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Darth Lehnsherr

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Everything posted by Darth Lehnsherr

  1. Happy to report that was worth the wait! Phase 4 I've enjoyed but so far on average it hasn't been on the level of Phase 3. Shang Chi is the first Phase 4 project to rival the quality of Phase 3. Just a fantastic movie with the best supporting cast since Black Panther and the best action since Winter Soldier. Even the 3rd Act mostly works for me (c'mon it's a fantasy movie there's gonna be CGI). Hopefully we get a sequel sooner rather than later. Now let me enjoy this for a week before the demise of the MCU starts next week with Eternals.
  2. I mean it's just amazing how much Pixar continues to push the envelope for CGI. I think this does around $1 Billion not only it's off the Toy Story brand but it'll appeal to the action crowd as well like Incredibles. I actually think it's one of the smarter spinoff ideas.
  3. Hope animated movies can eventually go back to pre-COVID numbers but not expecting any big numbers until Lightyear next year
  4. Exactly and fair enough especially those who have jumped off the MCU train. Btw I don't think this is the main reason why Eternals is getting the reviews it is but I'm just saying the sentiment is definitely around much more now than say 2019 when Endgame came out.
  5. Only a couple of users but I think most people here will understand Eternals will easily open above Shang Chi unless we see the presales take a nose dive. I do also think there is a bit of anti-MCU sentiment going around (at least in Film Twitter) which look all opinions are subjective but a bit odd considering Shang Chi literally saved NA Cinemas in the backhalf of this year. Let's just be reasonable and admit it's getting more mixed reviews than your average MCU Film while also acknowledge it is still mostly positive.
  6. Eh I'm not convinced 10 years ago Dune would have done much better than it is now (now of course a $35M OW 10 years ago would have more attendance). I just think the property is a hard sell plus you add a pandemic and HBO Max it's doing alright honestly.
  7. I think to make things easier for people who only saw Ahsoka in the Mandalorian the show will jump straight forward from that episode with her Thrawn search. I do hope though we get inklings of what she was doing after she escaped the WBW to now (and it does depend on whether that Rebels epilogue takes place pre or post-Mandalorian S2). I wouldn't want Vader to appear mainly because I don't think a second appearance will say or do much for the relationship with Ahsoka that wasn't already done with Twilight of the Apprentice which agreed one of the best Star Wars moments onscreen ever. I'm already wary of Vader meeting Obi-Wan in the Kenobi show.
  8. Either way I'm going to cry if this is either post-ROTJ where Anakin appears as a Force Ghost or if it's TCW flashbacks
  9. WB's simultaneous HBO Max release strategy helped cinemas during the height of the pandemic in the first half of this year. Ultimately though for the 2nd half of this year cinemas needed theatrical only releases to prove it was viable and that's where Disney does deserve credit with Shang-Chi pretty much convincing other studios not to abandon 2021 with their theatrical only releases.
  10. You can argue the same thing with John Carter of Mars as well (ironically why it was so hard to get a film made)
  11. What's so dumb about that response is that WB could be 100% true about Ruby Rose being problematic but it still doesn't refute any of the allegations Ruby actually made.
  12. Rogue One's reputation at least among fans has gotten better overtime especially with the divisiveness of the subsequent Star Wars films.
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