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Titan Man

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Everything posted by Titan Man

  1. Lol, I'll never forget the image of an escalator, and just a metre away, two regular steps. Like, who designed that... 😂😂
  2. Ooof, I've been following the development for a few years, it really is a disaster, lol. Well, the reconstructed palace of Berlin looks spectacular, at least from the outside. A true masterpiece of Baroque architecture and 21st century craftsmanship.
  3. Jesus Christ, lol, American stadiums hurt my eyes and soul, it's so funny to me how they shit out, like, a gazillion dollars on a massive bunker/warehouse, compared to European stadiums which are much more elegant, yet cheaper.
  4. Well, you can be an activist in one field and not give a shit about other things. I think the same outrage would be reserved for other people who are not J.K. As I said, I'm not a big fan of her politics, but she has a right to voice her opinion without getting harassed online for it.
  5. Where have you read the word "irrelevant" in my post? I specifically wrote the opposite, I said it was multilayered and complicated. Why are people feeling obliged to write an opinion about something they didn't even bother reading? It's not that long of a post, give it another try, you'll get there... I guess it's just easier for you to spin the story and call me transphobic or whatever without addressing the substance of my post.
  6. Lol, have people gone completely insane these days? WB is not cancelling a major franchise for their studio and firing their golden goose over a Twitter mob's daily harassment of someone they disagree with. You can disagree with a person without having a need to burn them and their work out of existence, you know? And I don't think what she said is such an unpopular opinion among the general public. I have issues with Rowling, but it concerns her support of conservative economic policies over the last couple of years even though she, when she was at her rock bottom, benefited from many social programs the Tories are trying to cut. I don't care about her opinion on a multilayered topic for which there is no correct or scientific answer. I would understand the outrage if she was offensive or deeply disrespectful, but she really wasn't. People should just grow up and understand that there are people with different opinions and just move on with their lives without burning books...
  7. Sooooo, where are the apologies from people who were screaming how the Snyder Cut will never see the light of day because of a million different reasons? The forum has been pretty silent about this. Damn, did WB make us look like idiots...
  8. Why would they send one of their most popular and financially successful franchises to die? They brought Kloves back, they'll fight tooth and nail for this one to be a success.
  9. I'm okay with Dumbledore having a significant role in the franchise, but at least give us some new locations. It would be interesting to see Ilvermorny, explore more of Europe and America, I guess this time they're going to Rio, we'll see how that turns out, but don't just blatantly use old locations to give us nostalgia tingles, I have the original Harry Potter movies for that. When it comes to WB, yeah, I really don't understand how incapable they are at creating their own cash cows. DCEU alone has the potential to be the biggest franchise in the world, yet they mess up every other movie. Wizarding World can be turned into another giant, FB should've been their next flagship series, add some streaming shows to that, and you have a decade of secured profit.
  10. I for one don't mind the ideas behind CoG, the problem is that it was incredibly rushed and badly set up. Queenie's choice didn't make any sense, Credence being a Dumbledore doesn't make any sense, killing the most interesting and complex new character didn't make any sense. It was all just rushing from one event to another without having the proper time to establish any of them, which is sad, as there were some really well-made scenes and moments, and acting was really top-notch, as well as cinematography. I just don't get why did J.K rush things so much when there are 3 more films presumably in the works, that should've been enough to tell a complex and an interesting story. The idea of exploring the war between Dumbledore and Grindelwald is what attracted me to this franchise, not some magic animal hunting. In the end, WB's inability to tell J.K. she sucks at writing screenplays is what killed this movie, and I'm afraid to see it moving on with her still at the top. She should've written these as novels and then let someone else adapt them for screen.
  11. Has anyone watched enough of Jordan Peterson to explain to me what's the whole issue about him? I'm a leftist, and I've seen a couple of videos of him, although not nearly enough to form a legitimate opinion about him. In those that I've watched he seemed quite arrogant and yelled "Marxism" at everything, but I didn't get an impression of a hugely problematic person. What are some of the issues you have with him?
  12. Heck, people are already starting to lose their minds. I think we'll have to find a balance between having a normal life and social distancing, it will be hard, but we'll have to do it eventually.
  13. Wow, I've been gone for three months and we're still talking about Portuguese TV?
  14. Wow, I thought this whole Avatar obsession was just trolling, now I'm concerned...
  15. I assume I'm one of those who are overreacting, but I actually haven't said anything about GA caring or not, everyone's probably going to see it because, you know, Marvel. My stance about this movie is that it's a wasted opportunity for the swan song that it's supposed to be, especially since the emotional toll of Widow losing her life for everyone in Endgame was virtually nonexistent. That's why I'll die mad, lol, 'cause I really loved the character and they really did her dirty, and now everything about this movie screams mediocre and redundant, without consequences and without progress, and after Endgame, that's really the last thing the MCU needs.
  16. But the last movie was so much better than the book, excluding getting rid of the Elder Wand, I hated that, lol. The final act of the seventh book was really a cringe-fest of convenient plot developments. And if they even consider making The Cursed Child into a movie, I'll never watch anything related to HP, lol. CC was the worst fan-fiction piece of shit there ever was, I was hoping J.K. would quietly exclude it from the canon, but I guess she seems to have lost the compass regarding this franchise.
  17. Justin Trudeau is not a leftist, he's a neoliberal poster boy for the white woke elite. By that I mean those people that like to think of themselves as progressive, but their progressiveness is exclusively social, not economic. That's why you see so many celebrities and rich people endorsing Kamala or Buttigieg, horrible, horrible candidates whose campaigns are mostly a word salad of such terms like equality, something something race, sexuality and civility, while they remain centrist/slightly conservative about every single economic issue, where the biggest problems are. That's why the upper-class white folks like them, they make themselves feel better by supporting "progressive" candidates that won't actually change the USA into a more equal society, so they still get to keep their power and privilege, but hey, at least they can say they support LGBTQ rights. Same goes for Justin Trudeau, he likes to shit all over the TV how much he "<3" the environment, but doesn't have a problem with pipelines and what not. That's why I'm annoyed when I read comments on FB posts of HuffPost or NYT, those people like to think of themselves as better and more informed than the conservatives, but they're as ignorant as the other side when they drool over Trudeau, Macron or Obama. The worst comment was of a man who was so enamored with an image of Buttigieg, Macron and Trudeau speaking and working together on a summit, my brain just exploded and broke my laptop. The whole country is wildly uninformed about pretty much everything. So, to conclude this wild rant, #Bernie2020!
  18. Of course (although I would question that with the last two seasons), but Netflix has to come to a point where they value quality over quantity. I mean, of course you'll keep the show that's pulling millions of viewers, but since new streaming sites are popping up like crazy, they also need to make themselves distinctive and focus more on keeping people who want good TV, and apart from HBO, they're the main player in that field, but the latest cancellation of many good shows is making me skeptical if they understand what their main role is. People who like 13 Reasons Why shouldn't and won't be Netflix's main demographic group.
  19. Oh yeah, FFH exists... Maybe everyone is overreacting, but I still thinks it's a cheap move, no matter how long his appearance is.
  20. Tony Stark is dead, Endgame made a really good job of making us care about it, so seeing him return in literally the next movie is a cheap move, even if it makes sense in-universe. Also, Black Widow finally gets her own movie (the fact that it's a prequel that doesn't affect her personality in any way in the future doesn't help), and they're shoving the most popular character in to help boost the box office. It made sense with Spider-Man and Thor Ragnarok, but it doesn't here. Also, you're all just lying to yourselves if you think Disney won't show off RDJ's face in the marketing in some form. They'll make sure we know he's in the movie.
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