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Menor the Destroyer

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Everything posted by Menor the Destroyer

  1. Charlie probably would have a better sense, but given the ratios for other MCU films this year, your numbers seem about right. I could see NWH having a higher international percentage as MCU origin movies seem to overperform domestically.
  2. Yeah reception has just been awful. I thought even a high B+ could survive the weekend alright but we saw what scores this bad can do to a movie with BvS.
  3. Yep. Like yeah Eternals is gonna have quite disappointing run but it's an origin movie. It's hardly unprecedented for Avengers/crossover films to absolutely blow the doors off what the solo movies can do. Just like it's hardly unprecedented for Bond films to explode in the UK.
  4. But the blockbuster releases that would get those numbers haven't really been present, 2020 was always looking like a down year for the Dom BO, and 2021 has mostly been the delayed releases. We are missing Wonder Woman which would have done big numbers, GvK which would have been an easy breakout was locked in bad conditions, BW pushed to PA, Eternals getting quite bad reviews and reactions, etc. Look at the lineup compared to 2019, the caliber of releases isn't even close. 2022 will be the year to do bigger numbers. Btw, responding to your other post, by caliber I mean anticipation/buzz. Also I think reduced showtimes wouldn't matter that much in Christmas since people are willing to go to the movies on many days anyway. If there aren't enough showtimes on one day business would shift to the following ones.
  5. I guess in normalcy I would expected NWH to do more than double Shang-Chi. There is a huge difference between event films and solo films. I don't think we've had anything close to the caliber of No Way Home since the pandemic to say that 400 or 500 million is such an impossible task. Honestly, are people here more Covid-cautious than the UK that Bond can break all sorts of records but we can't have a movie beat 400? If anything, I would say people are less cautious here.
  6. Honestly, I don't see evidence of people avoiding cinemas for these blockbuster films. It's smaller films that are struggling. Theatrical exclusive blockbusters have been doing normal numbers for a while now. Yes there have been some disappointments, but there will always be those. They're part of "normal" as much as the successes.
  7. Personally would be fine with that but if it did <450 would be kinda disappointing imo unless (and this isn't impossible) Covid cases are in a really bad spot and trending badly during December. Like yeah it's better than anything post-pandemic but honestly we haven't had a really big blockbuster post-pandemic either. This has way more hype than FFH which did 390. Expectations are different for different types of films. This is a big crossover event film and will be judged by that standard.
  8. No it didn't. I don't understand where this idea has come from. The trade stuff takes up like 2 minutes total in the movie and is just a pretext for the invasion. It's like saying Shang-Chi is a movie about valet parking.
  9. Not even close to the same amount. Including TLJ, every single one of the sequels is utterly drenched in OT iconography and references. It's like they didn't even try to differentiate the eras.
  10. Film schools exist so people learn the techniques that generally (in a heuristic sense) maximize reception. That has nothing to do with whether anything about judging films is "objective." There are standards that films can be judged on, but who decides which standards should be more important and how a viewer should evaluate each film by said standards? Only you can decide which standards matter to you. Of course there are good and bad films! But it's an opinion whether something is good or bad. So what is good and bad differs per viewer. If the flaws don't affect enjoyment, then I hardly see why they should be considered flaws. A flaw is something that affects the viewing experience.
  11. He didn't disappear for five years. He was dead. For him it was like no time had passed. Also, what else would they do but go to school? They didn't age. So it's not like they're going to be handed diplomas just because 5 years passed for the non-snapped people.
  12. Was thinking 30% earlier but that was before the B Cinemascore (which is a lot worse than B+ for me when combined with the very bad PostTrak). Plus the presales in the tracking thread did not look that encouraging. Hopefully at least 20% bump.
  13. Bit of a weird argument. Obviously, if you don't see flaws, then they aren't there for you! This isn't some math where you can prove that X or Y flaw exists. All of this is in the eye of the viewer.
  14. Critic reviews for the MCU specifically tend to have a good correlation with US audience scores. So, whatever criteria that the audience is using to give it bad scores is the same criteria that critics are using to give it bad scores. Obviously there are some exceptions (I doubt many audience members care about the "too much MCU, not enough Zhao" complaint in particular) but overall the scores are consistent. I think you're confusing super online Film Twitter people with critics at large.
  15. I thought this was far better than critics gave it credit for, but no. Audiences didn't give this a B Cinemascore because of Scorsese.
  16. Right. I forget that the Thursday BO isn't counted with the OW here for some dumb reason.
  17. Yes. My comment was responding to the idea that people disliked it for being "different" or "arthouse"
  18. Thing is Eternals isn't film school experimentation. It has some narrative and stylistic differences from other MCU films but it's still very much going for the fun entertaining superhero film like any other MCU. I don't think that can explain the poor reactions.
  19. Yes, Far From Home is worse than Episode 2. Both well above average blockbusters but the superior action/visuals/score in Episode 2 gives it the edge
  20. I remember all the drama with Frozen 2 nearly taking it. Was quite a time.
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