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Darth Lehnsherr

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Everything posted by Darth Lehnsherr

  1. Yep Marvel has so many sub franchises going on that they almost need at least 4 spots per year to keep them coming. I don't think they'll want to wait more than 4 years for sequels. With Disney+ though alot of the potential new heroes that may have been candidates for new movies have been taken up now so will be interesting to see which is the next hero to get a first standalone film (not counting reboots like Blade, F4 or X-Men).
  2. Yeah I can imagine this film starting off similar to the first one lulling the audience to expect the same plot beats only to veer off into something completely different or subversive. Totally be on board for that. My only question if this is supposed to be a jumping off point for a new series of films or more of a one off film.
  3. Will be interesting to see how much PVOD sales will be affected with WDAS and Pixar films now that they are probably going straight to Disney+ after 30-45 days of release. I don't see Disney changing this strategy even once the pandemic subsides. We also haven't really seen how that would affect those films legs considering animated films tend to rely more on long legs compared to the more fanboy driven films.
  4. If Tobey and Andrew are in this then I'd be impressed by Sony's restraint if they weren't in the 2nd trailer but by Sony's track record they'll probably be all over the poster and 2nd trailer.
  5. Yeah it gave TFA vibes both in good and bad ways. But it's a trailer that should get the GA hyped. Can't imagine the actual film being like that though.
  6. That was pretty fun. I really like having these different mix of characters that don't happen in the movies
  7. Reloaded I can understand why many people defend that film but Revolutions is where it lost it for me
  8. Episode 4 is definitely the best one so far but I'll probably find myself rewatching Episode 3 for that sweet Phase 1 nostalgia and how much I love when events take place co-currently in media. Wanna see Marvel do that again especially with the Disney+ shows being a factor.
  9. If Marvel does want to aim for 5 movies a year then they can lock up this September area as another slot. Can see eventually Feb/March, May, July, September and November as the slots for their releases.
  10. We unfortunately probably won't know how high it could potentially do DOM with the HBO Max day and date release.
  11. I'll be honest after I wrote it I realised it was your sig and not just a message. Which made more sense why it was popping up everywhere lol
  12. Well this is not the topic I expected for this weekend. A bit bitter-sweet that this will be the first MCU film since GOTG that I will not see on OW and one as special as Shang Chi being the first Asian centric film.
  13. QoS might have been the first Bond movie I ever watched weirdly enough.
  14. https://www.disney.com.au/movies/shang-chi-and-the-legend-of-the-ten-rings Shang Chi is being moved to September 16 in NSW, VIC and ACT with the two biggest states currently in hard lockdown.
  15. You'd probably need Tobey in a major role for this film and the marketing for this film to really want to reach the Raimi era heights. I think that's also a problem I have is that if it's going to be a mulitiverse movie then go all in on it having Tobey and Andrew Garfield in major supporting roles as opposed to cameos.
  16. Peter's decision will probably work better in the film if the first act focuses on the toll it is taking on his friends and family which is much harder for him to deflect or handle as opposed to Tony Stark. I just dislike the idea of the wish being an excuse to have this be a multiverse movie.
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