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Premium George

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Everything posted by Premium George

  1. And he forgot about the gamble that was superman. Iron man is a great box office story but not among the greatest.
  2. Pandas- A post racial species who are both black and white. So important that china uses them for diplomatic relations. Eats bamboo, a easily available evergrowing grass. No one is more comfortable than them. And now I learn about civilization controlling giant pandas!!!!! Somebody think about red pandas too.
  3. I agree with you. Ofcourse this is not everybody opinion, but I wanted a full blown cap movie after winter soldier.
  4. Why so aggressive? He was just correcting you. That's true dceu is answer to mcu. And civil war and captain marvel are reaction to bvs and wonder woman. This competition has made both get off their asses. Very good.
  5. Last 35 years, only two directors have kept highest grossing movie Worldwide record. Steven and james. Steven with e.t. and jurassic park. James with titanic and avatar. Let's see who will be third. I hope not any franchise film.
  6. First rule of box office buzz and tracking is you don't ask who is deep wang.
  7. I just hope they don't go gotg 2 path with ant man & the wasp. Jokes in first one landed nicely, don't overdo it.
  8. People who have meltdown in this thread- Bkb- disappointed with ow of smh Kjsooner- somehow thought people are predicting bad legs for smh Raegr- can't handle other posters opinion that jl might not do $1 billion.
  9. You are trying to guess legs for a movie. To see whether it will be frontloaded or not, you see the initial rush. Now, tell me which will have more rush, gotg or smh. That's what baumer meant by smh not being original.
  10. Depends on perspective. Some will see smh as first mcu spidey movie while other as 6th spidey movie. Sequel or non-sequel? For me, close proximity to asm2 makes it a pseudo sequel type. But I still expect 2.7x to 2.9x.
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