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Posts posted by TwoMisfits

  1. On 5/23/2017 at 9:11 AM, TwoMisfits said:


    So, same time update...mall theater decided to add 2 full theaters for Thursday night Pirates, but not yet for the rest of the weekend...so there's that...

    Wed Baywatch (same showings) - 2 sold regular, 17 sold Dolby - up only 2 seats from yesterday - yes, this is gonna likely be my 1st big blown call of the summer...still going to see it and enjoy it!

    Thurs Pirates (now 9 showings - 2 3d Imax, 3 3d - odd b/c sales suck in this format, and 4 regular) - 61 sold Imax 3d, 0 sold 3d, 41 sold regular - up 24 seats from yesterday...


    These screens are 200-300 seat theaters for both movies - no small theaters picked for these two...


    So, the mall theater for Baywatch still sucks, but it's weirdly 26 for Dolby and 2 for 2D (nothing sold for either 10pm showing)...so I thought folks might not be willing to brave horrible traffic to get there for 7pm and that may be why the Dolby is high (b/c it's 8pm)...


    So, I checked my local theaters presales and it's actually outselling the huge mall theater at both of them - 34 tickets sold over 2 showings in 105 seat theaters at one and 39 tickets sold over 2 showings at 125 seat theaters at the other...so it's still bad, but it's better than I thought when I was only checking the mall site:)...

    • Like 1
  2. 3 minutes ago, Lordmandeep said:

    I cant believe people will pay to watch this.


    This seems like a movie to play on netflix or streaming with a bunch of guys and girls while drinking and eating to see some sexy abs and breasts at home and not pay attention in the other parts of the film.


    Well, for a lot of folks, if you wanna do that without parents and/or kids around, you'd go to the theater...they have everything you want, and fans who want to do the same:)...

    • Like 2
  3. So, spouse doesn't follow movies and reviews/tracking at all.  I piped up at dinner tonight that our planned date night movie was getting reviews of just 13%.  His immediate reaction - "That's great!  Either this will be really good or we can watch this like MST3K - we can't lose!"  I think he's more psyched to see this than he was before...only an MST3K fan!:)

    • Like 3
  4. Just now, franfar said:

    I was never really confident in my 280m prediction, now I have deep ragrets


    I think I'll have more regrets...just on the other movie, although I guess $200M is not out of the question until the movies actually open...


    By the end of the weekend, I hope I have 1 out of 2 right...blowing both would be sad b/c I haven't blown a big movie since Lego Batman, which I also blew pretty handily...

    • Like 1
  5. 1 minute ago, keysersoze123 said:

    So what is a good preview prediction for Pirates and Baywatch. Baywatch I would say would be lucky to do 3m unless it has benefit of discount tuesday(to my knowledge discount tuesday should not be for OD movies).


    Pirates 3 had 17m previews 10 years back. Back then it was good old days when grosses before midnight were moved to thursday(it opened 7PM thursday) and grosses post midnight were part of friday. I just glanced at NYC and even loews lincoln sq imax is not even 40% sold out.

    I would say 6m.




    With the weird Wednesday night preview, Baywatch is gonna have crap previews...anything over $1M would be good in my book (and I don't think it will get there)...$3M would be a miracle making me think my Casino pick would actually have a really good shot:)...

    • Like 1
  6. 23 hours ago, TwoMisfits said:

    Mall theater

    Wed Baywatch

    2 screens - 4 showings, 2 dolby and 2 regular - 2 sold regular, 15 sold Dolby (think some of these are the $5 seats when any seat was $5) - up 7 seats since yesterday

    Thurs Pirates

    3 screens - 5 showings, 2 3d Imax, 1 3d, and 2 regular - 56 sold Imax 3d, 0 sold 3d, 22 sold regular - up 11 seats from yesterday


    I figure once reviews are all out, I'll update this tomorrow and/or Wednesday...


    So, same time update...mall theater decided to add 2 full theaters for Thursday night Pirates, but not yet for the rest of the weekend...so there's that...

    Wed Baywatch (same showings) - 2 sold regular, 17 sold Dolby - up only 2 seats from yesterday - yes, this is gonna likely be my 1st big blown call of the summer...still going to see it and enjoy it!

    Thurs Pirates (now 9 showings - 2 3d Imax, 3 3d - odd b/c sales suck in this format, and 4 regular) - 61 sold Imax 3d, 0 sold 3d, 41 sold regular - up 24 seats from yesterday...


    These screens are 200-300 seat theaters for both movies - no small theaters picked for these two...

  7. I'll take it...30 minutes of hilarity in a 2 hour movie is about the ratio the tv show gave me:)...


    Stupidly entertaining...for a while.

    May 23, 2017 | Full Review…
     Top Critic

    Has its share of hilarious moments but never fully commits to the absurd, and even the cleverest jokes get so many callbacks, they're beating a dead seahorse.

    May 23, 2017 | Rating: 2/4 | Full Review…
     Top Critic
  8. 14 minutes ago, grim22 said:

    A user was kind enough to provide us presale data, I won't post the actual data here, but here are the basics:


    Pirates 5 is about 20% higher than Alien:Covenant at the same point before release

    Baywatch is half of Bad Moms at the same point before release

    Wonder Woman is at 78% of Suicide Squad at the same point before release

    The Mummy has sold 900 tickets to date

    Captain Underpants is about 30% of Lego Batman


    In terms of pure numbers: Pirates + Baywatch + Mummy + Captain Underpants < Wonder Woman currently.


