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Everything posted by HouseOfTheSun

  1. I’m not talking about exhibitors lol. They matter the least now. They’re the middleman getting getting cut out. They’ll say whatever they have to to stay relevant as desperate entities do. I’m talking if the general public who saw this announcement and thought “wait what is HBO Max”. That is not the case for Disney. So long as they don’t paywall every single movie behind Premier, they’ll get far fewer people laughing at them. I don’t know what problem it is you have with Disney, perhaps their service being successful as it is, but let’s look at what is objectively happening. Streaming is Disney’s future. That means the most important content will go to streaming. And Disney is a much much more formidable streamer than Warner/HBO. you seem to be taking this as a personal attack on what you like. Nobody’s attacking that.
  2. I don’t think they will. They have a legitimate streaming platform ready to take on Netflix. Something that will never be the case for HBO. It isn’t a joke when Disney does this. just look at how investors are evaluating them now. Disney is at an all time high with half its company shuttered because of streaming. For Warner it’s comically bad because HBO Max has had such a disastrous launch and is available in one country right now. yea sure, people will rail against it. But it doesn’t come with the sense of comedic “WTF”. with Disney it’s more of an oh shit brace yourselves “WTF”
  3. At the very least they should have launched with a Wizarding World show similar to how Disney launched with Mandalorian. But they were in such a rush to catch up they tripped themselves face first into a pile of cow shit.
  4. Nothing else they’re releasing is even close to the value that WW1984 is though. They should have tried it with Godzilla or Matrix as well before commuting all the way.
  5. Disney has a worldwide service. Not every country ofc but the major ones have been covered. They can realistically pull it off. And now they don’t get the negative PR of being the first to “kill theaters”. business wise I think it’s the right move. PR wise they just played into the hand of their rival I think.
  6. Disney did not lose 5 billion in Q3. They took what essentially amounts to a 5 billion write off for adjusting the valuation of Fox assets. Their losses in Q4 are more representative of their situation and to be honest they’re not losing that much anymore and should start breaking even sooner rather than later.
  7. Reboot the IP around the 4 founders. WB or someone else needs to purchase the Wizarding world IP from Rowling in its entirety. She’s an anchor to the brand.
  8. A certain group of Dc fans want to feel important after Marvel has so thoroughly dominated pop culture and left dc struggling to keep pace
  9. Batman v Superman has one of the most embarrassing box office performances of all time in a vacuum and certainly for a sequel
  10. Don’t particularly care for either team but I want Lebron to get #4. Better LA teams than Boston teams lol
  11. They could get Amitabh from 1970 and SRK from 2000 and it wouldn’t do anything for the movie except maybe 1 or 2m more in India... I liked this performance in New Girl. Probably the one non bastardized depiction
  12. Anyone comparing this to LOTR is out of their mind. Since LOTR the only book series to penetrate popular culture to the point that LOTR is Harry Potter. Dune wouldn’t even be in the next 50....
  13. Nope no data on that ( I’m not sure anyone has tracked that yet, but they might now). So your figures are the best we have to go upon as of now.
  14. I’m not sure using the sign ups number would be the best way to go about calculating how many people would pay for a the premier access on mobile. Paying for a sub vs paying for a movie purchase are a lot different. I think at best it might give the floor for Mulan
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