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  1. WB paid 10 millions a director for a kids movie
  2. Yeah, that’s true. My bet is that we will see a Gadot/WW cameo in Flash and stop. Maybe around 2026/2027 a WW reboot or a TV show
  3. The first movie story was made by Heinberg, Zack Snyder and Jason Fuchs, this one by Jenkins and Johns...we can see the difference...
  4. She is the perfect actress for the role
  5. Good luck for find another job Patty, maybe she can return to some music video or TV episode
  6. She become arrogant, WTF they prefer Johns when she can work with Zack Snyder or Dave Callahan or Greg Rucka. I will be OK also with a WW reboot, as WW they need to cast someone like Gina Carano
  7. Hope WB and maybe also Disney fired Jenkins. Which female director can be a good choice for WW3? Deborah Chow or Bryce Dallas Howard?
  8. I'm surprised at the backlash at this point. It is a good movie, not good as the first one, but a lot better that Shazam and BoP and at the same level of Aquaman
  9. On Twitter there are a vast majority of positive reviews, is still trending topic like Pedro Pascal and Chris Pine so good or bad I think for HBO max is a success
  10. I have see the movie and it’s very very good, I don’t understand some critics
  11. It’s already trending on Twitter, I think this will be good for HBO max
  12. The last reviews is probably bad because they are angry with WB. I think WB need to reboot the franchise and I’m ok with this or end with a WW3 but without Jenkins, probably after the first one she become arrogant, give WW3 to Zack Snyder and a masterpiece for end the trilogy
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