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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. Yeah, it is the same. Staggered release with too many stupid numbers from Asia and Europe has broken me. DOM will come in at 310 and I’ll shrug Seeing movie in 5 hours though, maybe that will reinvigorate me.
  2. This movie is too much. Every time I think I’ve mentally prepared myself for its level some new data comes in that seems bonkers.
  3. Well sure, anything else would just be wasteful 😛 Basic business sense, really.
  4. Does that help or hurt BO? Feel like it varies from country to country.
  5. Very strange how about half of Thailand gross just doesn’t get put into the official numbers. Oh well, as long as it’s consistent from movie to movie, no big deal. Sure a decade from now they’ll have their film industry a bit more standardized and report full country figures for official.
  6. Clever. There have been *a lot* of valuable posters putting a lot of time into tracking this movie’s prerelease run (seriously @everyone, great job) but for me you were the MVP (well, and Wang, but insider connections are hax).
  7. Maoyan was a bit jerky today, but looks like it will be roughly as expected (a strong drop) in the end.
  8. So here’s a long post I made 10 days ago about speed to certain milestones that people seemed on board with judging by reacts. Topline numbers were: 1B 5 days (international release, day 3 DOM) 1.5B 9 days (maybe 10) 2B 16-19 days (originally eyeballed a mega optimistic 14, but when I crunched the numbers more deeply that wasn’t really achievable) My new trajectory: 1B 5 days 1.5B 8 days (maybe 9) 2B 12 days (!!!!) edit: That 2B speed is definitely optimistic, will could be as slow as 17 or something still of there’s lots of front loading. Will update again after OW is done.
  9. You inspired me to check out the adjusted SH rankings: 11 Avengers: Age of Ultron BV $487,630,200 4,276 $202,378,600 4,276 5/1/15 12 Spider-Man 3 Sony $445,609,200 4,324 $200,097,600 4,252 5/4/07 13 Iron Man 3 BV $445,017,100 4,253 $189,314,700 4,253 5/3/13 14 Captain America: Civil War BV $425,940,200 4,226 $186,936,700 4,226 5/6/16 15 Wonder Woman WB $420,112,400 4,165 $105,097,300 4,165 6/2/17 16 Captain Marvel BV $406,427,500 4,310 $154,792,700 4,310 3/8/19 17 Iron Man Par. $403,990,800 4,154 $125,127,600 4,105 5/2/08 Ultron is way out of reach, CW good as dead. Iron Man 3 and SM3 look really tough, but not out of the question.
  10. Titanic and Avatar have the craziest overall WW runs still, but In terms of full globe-spanning OW insanity, I’m not sure if we have EVER seen something like this before, or ever will again (considering changing media habits etc).
  11. Looks like 300-310 from Charlie’s chart (currently shows 299 but has been increasing a bit).
  12. First MT update today is insane. AEG up to 90 (what’s the highest MT we’ve ever seen? Must have been TFA, right?) And CM is second with 150% of third place. Soon we may see a less than 1% in top 5.
  13. I meant OD, even I will still get my blood pumping over a +60% OW or so.
  14. Woah, that rating is crazy. It’s nice to see people all around the world loving it, getting so hyped for tonight. Would that be Rth’s first fly by? Hope they have something juicy.
  15. CM and BP are released in the best holiday period of all, Thanosmas.
  16. Oh, we’re ready. At this point you’ll need more than 2x IW to truly shock people
  17. IW did have Japan on OW. OS-C-R debut should be ~380M, difference might be that Japan number or that BOM shows China OW as 191 instead of 200?
  18. 550 is too high (RIGHT!?!?!? Done saying for sures with this movie). But we we can do better than 650 For this weekend, 2 types of countries: Fun country: break single day record more than once Lame country: only break single day record once
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