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Everything posted by Cap

  1. It: Chapter 2 Thursday Previews Southern Maine Cinemagic Movie Today 9/1 9/2 9/3 9/4 Total % SOs Shows It: Chapter 2 51 119 131 206 257 2039 12.60% 0 12 Lincoln Square 13 Movie Today 9/1 9/2 9/3 9/4 Total % SOs Shows It: Chapter 2 72 811 865 933 1005 3772 26.64% 0 11 Wednesday Before Final Day Comps Movie Sold % Est Cinemagic Chain It: Chapter 2 257 -- -- The Lion King 313 82.10% 18.88M Toy Story 4 122 210.65% 25.27M John Wick 95 270.52% 15.96M Lincoln Square 13 It: Chapter 2 1005 -- -- The Lion King 2036 49.36% 11.35M Toy Story 4 989 101.61% 12.19M John Wick 577 174.16% 10.20M I tossed Godzilla because that preview was so low. CInemagic is just for the LOLz. Tomorrow will be the real test. Lincoln Square's comping out right now to 11.24M on average.
  2. Who else was the person with taste and put The Little Mermaid at #1? Thank you!
  3. But then would that mean Avengers: Endgame is Best Picture this year? (And yes, of COURSE, you should. There's many, many, many things in life that should be that way that aren't.)
  4. I think -- at least for me -- the WTF moment is the Oscars is a campaign. You don't win the award because you're the best. You will because you're the best with the best campaign. Joan Crawford made an art out of it. The Acting Categories are voted on by the Acting Bloc. Your peers need to like you. There's no better example of this than Judy Garland losing to Grace Kelly in 1955. Moreover, the Oscars will (usually) always go with the safe choice, a winner who won't cause distractions or pull focus away from the Prestige of the Award. ScarJo kicking off her Oscar Campaign with "I Love Woody Allen" won't play with some of her peers. It has nothing to do with if her comments are right or wrong, or if she believes them or not. It's just bad campaigning. Those are the types of comments you say after you win the award. As Eric pointed out, yes, I don't like her. So, I guess we agree. If she wants to run her campaign this way: "Let Her."
  5. It: Chapter 2 Thursday Previews Southern Maine Cinemagic Movie Today 9/1 9/2 9/3 Total % SOs Shows It: Chapter 2 75 119 131 206 2039 9.89% 0 12 Lincoln Square 13 Movie Today 9/1 9/2 9/3 Total % SOs Shows It: Chapter 2 68 811 865 933 3772 24.73% 0 11 Good push at both places. Tuesday Before Final Day Comps Movie Sold % Est Cinemagic Chain It: Chapter 2 206 -- -- The Lion King 246 83.73% 19.26M Godzilla 91 226.37% 14.26M Toy Story 4 78 264.10% 31.39M Lincoln Square 13 It: Chapter 2 933 -- -- The Lion King 1860 50.16% 11.53M Godzilla 924 100.97% 6.36M Toy Story 4 899 103.78% 12.45M I axed Dark Phoenix cause it's just a trash comp. AGAIN, The Cinemagic Comps are mostly for my amusement. And to prove how Walk-Up heavy that theater is. But who knows, it could open to 30M. I don't have numbers for John Wick's Tues before opening, but I do have Wednesday. I will have those tomorrow. Lincoln Square's looking "better" compared to the other comps I've seen in the Thread.
  6. @filmlover, oh my god, he's really just give the gays everything. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-feed/ryan-murphy-adds-netflix-slate-a-chorus-line-mini-andy-warhol-docuseries-1236549?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social - A CHORUS LINE MINI - PATTI LUPONE IN HOLLYWOOD SERIES - WARHOL DOCUSERIES
  7. Carol's POWER. (I thought we were gonna talk about Luca and Bennett, and I was gonna make a joke about how this is why I "don't like art".
  8. A Sell Out is 100% (or just the WheelChair Only Seats Left). And then there's what's referred to as a Tele Sell Out or Partial Sell Outs, which means it's basically only the first two rows left. Or just the "bad" seats. The theory is that unless people are desperate, they will wait for another showing.
  9. It: Chapter 2 Thursday Previews Southern Maine Cinemagic Movie Today 9/1 9/2 Total % SOs Shows It: Chapter 2 12 119 131 2039 6.42% 0 12 Lincoln Square 13 Movie Today 9/1 9/2 Total % SOs Shows It: Chapter 2 54 811 865 3430 25.21% 0 10 Monday Before Final Day Comps Movie Sold % Est Cinemagic Chain It: Chapter 2 131 -- -- The Lion King 202 64.85% 14.91M Godzilla 73 179.45% 11.3M Toy Story 4 66 198.48% 23.81M Dark Phoenix 35 374.28% 18.71M Lincoln Square 13 It: Chapter 2 865 -- -- The Lion King 1763 49.06% 11.28M Dark Phoenix 1088 79.50% 3.97M Godzilla 857 100.93% 6.35M Toy Story 4 793 109.07% 13.08M So the comps are all over the place. I used the movies that had the IMAX release, but I'm wondering about throwing in John Wick cause it's R. I might even toss in Endgame on the final day. IDK. The Cinemagic Comps really only show that it's selling really well compared to basically everything else. As for Lincoln Square, I think all this proves is Godzilla and Dark Phoenix over-performed AF at LS13 and the underperformed elsewhere AF.
  10. One. Avengers: Endgame says hi Two. It’s called the movie business. Every production company and studios goal is to make money. Even the ones who make those Real Movies. Those Classic Movies. Don’t act like what Marvel does is any different the rest of the industry just because they are better at it.
  11. I'd also tag @RthTIFF since he normally has the Theater Breakdowns and @Deep Wang because they use to work for MTC.
  12. I was like omg Avengers #2, wtf.. ooooh. Yesssss yes. Absolutely. Good journey. Great write ups
  13. Do you want someone to cover for you so you don't lose the comps? Porthos helped me out during SDCC, so I'm cool with repaying the favor.
  14. It: Chapter 2 Thursday Previews Southern Maine Cinemagic Movie Today 9/1 Total % SOs Shows It: Chapter 2 -- 119 2039 5.80% 0 12 Lincoln Square 13 Movie Today 9/1 Total % SOs Shows It: Chapter 2 -- 811 3430 23.64% 0 10 I legit thought Today was Monday night, so I will have hard comps tomorrow. But on a quick glance it's just behind Godzilla (that was 857) going into its last week at Lincoln Square. And it's ahead of pretty much everything but Endgame and Lion King going into its final week at Cinemagic.
  15. LMFAO at West Side Story.
  16. True story, my friend and I were talking about the Oscars and I legit was like I don’t even remember what won best picture last year. I had to Google Oscars 2018. And then I was like oh. That’s why. The reviews look solid. I am interested that a couple of the female reviews commented on how masculine it felt. Because it does really give that vibe. So. Might like it, might not. I do looooove car chases/racing, So the praise for that definitely a plus.
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