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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. 569,690 it shall be I’m sure @Brainbug will back me up here.
  2. So happy with all the discussion about Avengers Endgame Wednesday Numbers going on in this thread
  3. People can smell the 100 RT coming later today and want to get on board before it’s cool
  4. You can still use .5A, will just mean something a bit different now
  5. That’s just bait, won’t address it directly. However, I doubt that the 2,3,4 year gap sequels are really a great guide for how an 11 year gap sequel will perform. I suspect A2 will mostly play on it’s own merits, which could be good or bad depending on whether Cameron strikes lightning in a bottle thrice.
  6. Okay, that’s what I thought. Insidekino currently is displaying 5-day date ranges for Q1 2019 but only 4-day Thurs-Sun date ranges for Q2 2019 — I think it’s still the correct 5-day weekend numbers, just with the wrong start date for the weekend.
  7. The number must be either really bad or really good, and they’re waiting until late enough at night to be sure
  8. Yesterday 10-11 rr was +20, added just under 14 times. Today is +15, same would give about 360. But I suspect it will gain more relative to yesterday at night due to presales distribution. So call it 360-385 or so, which is right in line with Maoyan, POTUS, general expectations for day.
  9. A) boy ya’ll are getting antsy, only 7PM on West Coast B ) the only thing to guess is 25.7 vs the relatively lame 24.7 or 2.3.7
  10. 17:00 Pacific 5/1/19 (End of 1st Wednesday) 1 91.7% Avengers: Endgame 2 1.4% The Curse of La Llorona 3 1.3% Captain Marvel 4 0.7% Breakthrough 5 0.5% Shazam! Things moving closer back toward Monday as discount vanishes from the hours, but not fully there. Not going to make any concrete predictions here, but would not be surprised with CM back in the top 3. Maybe we get to see a new movie or two show up tomorrow.
  11. Think biggestgeek might have meant for IM’s? Rampage 35.75/2.4=14.9 TR 23.6/2.1=11.2
  12. If I’m following along correctly, the previous single day record was IW’s 329.8mn RUB, and AEG has topped that on Mon, Tues, and Wed? How many days do you think we could see above that — whole 7 day opening?
  13. These are the Day -09 numbers, think you forgot to paste new ones?
  14. A bit confused. Isn’t this a 4-day range of dates? I thought French BO was 5-day.
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