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Cooper Legion

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Cooper Legion last won the day on February 14 2022

Cooper Legion had the most liked content!


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    Chatting with my daughter in the Soul Realm

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    Thanos Legion

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Global Phenomenon (9/10)



  1. Fwiw my guess would be ~4.3k, flat A, 450M-ish
  2. Don’t worry, if it 4k and miss JW it will miss + If 4k and + will hit JW if + and miss JW will miss 4k Trust da process
  3. Sure but a movie that will likely have very good reception and a movie that would be resilient to very bad reception are two different things
  4. SM4 is pretty collapse proof but I think something like 40% rotten would really tank verse. It’s just unlikely
  5. Th Spider-Man big successes are also group movies 😛
  6. The sub 150WW should be impossible but I’d say 80%+ wknd drop likely. I have the 2nd weekend under 7M atm
  7. If you think CM2 was about as good as CM1, or AM3 was bout as good as AM2, thw conclusions you’re going to come to are just going to be absurd. You’re entitled to whatever personal opinion on them you want but that is objectively not what the GA thinks about their quality, not even close to close to close. You will observe a change in outcome, and reason (falsely) that it wasn’t caused by a difference in movies so must be down to change in environment. But that’s totally fallacious. There was a huge change in movies that drove the change in outcome you just can’t notice it — luckily we have lots of data on aggregate reception, so you can use that to figure out what’s going on if you’re willing to let your personal interpretations not cloud the reasoning.
  8. This is exactly the problem with this whole line of analysis lol. People who don’t understand what made the 2010s ones much more pleasing to audiences are unable to understand that the difference is being driven by change in movies rather than change in audience becasue they don’t perceive the change in the movies!
  9. This simply isn’t true though lol. That’s the problem 😆
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