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Menor the Destroyer

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Everything posted by Menor the Destroyer

  1. This run seems a couple of hours later than what you had for SC though. Still not sure about 10 but should be close at least. Actually MTC2 number is quite good though. 10m seems like it should happen.
  2. Low 70s would be disastrous, but thankfully the RT verified usually doesn't change by more than a few points after preview night. Will likely stay above 80.
  3. Based on the way things are going, my guess is this will be reasonably popular with MCU fans (i.e. not considered one of the worst MCU movies by the fanbase) but the RT verified score hasn't started off too encouragingly. Not disastrous but not very good either.
  4. Eternals has passed Shang-Chi final at MTC2. Moving at expected pace. Still on track for 9.7 million (10% higher than SC) I think, with a chance for more.
  5. I think it has a shot at beating IW presales, which weren't anywhere close to EG anyway.
  6. 86% start on RT verified score. Not great but let's see where it goes with more reviews. Similar start to Venom 2 which got a B+ Cinemascore. Still, it's not the worst that could happen. B+ was likely ever since reviews but just hoping it doesn't go down to B.
  7. Could be some PLF skew thing, maybe people are going for IMAX for Eternals just a tad more than SC, skewing MTC2's ATP down slightly and MTC1 up. Would expect it to make maybe a 2-3% difference overall as MTC1 is bigger.
  8. Based on scraper data, they are almost identical. Kinda odd though, I remember that Katniss said that now that you mention it.
  9. MTC2 ATP is identical to SC (I know there were price hikes in Sac but overall it's the same). MTC1 does seem around 3-5% higher though. Could make a difference in MTC1 heavy markets.
  10. With @Inceptionzq also saying 9.7, I am going to make that call before we get final MTC numbers. I am fairly confident it's going to land in that ballpark.
  11. I was eyeballing somewhere around that, but would go with ~9.7 off of those numbers.
  12. 10 seems tough from there. At least the 140k target seems hard. SC added 36k between your update around this time (I think you updated around half an hour before this) and final. Eternals has a longer runtime so walkups for late shows would be lower.
  13. Yes, they have the potential to be used well, but currently are used for pretty stupid things.
  14. Low 70s from 23m Fri? I don't see that happening. Sat PS are too strong and historically the Sat bump should be strong in Nov as well.
  15. Eternals MTC2 Thursday: Showtimes: 2661 (+66) Seats Sold: 70007/383301 (+11255) $ Sales: 945404 (+144039) SC added 12200 per Keyser, but that was later in the night (and usually that is when Thursday has the surge). I had taken an SC run earlier in the day that was 8k in 23 hours. So this seems ok. Think its gonna just miss 10m though, high 9s seems more likely. Friday: Showtimes: 4873 (+85) Seats Sold: 74268/736960 (+14434) $ Sales: 934050 (+172214) Kinda eh day (SC also added 14k-ish). I am tamping my weekend expectations down to high 70s for now.
  16. I don't think CM was as formulaic as is often claimed and it does have some structural uniqueness from other superhero films, but I wouldn't call it the most "fundamentally different." Within the MCU, I would say Infinity War is the most structurally different of the films, easily.
  17. Apparently this is the first minute of the series? Eh...was hoping the opening scene would be something a bit more eye-catching. This feels...idk, lacking energy a bit? Just not a huge hook to start the show.
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