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Everything posted by Zakiyyah6

  1. The only stanning I see are people who think a blockbuster getting a 3.0 multiplier is easy just because Wonder Woman did it. Not saying it's impossible for Spidey to get one again but as I've stated before, I won't be the one predicting that. Very few would be predicting a 3.0+ multiplier for Spidey if Wonder Woman hadn't been so leggy.
  2. WB aren't rushing another DC movie because that could easily turn into another horribly reviewed mess. And as much as hardcore DCEU fanboys pretend they don't WB does care about the receptions of the DC movies. They know they have to do better now, it's just going to be Aquaman in 2018.
  3. I'm predicting 120mil opening for Homecoming. Which is 10 mil down from my original prediction.
  4. But all those sequels have one thing in common. Not only were they fourth or fifth movies in franchises, they brought nothing new to the table in those particular franchises and more importantly the lackluster to horrible reviews told people before they opened that they weren't worth the money. War could very well be another Star Trek Beyond but I somehow doubt it. I could be totally wrong but I see it doing 195mil at least. Kind of like with the last Mission Impossible movie did, it made a little less but nothing horrible.
  5. People said that the Mummy was going to hurt Wonder Woman, then Cars 3, then Transformers, then Despicable Me 3 and yet it keeps chugging along and it hasn't been killed yet. Obviously because of similar demographics Spider-Man is going to be its biggest challenge yet but I'm not going to count WW out yet. We'll see what happens this weekend. still don't know if I see it getting 400mil but I think it'll get close.
  6. Exactly. If they they had the best performance ever and nothing was wrong then why make any changes to the DC movie unit? And overall why make any changes at all?
  7. I don't disagree that Wonder Woman was their last chance to show that they could make another well received comic book movie that didn't come from Nolan. They indeed did pass this final. I still think that it's better for them if JL isn't anywhere near as disliked as BvS. WW will not save JL if it has that sort of reception. JL having that sort of reception will be yet another blow so they are not fully out of the woods yet. I love DC so I totally want JL to work this November. The DCEU having such troubles outside of Wonder Woman and those over budgeted flops and disappointments like Tarzan, Pan and King Arthur are that rocky road that I was referencing. And nobody can deny the DC thing because everyone says that they made behind the scenes changes after BvS made far less than expected.
  8. Suicide Squad more so than BvS but yes they made money. The last Transformers movie also made a billion worldwide and the new one is well...not going to get anywhere near those kinds of numbers.
  9. You mean that year when they panicked and let a trailer company edit a film after their uber expensive guaranteed billion dollar film died after rancid word of mouth opening weekend?
  10. As much as I'm cheering on Valerian I could easily see it bombing hard in the states. Personally I think Valerian looks much, much better than The Dark Tower. The Dark Tower looks Underworld levels of bland fantasy.
  11. Yes their films have been making money for now but they have to make the DC movies much better if they want them to continue to make money in the future. As we've seen this year you can't keep making lackluster product and expecting people to show up forever.
  12. I think the explanation might be that WB is trying to get their crap together. They aren't in Sony shape but it's been a rocky road.
  13. I can't believe DC only has one movie coming out in 2018. I'm still annoyed about that.
  14. I love Elba and want Dark Tower to be good and a hit but every time I see marketing materials from this movie I just think it screams "bomb."
  15. I can't wait for the Black Panther under predictions next year. This year we heard that nobody wanted to see a Superhero movie starring a woman and that was proven to be b.s and next year we'll hear that nobody wants to see a Superhero movie starring a largely black cast and those people will be proven wrong as well.
  16. Yeah I don't really get the Trump supporters won't watch this movie thing.
  17. I think it'll make over 200 million because July weekdays are crazy and it might even get to 215-220mil but 250mil? I'd be very surprised.
  18. Joey King it's a terrific young actress and I hate Transformers. I think she's much better and more engaging than the really hyped Chloe Grace Moretz. Is she getting the best material to work with most of the time? No, she isn't.
  19. The Minions cannot be looked at as a spin-off anymore. In the eyes of the public it was Despicable Me 3.
  20. I don't know what Apes is going to do but comparing it to something like Spider-Man is silly. It's never going to bring in those types of numbers nor does it have to in order to be successful. Apes is a more adult fantasy franchise it's just never going to be pulling in 300 million. And I disagree with the idea of that Dawn of the Planet of the Apes didn't have good legs. It had good legs for a sequel. If you were expecting its legs to be better then you just don't understand how sequels perform at the box office. Is Guardians of Galaxy 2 having bad legs because it's not going to pull in the 3.5 that its predecessor did? No of course not and nobody expected it to have those sort of legs.
  21. I really hope Valerian is a hit. I'm in the over 200mil Club because I just want to put Good Vibes out there.
  22. Excellent post. I agree with every single word. The time to start panicking is if well-reviewed good blockbusters start bombing.
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