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Everything posted by Barnack

  1. I could be totally wrong and it is in good part on impression, but I am not sure it is that (or particularly fast) that actually money get into people bank account.
  2. A particularly young while being non family crowd, maybe ? https://www.thewrap.com/box-office-how-horror-films-conjuring-win-scaring-young-women-104901/
  3. 2 other options, Fantastic setting (really common in video game and movies). Again themselves like in Stealth and be about the disparation of the real pilot against drone and having real human needing to take them down because they got hacked by unknown force but hinting has Russian. In the first one they went with the fantastic world with a made up unclear country that represented in audience mind clearly the socialism block, it could similar now: The MiG-28 is a fictional aircraft, and according to Task & Purpose, the markings on the fighter, the geographical location of the aerial sequences, and early versions of the script, the villain is an "amorphous combination of three countries": the Soviet Union, China, and North Korea. The theme of exploring the end of the era of dogfigthing is almost certain to be the centerplace imo, it make full sense in today real world, the old pilot in Cruise and is much easier worldwide market selling wise
  4. Not sure that would be the reason, I could be wrong but more recent 4K tv (and content) tend to use wider color space-gamut format than older non 4K affair and would be responsible for the change in color (let alone HDR being well supported), and not due the resolution (I would imagine upscaled HDR 10 bits 1080p would pop has much on that 4K tv and vice versa on a 1080p that support 10 bit HDR 1000)
  5. In term of most hype before release, If the image of the Gone With the Wind premiere are real and not propaganda montage of different moments put together by marketing: it is a bit surrealist has well (a different time before television, when looking at boat leaving dock was an activity, so watching actor in cars was a nice evening considering). This could be Ultron level considering how much the market is starved for hype has well, there will not have been one of those Avengers-Star wars movie for a record amount of time since since the first Avengers when this release and none announced coming up ?
  6. First tracking for big movies can be months (even 12 month for the Marvel-star wars type stuff) too, pre-sales tend to be really close to release and a bit late to do anything with it (could be too close to change marketing strategy and plan the next trailers if they open say 12 days before release), you are almost more looking at sales than predicting them at that point.
  7. And the next and next next variant (apparently the Delta is good are staying the top because of how infectious it is so maybe it will be stable or not) I am not sure how someone brain even start to think about what a December 2021 floor is, the pandemic being such a possible X-factor who knows, Domestic to China. Or a mix of natural immunity and third booster shot for the elderly will have fix it by then and that Christmas will be a back to normal worldwide (in the rich world) official moment.
  8. They really depend on having a large enough of close enough (and recent enough) comparable with a good equation, from my understanding it is mostly a way to judge if your marketing dollars did move those metrics during the last week. By good equation, a family movie aiming a young kids for example will not look at the same variable at all in the same ways than a Dune will (it will maybe not even use the same one in their respective models). Obviously in the current environment it will not work has a predictive measure very much if at all (not sure what would be used to build the reference).
  9. Percentage of failure jump the lower the budget is usually (but you make larger slate to spread it), less pressure is less help from studio. If you look at say the 500-600 theatrical release of a pre-covid year, the percentage of failure in the lower 100 budget release was much higher than in the Top 100, let alone the giant mass of low budget movies that fail the goal of reaching theatrical. Imagine a 5M movie, acquired for $7M in a festival receiving a small Weinstein type marketing campaign of $20M, making that $27M back with lower theatrical rental than studios work is not necessarily easier at all than making your $200M movie with a $150m release work (specially in a non DVD. The small movie margin when it work can be giant and make the lower lost but more common on more title, but the percentage of time that it work I doubt would be bigger. But we were talking about the movie being good, and that the larger the budget usually the more chance the movie will be good (for a long list of reason that is not just having more resource but also the people getting involved are usually top one). It can give a different impression because we are conscious of 100% of the big budget movie and we will have all the failure in mind, when we will be conscious of 5% of the low budget one mostly the best, the same will be for foreign movies, one could think that the average foreign movies is much better than the average domestic one by the fact that virtually the only foreign movie that travels are the Top 1% foreign movie of a year.
  10. I think the question is when comparing equal talent-money being involved what percentage of them worked versus non-asian oriented movie did work, it is not like that majority of attempts for movies in general do not fail. Disney animation just did one well received with unknown to audience character (which is what most movies tend to be), Crazy Rich Asian before that was a lot of fun and a giant success, The Farewell and Minari very recently, less recent you have Life of Pi, it is easy to see it has ultra overated at the time, but Slumdog Millionaire first watch back when it released was a lot of fun (the energy that light digital camera can bring now is not something that would wow an audience like 13 year's ago)
  11. I think they kept thing close this time more or less, with rumors of Disney getting 25% of the profit instead of a 5% + producing fee. There is one big "sony" producer in Pascal and the writing team has a Sony heavy credit list on imdb (Jumanji-community-happy endings-Dr.Ken, etc...), so maybe there some collaborating going on.
