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Menor the Destroyer

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Everything posted by Menor the Destroyer

  1. Was still having some issues. Trying again tonight. Nah, Eternals was tracking way higher than SC before the awful review "bump" and the middling days that have followed. If the reviews were par SC, I would be willing to bet that it would look a lot better right now. "Worst reviews in the franchise" isn't a headline any movie wants to have, especially one that was specifically marketed on quality.
  2. Getting some weird errors with shows (just a fraction of them but enough to mess with pace comps) not returning data. Will give it until tomorrow morning, hopefully it's some website error by MTC2 that resolves by then, and I can give reliable numbers.
  3. Howard is a wonderful composer. Lot of great pieces in these movies but my favorite still has to be the opening of the first, just such a beautiful rendition of Hedwig's theme that led into the main theme for the movie.
  4. Yeah, that was one aspect I missed here. Thufir really suffered from the cutting of the intrigue/plotting portions of the novel, guess the movie would've been too long otherwise though.
  5. Those Trollocs look GREAT! And the Whitecloaks look really brutal and menacing here. Love it. And we're getting flashbacks of the Aiel War! Twitter link since the YT video has that 360 thing.
  6. This looks GREAT. I miss the awesome action animation that we got from Dreamworks with Panda/HTTYD. This is not exactly the same thing but looks like Pixar's Star Wars as Charlie said. Love it.
  7. MHA MTC2 Friday Subbed Showtimes: 761 (+158) Subbed Seats Sold: 12842/107558 (+1068) Subbed $ Sales: 173835 (+11191) Dubbed Showtimes: 1282 (+511) Dubbed Seats Sold: 22591/171248(+2060) Dubbed $ Sales: 317936 (+26962) Combined Showtimes: 2043 (+669) Combined Seats Sold: 35433/278806 (+3138) Combined $ Sales: 491771 (+38153) Tonight I will take Sat numbers as well.
  8. From last night (24-hour pace, posted late): Eternals MTC2 Thurs: Showtimes: 1967 (+11) Seats Sold: 34868/320362 (+2011) Total $ Sales: 494838 (+15705) BW Comp (adjusted for Ontario and ~10% higher ATP): 10.35 million Bleh. The comp is in an okay spot right now but it's going to take a beating this week unless the pace improves. The pace was indeed up from yesterday but needs to keep going up, and from everyone else's numbers I'm not sure that's happening. Fri: Showtimes: 3720 (+1) Seats Sold: 26684/622149 (+2085) Total $ Sales: 357076 (+26479) BW Comp (Ontario + ATP adjusted): 23.3 million. In a bit of a better spot than Thurs, but will still have trouble if the pace doesn't improve fast.
  9. Checked the World Series score...and out of superstition, immediately decided not to turn the game on (or check in between) for a couple of hours.
  10. Hmm, I got more of a Middle Eastern vibe from the production design/costumes/music. Didn't really remind me much of Baahubali or Indian culture in general. Were there any specific things that you noticed? I'm interested in this comparison.
  11. There are definitely some people I follow who complain a lot about sequels and franchises on principle, but are really excited for this. Kinda feels like the "anti-sequel" thing (for many, I know there are several on this forum who are actually quite consistent on this) is not actually a matter of principle, but people don't just want to say "I'm not into any of the current series/franchises" instead. Everything has to be some grand proclamation. That said, I never had any problem with sequels/Part 2/franchises, so I am quite excited for this.
  12. Please shut up everyone. Take it to the Dune thread. This thread is good because it avoids this stupidity.
  13. I don't think Twitter should have such effects either but there was some weird bump last night for sure. Yeah the BW comps didn't move much, but from the pace on Sunday they should have dropped a lot. I took a quick run this morning to confirm and the pace indeed sped up a lot compared to the previous night. Still, the comps will start dropping today given BW review drop.
  14. I feel like it's a bit more complicated though. TLJ was extremely polarizing among the core fanbase, and word of that spread very quickly to the less invested. And if the core fanbase isn't as excited for future films, general audiences may be like "if even the people who love this aren't into it, I'll pass." There's also the fact that people might like TLJ but still feel like it failed to get them excited for future of SW.
  15. Yeah, this movie worked much better on the big screen than I think a TV series would. I don't see why it's so important that we have some big bombastic ending for a movie.
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