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Posts posted by JB33

  1. 3 minutes ago, aabattery said:


    Personally, I don't think it's fair to brush a small but still significant minority of people as mere anomalies. They're real people with real experiences and real lives and should be recognised as such rather than pigeon holed into our current binary. I think the great thing about science is that it isn't a static thing; we can look at the evidence and existence of these fringe cases and expand our terminology and understanding to make room for them.


    But I will say that it's hard to change the paradigm, and it can be hard to accept new things when they go against what we previously understood. It's true of almost every science I think; from my own field, (geology) there's a great example of it in the first proponent of the theory of plate tectonics, Alfred Wegener. Won't go into to much detail but when he first suggested it, the response was uniformly hostile. Guy was ridiculed for years, all the way up to his death in 1930. People were still denying it up into the 1960's. But the ball got rolling, and as people actually looked into it they found a lot of the ideas were supported by some pretty strong lines of evidence. These days we can even measure how fast the plates are moving, which is a far cry from the prior belief that they just stood still forever.

    That's really interesting, and you present a valid point re: pigeon holing any minority. I don't think transgender people are anything less than people, beautiful and unique as I said. What I struggle with is actually going as far as calling yourself the opposite sex of what you were at birth. You nailed it when you gave your example about Alfred Wegener and plate tectonics. It's a fundamental change in my reality that's just not computing with me right now.


    I feel like if we can tackle outright discrimination to the point where transgender people can feel safe and secure in society - which is absolutely a fundamental right of ALL human beings - then we can afford a little time for others to actually come to grips with the concept. Again, as long as they're not discriminating or harming anyone in any way. If you look on the other side of the coin, we're talking about something that IS a reality for transgender people, but it's not for everyone else. It's actually a very difficult thing to comprehend and for those people it's not fair to be vilified.


    As I say in regards to the current police situation and racism: condemn the culprits, the guilty. Don't condemn everyone.

  2. 2 minutes ago, RealLyre said:


    so your creator allows people to be born with disabilities & terminal diseases on purpose because he can? sounds like a cruel god to me that doesn't want people to be equal but he still wants to judge us "equally" for things that are out of our control




    I think all people are made unique and beautiful - such as men with feminine qualities and personality and vice versa - but I think we also have a system used to distinguish sex that has worked since the dawn of humanity and there's no reason to abandon it just because of a tiny, tiny fraction of people who represent an abnormality in science.


    In other words, I have no issue with people expressing themselves, but that doesn't mean that we should be using anomalies in science to go "actually a man CAN be a woman if they've always felt like it", even if the science is there that points to them being more feminine in nature. They're still men. I believe that our knowledge as human beings is always evolving, yes, but that with certain things we're getting too arrogant thinking we're above nature. I find it repulsive that someone would actually change their anatomy to that of the opposite sex. That's screwing with nature, the same way climate alarmists say we're screwing with nature.

  3. 1 hour ago, Blaze Heatnix said:

    Yeah, someone said The Conjuring 3 would have to get a whole month of reshoots, but I don't know if it's even happening. If so, perhaps this is what's going to delay the movie to next year ( if that's confirmed btw ).


    It seems Malignant also didn't test well, but I don't know anything about reshoots. 

    Bah that sucks. Waa very much looking forward to it (Conjuring 3 that is).


    However, if that's true then why hasn't WB moved it yet, of all films? You'd think if they have thay much worth of reshoots to do it would have been one of the first and most obvious to be moved but they haven't touched it.

    • Like 1
  4. @Lordmandeep There's another issue at play here...


    I won't speak for you but conservative Canadians are a little sensitive right now to say the least when you take into account the current liberal government. Among many other things, when you've got a PM - someone who is the polar opposite of Donald Trump on the political and social spectrum but very much the same kind of politician - admitting he admires "China's basic dictatorship" or lecturing white Canadians about how racist they are (with no facts or figures to back it up), yeah, we're going to be a little crabby.


    I'm sick and tired of the social chasm that is developing because of progressives who claim they're doing good but are just causing more division. It's absolutely a political tool too, but that's a different discussion.

  5. 23 minutes ago, aabattery said:


    There is a world of difference between gender identity and identifying as an animal or plant or whatever. Evolution wise, we split from plants over 1.5 billion years ago. To use your dog example from the other day, we have been evolving apart from them for an odd ~60ish million years. I guess there could be an interesting debate about species identity if other hominids were still walking around with us, but as it stands there is only ones species on this planet that we can currently procreate with. The difference between that is uncomprehendingly immense in comparison to the differences between biological sexes.


