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Darth Lehnsherr

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Everything posted by Darth Lehnsherr

  1. Halloween is when you get people dressed in costumes designed to scare so oddly it does fit Batman very well.
  2. Guess this is partially so it doesn't clash with Book of Boba Fett when it debuts in late December which gotta say kinda funny how it they just managed to have that show just managed to squeeze in December to meet the promise KK made last year on Disney Investor Day.
  3. I mentioned this in the Eternals thread gonna be odd when cinemas open in Metro Melbourne to have both Shang Chi and Eternals debut on Nov 5 (assuming that is still the plan by the Vic Gov).
  4. This thread has saved many a meltdown or well at least lowered how large a meltdown would be on Weekend Threads thanks to all the great work everyone here does.
  5. Will Poulter has done some great things but I still think of him as that kid in the third Narnia movie
  6. A franchise that needs restarting is that JJ Abrams music I hear?
  7. Anyone miss video game tie ins to movies. Trying to think when was the last big one before studios stopped having them made.
  8. It's gonna be a weird situation in my area where cinemas are scheduled to open around Nov 5 which they have been closed since August so we're gonna technically have Shang-Chi and Eternals debut at the same time.
  9. The next Bond iteration needs to also have a consistent gap between releases as well. Ideally 2 or 3 years. I think the Craig era was hindered a bit by the large gaps between instalments. But I also get the counter arguments it may hurt the quality of the films. Oh I really like Tomorrow Never Dies as well. I mean the villain is pretty on point for today
  10. And also the "superhero movie" has more or less encompassed every type of genre that is viable for big tentpole films.
  11. The amount of Disney+ content Marvel has in develop is insane but then I'm reminded alot of them will be limited shows so that's fine. Even the thought of catching up seems a bit much but then I'm reminded most of these shows won't even have more than 10 episodes a season so catching up actually isn't that hard even compared to one network show
  12. Actually curious who else thinks Indy is going sub $300M cause I have it definitely going over $300M but a decent amount of people would agree with you
  13. Yeah I'm hoping for $250M DOM for MI7 which is solely off the strength of Fallout Flash is shaping up to be a Civil War type crossover in the DCEU with Keaton's Batman so $300M should be possible but The Marvels may hurt it. No idea why they haven't moved Aquaman 2 yet.
  14. We are also technically getting new franchises as well it's just in the age of the Cinematic Universe they are connected. It's why though I am excited for them I am a tad bummed after Eternals the next 7 MCU films are all sequels.
  15. Maybe if studios were able to crack the video game movie curse in the past couple of years things would look different but now it seems video game adaptions are moving to TV instead.
  16. Well non franchise content still has the ability to capture the cultural conversation but it's mostly TV these days such as what's happening with Squid Game. Obviously studios are now looking to expand their IP into TV so even that may change soon. But I don't think NTTD's performance changes the conversation in any way.
  17. It would be interesting if we had a newer big budgeted spy movie franchise to compare but because Bond has defined the spy movie so much and how on point and insane the Mission Impossible films have been in the last 10 years I can imagine it's hard to come up with something unique. If The Gray Man was theatrical would be very curious how the demographics would have broken down.
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