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    Arlington, VA

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Box Office Gold

Box Office Gold (6/10)



  1. Just saw Glass. I don't expect a good cinema score and definitely expect a big 2nd weekend drop. Not saying its a bad movie but its just very...exhausting. I could sense half my audience was on the verge of sleeping.
  2. Kinda hard to determine which blockbuster this month is the perfect holiday family movie when all three releases, (MPR, AQ, BB), wear their hearts on their sleeves. Hell, even Spider-Verse wore its heart on its a sleeve. Its a very heartwarming time of the year.
  3. Whoever hired the actor to play teenage Arthur, should be fired. Holy hell, his dialogue delivery legitimately made me cringe.
  4. Went to see Aquaman today. Visually astounding. Action scenes were amazing. Wan is a master of his craft. Script needed another look at though. Dialogue was abysmal at times. But a fun movie. Saw it in IMAX. Theater was really full and out of the theaters I usually go to, I never expect this one to have sellouts.
  5. Third A? I didn't know any other DCEU movie besides WW had achieved that. I always thought the others only got to B+.
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