  12. I thought it had maybe already been out (that those covid delay I imagine) and relooking at the trailers, there seem to be good money on the screen all around and impressive shooting on location going on. But something seem to not fully gel in those trailers, the plot: When a top-secret weapon falls into mercenary hands, wild card CIA agent Masonwill need to join forces with rival badass German agent Marie, former MI6 ally and cutting-edge computer specialist Khadijah, and skilled Colombian psychologist Graciela (Oscar® on a lethal, breakneck mission to retrieve it, Sound so generic that it feel like you either need a twist that make it special on the genre or directing that is not a Kinberg type to elevate it with the craft of filmmaking.
  13. Was SS mostly unknown before the movie ? Ghostbuster in comparison has a much stronger base that could have (maybe) sustained a blow if this one hit out of the park, Karate Kid, Star Wars, had many forgotten entry has a franchise, Jurassic Park, etc... The Matrix is an other candidate
  14. Not a bad comparable right there imo, opening wise, leg obviously could have been quite different (instead of terrible one like Ad Astra if the movie is well received it could have been a 19 OW 65-70M instead of 50M).
  15. The VFX lady was in the movie business since 2010 and a somewhat big deal in VFX since 2014-2015 according to her IMDB profile, the fact that she would leak trailer to such a low level and young blogger is even more puzzling: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm4379635/ It sound almost impossible, I would imagine she got her stuff stolen by someone else at some point or someone filmed the screen and leaked it and not her, it is almost certain. Why a long time veteran high level VFX person leak something to such people, hacked, letting stuff hang around without surveillance, etc.... And if it was a leak direct from the VFX person, it would be high quality not filmed (filming to not link you to the file could make sense in some case but not in the case your name appear in the filmed watermark) My guess she really unprofessionally showed the trailer to someone that secretly filmed it or something of the sort. And if it is something like that, no the source (the filmer that feed young bloggers) was not necessarily burned by the person posting it tiktok.
  16. I suspect their biggest cultural footprint are on associated with Netflix because they were the main distributor Domestic even if the movie is not from them, Cuties-The Platform. Something like Icarus could-should have had some form of lasting cultural footprint, Beast of no Nation, Da 5 blood, maybe they did, meme is not something your 2 popes movie streaming audience
  17. Most of the humors in themselve did work (collection of good lines in there) and most characters was not bad, but did not click has a whole at all for me, barely felt like a movie. Saying there is not stake would not even be a thing here and that would not have been issue if it went more pure comedy with it, but it did not. It did loose in the middle, where it feel like it stop, maybe Harley was too big and strong presence of a character to be in this assemble movie filled with just unknown, but her segment felt a bit like it was a different movie going on.
  18. "Call of Duty has continued to expand into an incredible universe of experiences. This was a creative choice that reflects how Vanguard represents the next major installment in the franchise” This sound past the non-answer era, now it is the not even actual attempt to hide the non-answer era.
  19. Eternals look like a tier A release for a new launch (only BP being clearly above), Shang Chi more the mid tier for them (casting, scope, budget, etc...)
  20. Not sure how likely that is with is giant list of "controversies", maybe you blocked him mentally, he made a name for himself by asking director still/footage of nude actress before movies release and other weird stories. If not lucky you.
  21. Everyone that was here 9 year's ago and still here now will know way more now than back then. Reading a 2012 message where disney animation is not on top need some mental work going back, Frozen was right at the corner and the Pixar acquisition/Lasseter use to reput Disney Animation had already happen the moment that message was written, it was just not fully known yet.
  22. I am worried about the lack of paragraph on a long essay. It is a bit fun to read old message like those:  If you seriously don't think that he had a board to answer to, then you don't know how corporations work. We did learn since then I feel like, for one many Star Wars movie where independent movie fully self financed (not only they have the previous success money but the merchandise deal for those are much higher than the production cost) after the first one and no someone financing a movie does not mean they get updated of what goes on. They were even rumors than marketing on the prequels was on LucasArt (but again it was probably mostly paid via the merchandising deal) http://www.cnn.com/SHOWBIZ/Movies/9905/31/lucas.indie/ https://web.archive.org/web/20210306035821/https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1998-apr-03-fi-35475-story.html One thing they probably don't think of is George Lucas' $115 million "Star Wars" prequel blockbuster, "The Phantom Menace." But indie film it is, perhaps the biggest and most expensive indie film ever made, completely financed and created outside the Hollywoodland studio system by Lucasfilm Ltd.
  23. Not according to is director I think: https://www.out.com/film/2021/6/22/luca-director-says-film-about-pre-romance-time-boys-lives I will have to see, but the fact people saw anything near that in Frozen make me thing that people wish to see it and project it. For example when you watch Top Gun you start to see things everywhere, at one point the female romantic lead wear a baseball cap, one can thing it is to masculinize her has an gay allegory, in reality that scene was made later during the reshoot and her hair had changed and that was a quick easy way thought for continuity.
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