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Darth Lehnsherr

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Everything posted by Darth Lehnsherr

  1. I know they've talked about a trilogy and not sure if Robert Pattinson would commit to many films but they have an opportunity here to really flesh out the world of Gotham with the Bat Family and of course the large number of rogues with multiple films and tv shows.
  2. The whole firing of James Gunn was an elaborate scheme by Feige to get Gunn to infiltrate DC.
  3. Th 2020 box office is the box office gods' retaliation for Aladdin defying their Memorial Day sacrifice.
  4. I'm just gonna assume they drop the Mando Season 2 trailer the day the show comes out at this rate 😄 I'm still wondering if they're gonna show Ahsoka in the trailer.
  5. I'm just super glad we get to see Affleck one more time as Batman. He has had a couple of rough years so if anything it's good news for him that he considers being Batman again not detrimental to himself. Curious B.O wise how people perceive this film now if the Batman presence is massive like in Civil War with Iron Man or just in the background like Honecoming.
  6. Delaying Black Widow isn't impacting the rest of the MCU if the other films can't resume filming properly.
  7. They can only delay Black Widow for so long and after Mulan I don't consider any Disney movie 100% not going to Disney+. Still many more candidates before they even think about Black Widow though.
  8. Illumination cranking hit after hit is a box office disappointment to me.... But in all seriousness definitely as mentioned Kung-Fu Panda and HTTYD failing to take flight as much as what Shrek did in the 2000s was disappointing. Illumination moving ahead of Dreamworks as the major competition to the Disney and Pixar dominance in the animation market.
  9. Movies: Went a bit on a Spielberg rewatch this week Close Encounters of a Third Kind (rewatch): Hadn't watched this one in years so I'd forgotten essentially the entire movie which made the last 30 mins all the more awe inspiring. 9.5/10 Raiders of the Lost Ark (rewatch): BOT's Number 1 Film 10/10 Sherlock Holmes (rewatch): Ok this one was just a random rewatch but like Close Encounters I'd completely forgotten what happened in this movie. Not a particularly big fan of Guy Ritchie but as far as Sherlock adaptions are concerned this was pretty good. 7/10 E.T the Extra-Terrestrial (rewatch): 9/10 TV Shows: Agents of SHIELD Season 7: Solid if unspectacular final season but the finale was superb how the weaved together the events of this season and Season 6 (really Season 6 and Season 7 is just one big season) and very happy with where the characters ended their journeys. Another show I say goodbye to in 2020 and with Arrow and Clone Wars also ending this year it feels like the closing of the shows that were a major part of my high school life years ago. 7.5/10 for Season 7 The Office Season 7: While it's not been increasing in quality I must say haven't noticed a huge drop as of yet. My Hero Academia Season 1: Been wanting to start this show for a long time and the first 4 episodes were very solid.
  10. Toy Story 3 was the first film I ever took notice of box office and what introduced me to Box Office Mojo. Followed Box Office Mojo as a site for many years and as I became a bigger fan of franchises like the MCU and the return of Star Wars I started paying way more attention to what money the films made on the website. 2016 I had finally created a Reddit account so follow r/boxoffice for a good year until May 2017 where I really wanted to know the results of GOTG Vol 2 early so found this forum.
  11. I've started to miss the cinema experience so much I'm even missing the Telstra ads that play right before to turn your phones off
  12. Watched the first episode of My Hero Academia. Intrigued enough to continue.
  13. Ah man just realised this clashes with my work schedule. But hopefully when I'm on leave and this keeps going I can join.
  14. Just realised never updated with February movies so.... January 1 Jojo Rabbit 11 1917 19 Little Women 23 Bad Boys For Life Feburary 15 Birds of Prey 21 Sonic the Hedgehog
  15. Community is my favourite comedy of all time. Got me through some lonely times when I watched it.
  16. Movies: This was a pretty good week I reckon Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol (rewatch): Still as fun as ever with this being the film that elevated the Mission Impossible films to being must see films. Brad Bird making a seemless transition to live action (though listening to Behind the Scenes stories the production was messy at times). Wish I saw this in IMAX 8.5/10 Palm Springs: Didn't like this as much as the reception online it seems but still really enjoyable twist on a concept down billions of times before. Hadn't taken note of much of Andy Samberg's work until I started watching BB99 and since went back and looked at his SNL and Lonely Island work and now a fan. Cristin Milioti needs to be in more films too. 7/10 Rear Window: Okay so finally decided this week to introduce myself to some Hitchcock films and it was definitely the best decision I've made in a long time. How could you not fall in love with Grace Kelly from the moment she is introduced in the film? Brilliant film considering the setting and relentlessly entertaining and intriguing. Somewhat appropriate with the current quarantine arrangements too. Can very much relate to the boredom Jimmy Stewart's character was facing 9/10 Vertigo: I'll be honest while I found the film interesting and intriguing it wasn't quite grabbing me the way I hoped considering its reputation. But then once the movie makes it clear what is happening it becomes more disturbing and haunting towards the end. Definitely will need to give it a rewatch. 9/10 North by Northwest: It's like this film was made just for me. Spy/thriller with various twists and turns and people who have to improvise their way out time and time again. One thing with Hitchcock is that it's amazing when you see how these films influenced genres and future filmmakers and North by Northwest is no exception. 10/10 Psycho: I feel really lucky knowing practically nothing about this film so when it basically reveals what it's about I got that full effect. Not much of a fan of the genre the film is in but it won me over easily. 10/10 The Birds: Definitely my least favourite of the Hitchcock films I saw this week but still got some good enjoyment out of it though this is one film where the effects did take me out of it at times. 6.5/10 Ratatoullie (rewatch): Always a toss up between The Incredibles and this one as the best Pixar film. schaffirllas Productions did a pretty good video on why Ratatoullie is Pixar's Magnus Opus though it is an hour long. 9.5/10 TV Shows: Umbrella Academy Season 2: I enjoyed this season the way people supposedly enjoyed Season 1. Mostly really happy with how the character progressed this season. Interesting hook for S3. Ben and Five were my favourites for S2.
  17. Movies: The Invisible Man: Really well done with Elisabeth Moss' performance carrying this movie and the tension and anxiety comes accross really well. 7.5/10 La La Land (rewatch): Hadn't watched this since it came out back in 2016 but still holds up as a fantastic film though I did notice this time how the songs pretty much stop halfway through the film. 8.5/10 Extraction: This concept was done better with films like John Wick and The Raid but nevertheless as an action fan thoroughly enjoyed Chris Hemsworth beating up nameless goons. Can see why it got the mixed reception it did. 6.5/10
  18. I think everyone would want Tenet to succeed but people here are just being realistic about the current situation.
  19. Sad Clone Wars didn't get any noms but Mando deserves all the tech noms. Best Drama is a bit of a surprise though.
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