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Everything posted by Valonqar

  1. Any hope BR goes higher than that ridiculously low 16M projection? I don't want it to lose #3.
  2. I have to concede, Solo under 400M dom is shock of the century to be sure but a welcome one.
  3. Admit it, people, this is the most surprising run of 2018. It had everything stacked up against it. It defied all expectations and then some. My friend, you bow to no one.
  4. Venom is doing great cause it's fun, easy to follow for the uninitiated, isn't offensive to fans, it's rewatchable, and has awards-worthy performance of the year in its center. critics were wrong plain and simple. @Alli
  5. they need someone who dares to say No to her BS. If characters are bland (well, Newt and Tina are and they are leads so...) and story is confusing mess that even fans have problem following and retconning is of the worst kind, than someone should straighten her out.
  6. Movies that are walk-up driven won't have good preview numbers, so we have to wait for Friday number to gauge the weekend. @Alli More like bad wigs strike again!
  7. Tom and Daisy did reshoots in Montreal end of October, beginning of November. For 2-3 weeks. But nothing can save that turd.
  8. well, when your tentpole is gonna have a turkey OW, you do what you gotta do to inflate it. Venom didn't need such tricks.
  9. should be very profitable considering the budget that was smartly used for TH salary and Venom SFX.
  10. AWIT is the biggest fudge in history of fudging. And it was such a tough fudge. they tried and tried and tried and tried.
  11. Oh, I agree with that completely. Look what happened to SW for banking too much on nostalgia instead of moving forward. FB had a chance to be more for GA than just for fans, and it blew it.
  12. @SMmadrid90 Oh I agree. OS is the key though it seems that it's losing steam in Asia.
  13. BR and ASIB will have higher dom totals than FB when all is said and done. Solo can breathe easier, finally a movie that will make less. @RealLyre Previews make it look like he has a lot of screen time yet OW is decreasing. So his screen time has nothing to do with it. It may have to do with legs when the word gets out but most people don't know that he isn't prominent yet.
  14. 60M is quite a drop from the first movie's 74M and especially bad because they brought in Dumbledore to boost the boxoffice. Most people here expected FB2 to go up thanks to his return. It was later when trailer came out and buzz was barely detectable that they started to think it may go down from FB. And now fandom reaction sealed the deal. RT Audience Score is shit for a movie with built-in fandom made for fans. It isn't TLJ bad (yet) but it points at mixed WOM.
  15. Depp is a non-factor as already pointed out. The factor are bland characters from the previous movie as well as that movies don't know what they want to be, lighthearted standalones about different kind of beasts or a sprawling Good vs Evil epic that builds up across several movies. This will be WB's POTC. Dom drop but steady or increased OS.
  16. started earlier in less competitive season, awards buzz to extend legs. still BR is insane beast. those OS numbers are
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