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Everything posted by RealLyre

  1. let's not get ahead of ourselves and say it's gonna open to 100M. pre-sales have been getting heavier every year. remember how just 2 weeks ago when Captain Marvel exploded on Fandango last couple of days and was matching BP (even surpassing it at some point) and everyone jumped on the 170M+ OW train? and then when it opened to "only" 153M it was seen as a "boring number that was on the lower end of expectations from pre-sales or w/e" if Us does anywhere around 70M-80M which is way higher than what the tracking suggests. it'll be a huge breakout
  2. having seen Us, I think WoM will be very good, probably not as good as Get Out's tho but good enough to pull a 200M domestic total from a 70M+ opening. and I feel like comparisons to A Quiet Place may be a bit redundant as one is an R-rated and the other is PG-13.
  3. the ending was awesome, it elevates the themes of the film and makes a lot of sense. Though they could've done with less exposition. the soundtrack and the score kept getting better as the movie went on (some of the best uses of music in horror films) and I loved the confrontation at the end. Lupita Nyong'o was by far the best part and should get an Oscar nom for her performance but as Toni Collette was snubbed last year for her performance in Hereditary, cus it's a horror movie, Lupita will probably be ignored. I still prefer Get Out but this was more of a fast paced Horror flick (there's still a bunch of social commentary and allegories but not to the same degree as Get Out). also it wasn't as funny as Get Out but still got a few laughs from my audience. overall it's a solid 8.5/10. try to go in as spoiler free as possible as there are few pleasant surprises . really hope this breaks out and does gangbusters as we need more original horror films like Us
  4. Avatar is now officially a Disney IP! front and center on their website
  5. Captain Marvel held a lot better than I expected this week (I was thinking it'd be more like 60%+ since it kinda performed more like a frontloaded sequel on it's OW than a solo). Anyways 760M for CM in 12 days is huge, should be heading for 1.1B total which will make it the highest grossing solo superhero movie for a character not appearing in previous installments
  6. so Depp was innocent all along? who would've known that allegations without proof would turn out to be wrong, what a plot twist!
  7. so should pass 100M today is 130M total still possible? seems to be in a never ending free fall despite the good ratings on Maoyan and co. what's the worse legs for a CBM in China?
  8. so is anyone going to make an Avengers Endgame over Avatar worldwide club? cus I think that might be a possibility with the never ending growth of the MCU brand OS.
  9. don't blame the studios, blame the general audience who doesn't want to see "original movies".
  10. 88.8M OW for Captain Marvel in China is under Wonder Woman's total in China of 90M. was hoping it do more than 90M but oh well still a huge opening.
  11. looks like Sunday drop for CM is -36%.., Harsh drop from an already weak Sat jump (+4.6%). has that ever happened for a CBM that had a muted increase on Sat?
  12. Pikachu can probably breakout if it's as good as the trailers and do something like 400M-600M WW, but the 1 billion predictions in this forum will make that number sound like a disappointment.
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