    The basic interpretation of biological sex is the whole XY and XX chromosome thing, but like all things in biology (and science in general) it is often more complicated than the binary we get taught in primary school, as the (objective) existence of intersex people can demonstrate. And even that can seem simple in comparison to how complex the workings of our brains are. I won't pretend to be an expert on the exact science of transgenderism and what not, but if someone who is in all ways biologically male can develop a uterus (this is a real thing that I mentioned the other day, Persistent Müllerian duct syndrome, look it up), is it not possible that someone who would appear to be biologically female could end up with a 'male' brain? Like I said, not an expert but I have enough familiarity with the field to recognise that that shit is COMPLICATED.


    I know it's hard to comprehend, but if you actually listen to the words and experiences of transgender people, I think you might find a little bit of empathy and understanding of their position.

    I've read about the science of it and, admittedly, I found it a little difficult to understand (I'm not scientifically inclined in the slightest) but I pretty much got the gist of it. Thing is, there are a lot of anomalies in science. I look at it as the exception to the rule, rather than the rule. In a general sense, nature (or our creator, if you're inclined that way like me) doesnt make mistakes. If you're born with a penis, you're male. If you're born with a vagina, you're female. If your personality leans more to the opposite sex, then okay. Fine. Great! You're still what you're born as, though.

  6. 9 minutes ago, filmlover said:

    If Scarlett Johansson can declare herself part tree and go on to get two Oscar nominations in the same year, I'm sure you'll be ok identifying yourself as part banana.

    She said she should be able to play a tree if she wanted to. I dont believe she was talking about actually identifying as one.

  7. 9 minutes ago, Webslinger said:

    Nailed it.


    The thing about all these complaints about “cancel culture” is that to many of us who are part of or invested in a marginalized community in one way or another, this isn’t a game or some lively debate where opinions exist in a vacuum. We’re not being whiny for shits and giggles. We’re not “silencing” opponents because our precious widdle feelings are hurt. We’re pushing back because we have seen firsthand that negative sentiments about these groups often lead to very real harm for those groups. Take the trans topic for instance: someone may think it’s reasonable to proclaim that they don’t believe in their validity or that a person in a position of power should face no consequences for using their platform to knowingly and purposely condemn them on the basis of their identity, but it’s that kind of sentiment that - when applied on a societal level - opens the door for something like the Trump administration moving to strip away civil rights protections in health care for the trans community. I literally spent an hour on the phone yesterday trying to calm down a trans friend who is (rightfully) terrified of what this will mean if her life is ever in the hands of a doctor who can refuse to treat her on the grounds of “deeply-held beliefs” and get away with it. She’s in a position where she can’t necessarily trust people to see her as a human rather than as an entity they despise on principle, and she can’t trust the law to defend her when this administration is instead pushing to defend people who believe they should be able to discriminate against her with impunity; you can’t possibly expect her to just say “well, I guess we’ll agree to disagree” when it’s her existence, not her opinion, that is in danger.

    I saw the idea of a “level playing field” being bandied about in an earlier post in this thread, but the reality is that someone who has the privilege of being able to regard human rights as a matter of opinion rather than a matter of survival isn’t playing on the same field, nor the same ballpark, nor even the same sport as the people they’re vilifying for calling them out.

    Let me ask you something, and I'm being serious just so you know.


    If I felt for a long time I identified as something not human, would I be entitled to 100% acceptance? I'm trying to wrap my head around this. I mean, we apparently share more than 50% of our DNA with a banana - it's true, look it up - so it seems that one could just as easily identify as an animal as someone of the opposite sex.

  8. 5 minutes ago, filmlover said:

    And you are fine to have your opinions (though broadcasting them if they might hurt others, especially those who have been mistreated throughout history, might not be the best choice). But you're arguing for tolerance towards intolerance. That just isn't the way, man. If it were Charlottesville 2017 would've been A-OK with everyone. Roseanne Barr would still have a career and her show (which was one of the highest rated scripted shows in years and was cancelled after her racist tweet led to everyone dropping out) if that were the case.

    We could go on but we won't. All I'll say, whether it matters to you or not, is I have mad respect for you that you're willing to engage respectfully while also standing strongly by your beliefs. Thank you.


    As for you @grim22, people like you aren't worth one iota of my time (which is saying something because I have a lot of it at the moment). You've got to do better than that.

  9. 21 minutes ago, filmlover said:

    The "cancel everyone" crowd has little bearing on the real world tbh. The issue people have with is that you seem to have no problem belittling the existence of, say, trans people, whether intentional or not. They aren't any less human than you and should be treated as such. That also applies to other minorities.