    Huh...so breaking this down...

    Bad Moms had that weird huge Thursday/Friday (which had special tickets or a corporate buy - can't remember) that indicated a high weekend, the weekend then was a kinda letdown, and then it rebounded all through the summer as word of mouth spread...so I have no idea if that's good or bad for Baywatch...but it probably means no huge number...

    Pirates 5 being 20% more than Aliens seems like a middling number for the 4 day is coming - nothing catastrophicly low like Alice 2, but nothing atmospheric either...

    WW's # seems to indicate that the low end OW numbers are out ($65M tracking) but sky high ones ($130M+) aren't looking great, either...

    CU is early and Mummy is earlier, so not much yet to glean, except nothing is a rock star out of the gate...


    And send thanks to our own Clark Kent...or I guess to be timely, our own Diana Prince!:)

  9. 10 minutes ago, That One Valerian said:


    Sure but Baywatch is hardly gonna attract anyone on Thursday.  Plus LoT opened on the high end of 38M.  If BW isn't on MT or Pulse by tomorrow then maybe we can start to worry a bit.


    I agree - Baywatch is not gonna do well Wed night/Thursday...not sure why they moved it, really, since their ads are still not all correct on the new opening date.  


    And on presales...Snatched weren't very good just 2 weeks ago and that movie kept going up through the weekend.  Mother's Day helped, but the Fandango early presales were awful (saying it had only sold more than Sisters which opened 18 months before to under $14M)...by %s, the movie made 33% more than presales indicated minimum...so for comedies, I don't think they are gonna be as accurate as fan-based franchises...



    • Like 1
  10. 8 minutes ago, franfar said:

    pro.boxoffice released their Long Range Forecasting a couple of days ago: http://pro.boxoffice.com/long-range-forecast-war-planet-apes/


    They gave Baywatch 109m DOM (1m lower than my Summer Game prediction), with 35m (3-day)/42m (4-day)

    POTC 212m DOM, with 68m (3-day)/84m (4-day)


    I still feel like the POTC weekend forecast is too low.

    Baywatch #s are right in line with my Summer Game prediction.



    Pirates seems to be the one movie where people are wildly all over the place for the opener (at least 50% or more difference between a lot of different posters)...should be a fun movie to watch...

  11. Mall theater

    Wed Baywatch

    2 screens - 4 showings, 2 dolby and 2 regular - 2 sold regular, 15 sold Dolby (think some of these are the $5 seats when any seat was $5) - up 7 seats since yesterday

    Thurs Pirates

    3 screens - 5 showings, 2 3d Imax, 1 3d, and 2 regular - 56 sold Imax 3d, 0 sold 3d, 22 sold regular - up 11 seats from yesterday


    I figure once reviews are all out, I'll update this tomorrow and/or Wednesday...

    • Like 1
  12. 11 minutes ago, filmlover said:

    I think he's being too high. ;) I honestly won't be surprised if it does low-$60M for the 4-day.


    I wasn't brave enough to go that low on my predictions this week, but that's what I thought back at the turn of this year and at the end of April (when I put this at #15 on my summer list), but there are a lot of folks on here that are now pumped for it and a high rotten tomatoes wanna see #, so I'm 2nd guessing myself a little in my own pick...since there are a lot of smart people on here:)...and I'm not always rational on over-sequeled movies...


    PS - If I'm honest, I saw it under $60M for the 4 day in the mid-to-high 50s (and hitting only around $100-$110M for the summer)...but again, not probably my most reasonable pick:)...but I did pick Aliens right, and this is another not-asked-for sequel like the Aliens one...

    • Like 1
  13. Just now, Valonqar said:


    Absolutely. One of the year's big surprises. Not on Get Out level of surprise but surprise in its own right. I daresay Beauty's OS is even more stunning cause those markets aren't big on musicals (unless an animation).


    Umm, how little did you think B&TB would make before the year?  I thought many people were on the $400M+ train, so it's not hugely surprising it went a little higher...


    Now, Get Out (and Split) or Uni-uber-cheap-horror - those are the stunners of the year so far in a good way...

  14. 56 minutes ago, drdungbeetle said:

    Quality can not be extrapolated from BO, especially when EVERY comedy is bombing. I hated 21 Jump Street but it still did well and came out in a time when some comedies still "worked" at the box office. Now none are. Most likely "regular" comedy is not appointment viewing when tickets cost 10 bucks and you can entertain yourself with better comedies made decades ago readily available on streaming.


    Comedy had a down year last year, only if you limit what comedy is...Deadpool and Sausage Party were both atypical, but 100% comedies.  Bad Moms also soared.  All 3 were R rated, so Baywatch is in good company this year.  The culture sometimes currently struggles to know when they can laugh and when they can't, so that's probably been limiting to comedy BO lately, but I think the right comedy (like the 3 I listed last year) can still explode...I hope that's lifeguards meet crazy criminals in over-the-top nostalgic zaniness...but if it's not, I'm pretty sure I'll enjoy it just b/c I might have watched Baywatch in syndication after school every weekday, and I took it as not seriously then as I'm planning to take this movie now:)...a comedy that gets the audience to lighten up is probably the one that's gonna hit huge BO numbers...

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