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Darth Lehnsherr

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Everything posted by Darth Lehnsherr

  1. Movies: HTTYD: 9/10 Probably the best Dreamworks movie other than Prince of Egypt and Shrek 2 HTTYD 2: 8/10 Very good sequel with some issues regarding the villain HTTYD 3: 8/10 Same as above with a weaker plot but the ending makes up for it Edge of Tomorrow: 8.5/10 Though sad we probably won't get a sequel I don't really feel the need for it. TV: The Boys: 8/10 Not sure the concept of "superheroes are actually terrible" can be done that much better than this show. Not really a story I'm all that interested in unlike most people I suspect but execution wise it's great. Can't wait for Season 2.
  2. I still think Flashpoint as a concept is too big for a introduction movie for Flash but Spider-Verse handled Miles' story well despite the craziness of that movie so maybe it'll work here. Just my gut feeling is that the Flash now seems to be the least interesting part of this film.
  3. Season 1 is rough but towards the end you can see the potential in the show. Season 2 is where it really takes off.
  4. TV Shows: What We Do In the Shadows Season 2 - I enjoyed Season 1 quite a bit but Season 2 was a big step up in quality. Definitely one of the best comedies out there at the moment. The season finale was superb and sets up some very intruging questions for Season 3. Sad to hear Jermaine Clement won't be that involved in writers room for next season. Agents of SHIELD Season 7 - Another pretty good episode and some nice connections to Agent Carter. Star Wars Rebels Season 3 - Finished rewatching the finale of Sesaon 3 and forgot how much of a beating the rebels took. Can't wait for Season 4 which from memory was my favourite season. Arrested Development Season 2 - Still on the early part of Season 2 but on rewatch gravitating much more to Maeby as my favourite character on the show. Enjoyed the dynamic whenever she is paired up with Michael. The Office Season 3 - Yeah I can now see why everyone loves this show. Dwight has really grown on me these past couple of episodes. Movies: Finding Nemo: 9/10 Yeah this will always remain one of my favourite Pixar movies. One of those movies that's firmly ingrained in my childhood memories. Finding Dory: 7.5/10 On rewatch this is actually a pretty worthy companion piece to Nemo though does fall a bit apart by the 3rd Act (and certainly does require a way bigger suspension of disbelief).
  5. Harry Potter is supposed to be a guarantee cash cow though along with the DC Films. I think make the third but end it there and plan for the inevitable Harry Potter sequel. Or start something else completely disconnected with the main storyline in Harry Potter.
  6. Nearly done with Season 2 of The Office and enjoying it much more now than when I first started. On Season 3 of my rewatch of Star Wars Rebels and honestly I feel people who complain about the quality of the animation only watched the first season cause the animation is pretty damn good now. Finished Season 1 of my rewatch of Arrested Development and it was as funny as I remembered. By the end of this month I plan to have watched the first seasons of Umbrella Academy and The Boys. Currently the only shows I'm following that are ongoing are Agents of SHIELD and What We Do In The Shadows.
  7. Wonder if this franchise will ever go the Star Wars route and cut ties with its creator. Though I have little knowledge to how the film rights work and whether WB could ever make a Harry Potter 9 without JK Rowling.
  8. Nice that voters patted themselves on the back with Green Book though.
  9. Clone Wars makes the prequel trilogy especially ROTS that much more worth it. I agree while I enjoyed both TFA and TLJ unfortunately TROS sours the trilogy as a whole for me. One of those cases of something lesser than the sum of its parts.
  10. Like Mission Impossible III. Star Trek and The Force Awakens are all good competent films I just rather see someone else get the chance to do something more special with a Superman movie. Especially with how the latter two franchises ended up (Mission Impossible got fortunate with Bird and now McQuarrie steering the ship).
  11. Agents of SHIELD had a pretty solid premiere for its final season. Though the show probably peaked around Season 4 it's still nice to see the show back.
  12. Baby steps to get another Superman movie but I'll take anything at this point. Might be also more a scheduling thing with Cavill now too.
  13. They should especially if Sabine doesn't take off her helmet when she's onscreen. But I think she could pull of the live action version even when having to actually see her (a shame that really the only one who can't atm is Ashley Eckstein).
  14. Concerns about overloading this season with familiar faces are valid. But at the same time I feel there's a justification for each of these characters appearing except maybe Rex. Ultimately just about execution as always. Plus should hopefully address some of the criticisms of S1 being a bit meandering in the middle episodes. Essentially this show is following the template Rebels did with S1 being self contained and then the show connected with the wider universe later. Rebels never lost focus on the main cast so I believe the same will happen here.
  15. I thought it was slightly better than S2 but yeah debating whether it's worth coming back for S4.
  16. Low key cause those of the films I grew up with I have nostalgia for all of them except Chicken Little. I think Brother Bear may have been the first movie I ever watched in cinemas. Yeah same here you can slowly start to see the signs of the new regime at WDAS taking shape with Meet the Robinsons.
  17. Started The Office (US) Season 1. Thought the Pilot and the second episode was just "alright" but everyone has told me that it gets better so will stick by it. Started my rewatch of Star Wars; Rebels and so far enjoying S1's tone more than I remember from my last watch.
  18. I never thought of the duel in TPM the way Filoni described but I have to rewatch it again from that point of view cause that 8 min speech he get blew my mind. That speech is all you need to show people why Filoni gets what Star Wars is. I also figured they eventually wouldn't resist putting Boba Fett in the show when we've had virtually nothing about him in the new canon since the EU got wiped out. My hope is by having Ahsoka (and potentially Rex it seems) in the show for a bit it'll expose more people to the greatness of The Clone Wars and Rebels.
  19. Actually really looking forward to rewatching Rebels now with the added context of S7. Definitely certain moments will play a bit differently now.
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