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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. Feel like too much attention was paid to my “+17% is pretty weak” post and not enough to my “still seems headed for low 900s” post 🤔
  2. Excuse me, I’m a pretty level-headed member here. This isn’t a meltdown or anything, just got to call a spade a spade. +17% on a 2nd Tuesday is pretty meh.
  3. CW 644.5+217.5*1.01=864M IM3 644.5+217.5*1.17=899M IW 644.5+217.5*1.24=914M AoU 644.5+217.5*1.25=916M TA 644.5+217.5*1.61=995M
  4. Weeeeaaaaak Tuesday. I guess IMAX being in high demand on Monday is a contributing factor, hopefully the Wednesday drop is much smaller than usually as well.
  5. Is this where you get rave reviews, win an Oscar, turn a good profit, and get a bunch of sequels and spinoffs? Boy, I bet DP is really hoping it won’t get Spiderversed...
  6. Also I’m only some 15 months old here, so I’m going to continue living happily in my land of delusions where Pika does well, Endgame wins the weekend, and everyone is happy and civil with each other
  7. The worst part of the Pika jokes is that you could never quite tell the lower end of joke figures from the higher end of people being serious+optimistic. To this day I feel like I don’t have a clue what reasonable people’s real expectations for the movie were.
  8. Just 3 days til we finally get some more goodness. Clips from the pilot looking 🔥🔥🔥
  9. 17 PT 5/7/19 (End of 2nd Tues) 1 62.9% Avengers: Endgame 2 6.3% The Intruder 3 6.1% Long Shot 4 6% Detective Pikachu 5 2.7% Uglydolls Discount Tuesday depressing presale % as always, no cause for alarm. Do wonder if we might see Hussle or Poms pop up by the end of tomorrow.
  10. Think I’ll roll out a new feature to update daily, showing performance with the same multi off last 7 days as other 150+ MCU Apr/May openers: CW 632+238*.99=868M IM3 632+238*1.15=906M IW 632+238*1.215=921M AoU 632+238*1.23=925M TA 632+238*1.57=1006M
  11. Can’t really see my way to 87, but 67 seems about as unlikely to me so I added it for completeness 😛
  12. Yeah, realized later it was too good to be true. SK holiday, UK bank holiday. Japan holiday I guess, but last Mon was holiday too so that’s no prob.
  13. No longer waiting for Pika 17 PT 5/6/19 (End of 2nd Mon) 1 71.3% Avengers: Endgame 2 6.1% Detective Pikachu 3 3.9% Long Shot 4 3.5% The Intruder 5 2.9% Captain Marvel Pika all the way to 2nd. Roughly 1/12th of Endgame seems perfectly healthy to me 3 days before previews, expecting a close weekend race. In 5th place we swap one solo MCU for another, been a really crazy stretch of these updates now with 2 MCU movies in a row but it will end soon when FFH’s initial frenzy dies down. Uglydolls is the new release pushed out as the only kid skewing one. Don’t know if we’ll ever see it back, maybe tomorrow.
  14. Thinking FFH might be a little bit more frontloaded to the 6-day, but likely pretty similar. Also, not sure if you saw, but I crunched some numbers in the FFH thread and it looks like TDKR caused TASM to be about 12.5% lower total than if the weekend 3 competition was normal. Expecting about 5-10% damage from TLK if it’s as big as some are thinking (I’m not sure it will even do that much more than FFH, want to see some BOP estimates, presales, etc).
  15. There are literally only 2 remotely comparable summer Tuesday opening blockbusters — TASM and Transformers 1. Unfortunately they both have a different July 4 placement by one day. To make things worse, Transformers had 8PM sneaks (which made about 8.8M). TASM, so far as I can tell, had true midnight previews like FFH that made 7.5M. TASM: Previews:OD multi — 35.85/7.5=4.8x OD:6-day multi — 137/35.85=3.82x OD:total multi — 262/35.85=7.3x 6-day:total multi— 262/137=1.91x 3-day OW:total multi — 262/62=4.23x 2nd wknd drop — -44% 3rd wknd drop — -68.6% (savaged by TDKR) Transformers: Previews:OD multi — 36.65/8.8=4.16x OD:6-day multi — 155.4/36.65=4.24 OD:total multi — 319/36.65=8.7x 6-day:total multi— 319/155.4=2.05x 3-day OW:total multi — 319/70.5=4.525x 2nd wknd drop — -47.5% 3rd wknd drop — -44.6% TASM actually had TDKR come out exactly as many days into the run as FFH has TLK, which makes the comp even better, but I’m assuming that FFH will play more frontloaded in this post-Endgame world even if reception is good.
  16. 3 different MCU movies in the fandango top 10 is hilarious to me.
  17. C’mon, they were clearly referring to the daily, not the cume. It’s a reasonable question if you’re new to following this stuff (though, I admit, it feels like “is that good or bad” has become a much more prevalent type of comment over the past year or so, much to my chagrin).
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