits of 2010-2015 era being thought of as safe because well they made a lot of money. But most of them were not at all safe bets, at least financially. Inception and maybe Django sure, but the others were kinda expected to flop or not break even pre-release. Gatsby and Shutter Island were tagged awards season rejects because they bowed out of December and then got mixed reviews. Revenant was all disaster buzz for months, people were sure it's gonna flop even while it was doing great in limited release. And even Wolf was not expected to hit especially after the word was out about how R-rated it really is.

    • Like 3
  6. 21 minutes ago, Maggie said:

    In Hollywood, you're as big as your last movie. If his next movie flops, then we'd be having different names in discussion. ANyway, TG2 is big, let's see how he performs in a non IP, sequel film. DICaprio manages to sell original movies. He's the bigest star we have right now



     That's faulty logic. Tom Cruise franchise movies are not the same as most popular IP. They 're relevant because he is still in them as the lead. If he wasn't no one would care. 

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  7. I'm lukwarm on the first one but If this musical talk is true, it's a very ballsy move that I'm 100% here for. It certainly is a more interesting take than a straight sequel to a story that doesn't really need any continuation. 


    I just have a hard time believing that Warner would let them take such a wild swing for a probable billion dollar hit. Until we confirm that this is gonna have multiple musical numbers or songs, I believe someone just heard the new script has one Gaga singing dream sequence and run with it.

  8. It was really good and so so satisfyingly crafted. While I don't think it's a masterpiece, it's one of those movies that is almost impossible to dislike. I also think it's smart they did the most to make it as apolitical as possible and they didn't went overboard with the nostalgia beats. Another huge win for Cruise and I would say an even bigger win for Kosinski. He has been on the cusp of becoming a major A-list director for a more than a decade and he's definately in after this. 

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  9. I think it's more WDAS picking up several Pixar traits than the other way around. WDAS pipeline of the last decade can be boiled down to either revamped rennaisance musicals or buddy comedies like Pixar. The only one that kinda stands in the middle between is Raya which is a bit of both. And most of those also play the no real villain/ third act twist villain card that has been a pretty common trope in Pixar since at least Toy Story 2.


    Pixar on the other hand, they 're pretty much the same. To the point that people now criticize them from time to time for the "Pixar formula" or whatever. I just think their image has been muddled by a couple of things. One thing is some rare original misfires like Good Dinosaur or dissapointments like (arguably) Brave and Onward. The other bigger thing is Disney making them legacyquel their early catalogue into oblivion. A Bug's life is the only pre merge Pixar that didn't get a sequel. So those things make them look less "special" compared to 12 years ago.


    I think since Tangled gave WDAS the boxoffice pull again they have a better batting average than Pixar. Most of their movies are good, some even really good and no real duds. Frozen 2 and Raya which are my least favorite they re not that bad. But they also make less and mostly original movies. Pixar has had some lower lows imo and for most of their sequels I can't remember a single thing about despite having seen them all, but their peaks are still clear of the best WDAS has to offer. Personally I would put Inside Out, Luca and Turning Red comfortably over any WDAS movie of the last decade.


  10. On 5/10/2022 at 2:57 PM, chasmmi said:

    46th -The Immigrant Song - Thor Ragnarok

    109 Points - 0 Top 5 Vote, 0 top 10


    Not going to lie, I love that this is here. 


    This song really felt like it was written for the scene, it worked so well. Ragnarok is a wonderful film that blessed us with wonderful things and this soundtrack was one of them. 



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