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Everything posted by YLF

  1. Infinity war > DP2. I just think DP meta humor is just not for me at all. it was definitely better than the first deadpool to me. I hated the first one. This one is at least somewhat enjoyable.
  2. Most people that have seen deadpool on twitter seem to be giving it good reviews. So this will have good word of mouth.
  3. And Bp's. not a lot of sold out shows. It seems to not be selling well in LA. But I think since its R rated it'll do well tomorrow. A lot of colleges are still in school and most date nights to the movies are on the weekends.
  4. Is infinity war locked to pass BP now?
  5. What a weird time to release the trailer... its 4am on the east coast and 1 am on the west. Obviously not trending on twitter in the US because most people are asleep
  6. How didnt you know? lol its the second biggest market for star wars. TFA made 163M! and The last Jedi made 111M in the UK which is insane.
  7. But Star wars is very popular in the UK too lol
  8. Idk why I thought you lived in the US. lol
  9. I only say that because when RPO was out I remember someone saying someone/some company was paying people to downvote the movie? they said it was commonplace in China.
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