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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. It’s outrageous. Previews should start at 12:00PM, that’s just natural
  2. Charlie’s estimate is 29M OS-C-R, down from 57M last Mon, just under 50% drop despite a lot more spillover last week. It would be good to hit that.
  3. Pikachu appears on MT, CM will be gone forever now. Expecting a FFH to knock something out by end of day, don’t know if that will be Pika or The Intruder. Edit: Definitely the Intruders, looking at Fandango hourly
  4. Certainly it’s lower than I hoped, but we’d literally never seen a 2nd weekend off an OW this ridiculous, so being within a couple % of IW seems pretty solid. Hopefully things stabilize more from here.
  5. Oh my goodness, I was somehow under the impression that that got wiped clean Monday like the pulse tools. Well that’s good to know 👍
  6. I wasn’t doing the Daily MT recaps then, so not off the top of my head. You could try to go digging through the thread, somebody might have posted about it (or might not, unfortunately I can’t say for sure).
  7. 17 PT 5/5/19 (EO 2nd Sun) 1 77.7% Avengers: Endgame 2 4.7% UglyDolls 3 3.9% Long Shot 4 3.4% The Intruder 5 1.8% Captain Marvel Waiting for Pika, by Samuel Beckett
  8. I was hoping ep3 would be the low point, but now I’m just morbidly curious how bad things will get before this is all mercifully over
  9. Just to save others math, linear would be 52M. Will be well below linear since weekend night vs workday night. Wait for an asgardian.
  10. Bit of a non-sequitor, but I’m excited for the return of true midnights with FFH (not 100% confirmed, but what early Fandango slates seem to suggest).
  11. Pulled the trigger March 5 for CM tracking, then re-upped April 5 in preparation for Endgame. I’ll be back with UNLIMITED POWER when we’re closer to FFH.
  12. Yeah, great guess, $30M is exactly the expectation. Source: I am a prophet.
  13. It is extremely funny how fast we went from “being based on 20 previous movies is an issue that will turn away casuals” to “being based on 20 previous movies is a huge advantage and it’s unfair to compare Endgame to normal movies because of it”
  14. And how JW is the only one from this millennium not owned by Disney.
  15. Yup. Will pass Transformers soon WW and Catching Fire DOM, and then no more milestones. Wonderful performance, with a little final kick from Endgame. Very curious how the sequel will do.
  16. Oh, was that a TFSS figure? I thought Brazil was just FSS? Cancel the above post then, shooting lower.
  17. Similar legs from here as IW and we’re going for R$340M finish, ~$87M, beating Titanic admits.
  18. 1475 seems too high , but like you say DOM +China miiiiiiiight be able to make it up it OS-C can leg to anything over 1.4
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