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Darth Lehnsherr

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Everything posted by Darth Lehnsherr

  1. The EDITH sub-plot is definitely my biggest issue with FFH but overall definitely felt like it was a step up from Homecoming in every department. I do feel while I enjoy the Spidey films very much there's still some untapped potential with Holland's Spider-Man. Hopefully they get a different creative team after this one (if the deal is renewed).
  2. I see the term "Mando-verse" becoming really popular in the same way as the Arrowverse was for the DC CW shows. My one fear is I really hope Favreau and Filoni aren't spread too thin by the amount of shows they are doing now. Unlike the Arrowverse the good thing is that most of the new shows are limited series (it seems).
  3. I've watched it about three times now and I enjoy it a bit more (the plot mechanics I've got a good grasp on now) but yeah emotionally it still falls a bit flat.
  4. There wasn't any indication from when I watched it would. The way Feige was talking about Blade it seems like a long way off still.
  5. I feel anyways why many people on the internet are pushing for streaming only is it'll be easier to pirate.
  6. I will say I feel slightly bad for Rebels seeing the animation quality go from S7 of TCW and Bad Batch to Rebels which was good animation quality for Disney XD standards but makes me wish a little bit that it got a Disney+ budget.
  7. You raise some good points 1. I imagine Hayden will primarily appear as Anakin via flashbacks or visions Obi-Wan will have during the series. If he ends up being the physical actor for Vader they'll use James Earl Jones' voice like they did at the end of ROTS 2. This was the most intriguing part of the announcement. I am a little bit a opposed to the idea that Vader and Obi-Wan actually met between III and IV but there is leeway as Vader never said their previous encounter was on Mustafar. They would just have to be very careful about doing it cause judging by the dialogue Vader has in A New Hope Obi-Wan technically should win the fight I feel.
  8. One thing the show seems to be tackling is how the Republic transformed to the Empire which is something we haven't really seen in visual media (haven't read the Vader comics but I assume they address it there). Even in Fallen Order which is only 5 or so years after ROTS the iconography of the Empire is well established.
  9. No matter the situation in the US I think by next year the Overseas box office will be robust enough for this film to be massive.
  10. Must admit not a fan of this being a Spider-Verse type movie. Definitely think there's more chances of this going wrong than right. Still though will be a huge hit in Dec should be the first $1 Billion film since COVID I reckon.
  11. It is frustrating that as a prequel defender as well you'd think many of those fans would know what it's like for people to constantly crap on something you enjoy and love only for many of them to do the same with the sequels. I have my many issues with the sequels but at the end of the day there are better things to do than constantly crap on something that many people enjoy.
  12. If people sign up for HBO Max because of this they're not gonna be happy if things go back to normal in 2022. If this works there's no reason for AT&T to go back.
  13. Disney+ has already far exceeded Disney's expectations unlike HBO Max which AT&T seems to sacrifice everything for atm. Everyone complains about Disney's dominance but would be funny if they remained more committed to theatrical releases because of that.
  14. WB were one of the last studios to have a decent mix of tentpole franchise films with original films. To see them be the first to double down on releasing films thought streaming is disappointing to say the least. AT&T clearly is doing everything it can to make HBO Max a success at the cost of everything else.
  15. It would be a slight retcon if the epilogue of Rebels took place after this episode but if it works for the story then cool.
  16. As much as I liked Rosario Dawson's performance and I think Filoni will only continue to get better at live action I still really hope any Rebels sequel is animated and Ashley Eckstein gets to reprise the role.
  17. The good thing now is we have no idea what's in store for the rest of the season as all the "cameo" appearances rumoured have been done and all marketing footage was from the first 4 episodes.
  18. Dang was waiting for the inevitable comic or novel with his backstory
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