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Everything posted by JB33

  1. Luke is the common theme when it comes to analyzing what went wrong with the trilogy, that's for sure. Just a complete disregard and disrespect for one of the greatest characters in pop culture. It should have been a glorious return for the classic trio, but especially Jedi Master Luke Skywalker. The thing is, it's not like it was that difficult either. Take any Star Wars fan with decent storytelling ability and they would have been able to come up with a much better sequel trilogy arc for Luke than what we got. Could you freaking imagine if WB did a Harry Potter sequel saga decades from now and did the same thing to Harry? This isn't rocket science!
  2. This seems like it may have been a passion project for many involved so I can see some of them being particularly upset with the reviews.
  3. How the hell is this movie still hanging around? It placed 12th for the weekend with $481,485 in only 227 theatres.
  4. Thing is, TLJ's second Sunday was Christmas Eve, so it still had Christmas Day, Boxing Day and a good chunk of the holiday in general left. TROS's 2nd Sunday will be the 29th so it will have already used up its most lucrative days.
  5. Behaving exactly like Anchorman 2 as well on Sunday, and if Charlie's Monday estimate ends up correct then the Monday drop would be exactly on par as well (-26.6% for Anchorman 2). Thing is, Anchorman dropped a massive 51.1% on Eve Tuesday. I'm guessing a franchise fantasy film like Star Wars or Hobbit performs better on Christmas Eve than a comedy.
  6. I think it'll actually drop even more than that, then jump huge on Christmas Day. I expect Christmas Eve to go under $20M. What say you @Jedi Jat?
  7. Could it be that the main thing Star Wars lost was the "must see on opening weekend" status? I mean, if this does leg it out to 550-575 that is an extremely strong performance. given the opening.
  8. It's a shame. The light-saber leads the way.
  9. The dailies have been super strong and it's getting a massive expansion for an A24 film (approx. 2,500 theatres per BOP, according to @WrathOfHan). I think it will break out, yes.
  10. I think TROS got caught in the perfect storm of the fallout of TLJ/Solo and the decline in or totally non-existent interest in Star Wars post-TFA worldwide. I don't think it's just one or the other.
  11. That, and MCU films, like the comics they're based on, are made for more frequent chapters. This is one of the many reasons I consider MCU films almost an entirely different medium at this point. They don't play by the rules that most other film franchises do. When you read comics, you don't just read 1, maybe 2 a year. You buy the latest issue every month or whatever. That's the beauty of MCU films, the audience is consuming them almost exactly like they would the comics themselves. It just works. The MCU is also meticulously planned, and parts of the grand plan are sort of shared with audiences ahead of time so there's a built-in investment. People aren't going "Ugh, another Marvel movie?" because they know each and every instalment has value in the form of telling the audience the next chapter, or issue, in the overall huge story. Star Wars movies, even if they follow a story arc as well are more of a classic movie event in and of themselves. They may be leading to something, but not for long (so far they're either presented in trilogies or individual spin-offs). There has to be a degree of freshness and novelty to them.
  12. Yeah it's shaping up to be a pretty big weekend all around. One could say that was expected, but I would have expected the wealth to be less spread around, with the TROS numbers being way bigger and everything else being smaller. If TROS was going to massively underperform I'm thrilled the box office dollars went to the other films, rather than people just not showing up to cinemas.
  13. I foresee a Knives Out sequel definitely coming Thanksgiving 2021 or 2022. Maybe not a direct sequel but another Benoit Blanc mystery.
  14. Thanks, don't know how I missed that on their Twitter feed. And wow! That's a massive expansion! Good for Sandler, the Safdie brothers and A24.
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