    And yes, those kinds of views are moving in the direction of becoming outdated thanks to the rise of minorities in places like the entertainment industry, like previous bigoted views have become (but are unfortunately not extinct, as you can see with the fight to end systemic racism going on in this country right now). That's why we call it "progress." Think there weren't people who got all pouty once slavery became abolished because they couldn't own black people anymore in the 1860s (a view that obviously no one would dare share today)? Guess again.

    Of course, I've never suggested they were less human or anything like that. I simply said I don't like or believe in the concept. I've also never gone out of my way to belittle (I know you did acknowledge that it may not be intentional, which I appreciate because it's not) or persecute them in any way. I respect their right to dress however they want or identify as whatever so my personal views on the subject have no bearing. If it's not good enough because my lack of belief hurts their feelings, there's not much more I can do.


    A lot of you don't believe in God. I do (though I'm not religious). Should I complain that I'm being persecuted as a believer? No, you do you and I'll do me. It should be that simple but it's not. The right obviously has an ugly history of prejudice of all sorts and the left is also guilty. The intolerance is out of control. That's why so many people love President Trump when few would otherwise associate with such an ugly person. He exemplifies a willingness to fight back against the radical left culture, which is needed right now. Too many conservatives are bullied into silence (which relates to what I said about the many PM's with other forum users who discuss these things in private).


    We've all got to find a middle ground here. The harmony won't come by force feeding people. You'll just get opposition, such as whatever forces conspired to put Donald Trump in one of the highest offices in the world, if not the highest.

  10. 50 minutes ago, filmlover said:

    tbh most people get annoyed that you seem to stick up for wildly outdated social views and attitudes in an attempt to "stick it to the dems," not for voicing your opinion. It just makes people want to whip out the "ain't you tired, Miss Hilly?" gif if it weren't for the fact The Help is considered a #cancelled movie these days.

    Outdated according to who?


    Also, dont you think people get tired of the opposite as well? Every day there is something new to cancel, something new to boycott, some new victim to rally around, some new thing to be offended by. This shit goes both ways, that's what y'all don't seem to realize.


    Anyway, whatever. 'Twas a great tweet and I thought I'd share it, like anyone else here does. 

    • Thanks 1
  11. 3 hours ago, Eric Atreides said:

    The people who built our world built it off of genocide and environmental destruction. The people who built our world are cruelly racist, attacked gay people on the idea of God, and raped and pillage land and women. Why should I give a fuck about the world they built and their feelings?


    BTW your schtick is old as fuck now. Nobody finds it funny or interesting. Get some new material mah boi

    The thing is, it's not schtick or material. It's me commenting on political and social stuff just like a lot of other people here. Or does it not count when it's the other side?


    Of course I won't name names, but I've spoken with several people over private messaging who have the same voice but feel they can't use it here. I feel like if I continue being a completely unabashed voice for conservatism maybe people will come out of their shell a bit and we can finally level the playing field here. I'm not going to stop, and nor should I. I'm not breaking any rules and despite my disagreements with others I am decent and respectful to everyone.


    Oh, and I'm yearning to discuss box office again and drop all this. I miss that.

  12. 9 hours ago, Lordmandeep said:



    Morons on Twitter



    It starts with them, yes, but the establishment is pandering to them 100%. Look at the autonomous zone in Seattle while the mayor and governor look on, even enabling it. 


    That's just one example.

  13. 1 hour ago, RealLyre said:

    this is so weird..  why is Spike Lee apologizing for something he never did?


    his earlier words was about how he supports Woody and that he's his "friend" implying he believes his innocence and that he shouldn't be cancelled like what ScarJo said last year.


    so he never once said that he believes in the crimes that Allen is accused of.


    so his apology tweet doesn't even make sense, and he didn't even mention anyone by name lol. and it does not denounce his support of Woody Allen 



    Pressure from the radical left establishment. 


    You're right, it's absolutely asinine.

  14. 52 minutes ago, Spidey Freak said:

    What's WB's July obsession when August worked just as well for them with Suicide Squad and Crazy Rich Asians? Is it a Nolan thing post-Interstellar?

    It was a Nolan thing before Interstellar.


    The Dark Knight - July 18, 2008

    Inception - July 16, 2010

    The Dark Knight Rises - July 20, 2012

    Dunkirk - July 21, 2017

    Tenet - July 17, 2020 (planned release date)


    Almost always the 3rd weekend in July. The exceptions are his films pre-TDK (presumably because he wasnt the big name director he was after TDK who could have "his date") and Interstellar. 

  15. 1 hour ago, RealLyre said:

    I swear I thought GvK was moved to next year? is it still slated for Nov?

    Just saw Adam Wingard post on Instagram that GvK is coming May 2021. Either that's not sticking or Matrix 4 is moving from that date.


    To echo lots of others here: What a mess.


    Nevermind - just saw the release date change for Matrix 4. There ya go.

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