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Everything posted by Zakiyyah6

  1. Yeah no denying that Transformers fans have it the worst out of everyone.
  2. Yes I have been acting like a Wonder Woman loony and being too hyper vigilant about this interesting but unimportant topic I'll admit. I just have a pet peeve about even perceived goal post moving when it comes to box office. I'll do better.
  3. I think most would hope for that because if for no other reason that would make an already great box office story even greater. But that was always a tall order, especially with Spidey coming out next weekend. And if one made a bet or club about it, I understand why the numbers would be disappointing from that angle. I guess I'm only looking at it from the standpoint that dropping under 50% for these big openings for 4 weeks is impressive in this day and age.
  4. Welp my 101mil for DM3 is going to be way off. The people who called Shrek 4 were dead on. Wonder Woman is going to have another under 50% drop and some are acting like it's doing poorly for some unknown reason. Lol The goal is not 400mil and NEVER was 400mil. There is no movie that opens with 103mil that people believe has to make 400 million total. Baby Driver continues to do well, Cars continues to not do well and Transformers continues to do what most predicted it would. The House is such a freaking disaster. I've seen The House's premise in a million sitcoms before, I have no idea why the movie was even made.
  5. I remember when people didn't believe they would make a 3rd because of the poor reception of the the second one. They might not get to number 5 but I do see number 4 happening on down the line.
  6. The Cars franchise is Pixar's Transformers franchise. It doesn't matter if the quality is there, they don't care if the quality is there. The movies make a lot of money via merchandising so they'll keep churning them out as long as they make a certain amount at the box office. I do expect a Cars 4 is 5 years.
  7. Maybe Paramount will actually care about BumbleBee's quality as a film?
  8. Edge of Seventeen was an amazing film that I should have supported in theaters.
  9. There is nothing wrong with being happy about the Baby Driver numbers. I'm happy about the numbers because I am a fan of the director but this is a box office forum, so I will not overstate the numbers. That's just me though, I don't like to overstate nor downplay numbers.
  10. With the exception of Scott Pilgrim, which was nothing but a fanboy masturbatory fantasy that regular filmgoers were bound to ignore, Edgar Wright's previous films are very British Centric so of course those weren't going to break out in North America. They did fine for what they are. I'll jump on the "this is stellar" train when I see what the legs are like.
  11. Some are talking about Baby Driver like it's a mini Jurassic World opening weekend or something. I know we're desperate for breakouts but come on. Yes the numbers are good, yes it's over performing expectations but no it isn't some phenomenon.
  12. I feel like me and other fellow Edgar Wright fans are looking at different numbers. The numbers are fine, nobody should be embarrassed but these are not stellar numbers. It very well might have stellar legs but the opening is fine/good but it's not amazing. And it's not that I'm unimpressed with anything under a hundred million because I considered Get Out and Split's opening weekends to be great.
  13. Tomato Law was never funny. I think that the meme is quite irritating.
  14. Baby Driver finally did an interesting number. Very happy for Wright. The House unsurprisingly flopped. DM3 recovered. It's number looks good. 64% is a pretty good increase for Wonder Woman. I know Saturday will be muted but Sunday should make up for that. Transformers is dying. Where the heck is Cars 3?
  15. Joseph Kosinki is such a vapid filmmaker. His films have no heart or soul in them, they're only there to look pretty. Yep, he indeed is the perfect choice for a project as vapid and pointless as Top Gun 2.
  16. "Tomato Law" isn't a real thing. If it were the biggest hits would be the very best reviewed films of the year. There is only so far good reviews can take film.
  17. Calling Baby Driver the best movie of the summer is fine but referring to it as a "blockbuster" is several bridges to far. It doesn't have a blockbuster budget and it's doubtful it will pull in blockbuster numbers. I still can't wait to see it though.
  18. Star Wars did not get a reboot. Why can't people say that they dislike The Force Awakens without peddling a provable lie? The Force Awakens was an obvious sequel. All of the Star Wars characters are there played by the exact same actors from the original trilogy and they're playing the exact same characters 40 years later. You don't have to like how closely its structure hued to a New Hope but it was not a reboot. Jurassic World wasn't a reboot either. Call a sequel a sequel when it is a sequel. If this new Jumanji movie is a sequel then it's the sequel, I'm not going to call anything else.
  19. Anyone who projected Wonder Woman to do 220-230mil after it's opening weekend really needs to up their game because they are terrible at this whole box office game.
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