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Menor the Destroyer

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Everything posted by Menor the Destroyer

  1. My best guess is that the crazy growth before tapped out the audience for CBMs, so there's just not much room left to grow. May explain the slow presales as well.
  2. I don't understand why it slowed down so much after presales started. You'd think as the movie gets closer to release it would increase more
  3. Panic aside, I'm surprised the growth rate didn't increase today. Hopefully it starts to see a bump tomorrow
  4. If the presales for one day are well below projections, then the projections will be lowered. It could make up for it, but that's not guaranteed, and it could just as easily increase less than predicted.
  5. No, 250 is for final presales. He predicted an increase of 14 million today (138-152), and it will only end up being about 9 million.
  6. Wednesday. And I think Charlie had accounted for that in his projections chart, but today will still come in well below what he predicted which is not great.
  7. 250 for OD. And I'm pretty sure it's not frozen because it's been going up, just very slow
  8. Lol never mind. Still it's holding pretty decently for Good Friday.
  9. I actually think it could gain a bit back throughout the afternoon. The numbers yesterday until about 7pm central were pretty low (relatively speaking).
  10. Fandango rolling tracker is at 26k (was 27.5k end of yesterday) so ~1500 less than yesterday at the same point
  11. What do people think the chances of TFA previews going down are? Looking at updates in this thread it seems like it'll fall juuust short, but I'm not that experienced with predictions.
  12. Yeah pretty sure (maybe making up for the time frozen?). OD alone has jumped over 2k in the past 30 or so minutes. Edit: Now gone up another 5m in 15 minutes, did prices decrease or something?
  13. Do you think it will get a significant amount of showings added?
  14. Tbf, it's the second-best selling movie on Ingresso.com, not overall (and Ralph 2 likely had many walkups)
  15. https://www.cnbc.com/2015/12/16/star-wars-the-force-awakens-surpasses-100m-in-advanced-ticket-sales-report.html So opening weekend presales for TFA were only $50-60 million (holiday boost). And with Endgame I think it's reasonable to assume that 90%+ of presales are for OW, which makes this performance significantly more impressive than it already was (which was a lot).
  16. On track to hit that 35k target. I think it'll remain at ~1.5x IW until Sunday. After that I have no idea, but hopefully it gets a healthy release week bump.
  17. Hmm ok, in that case it would need to pick up the pace to be on course for a TFA-beating number (if your theater is representative)
  18. Dug around this thread around release week of Captain Marvel and found that 84,000 tickets sold on Pulse corresponded with about 3.9m in @Deep Wang numbers. So if Endgame was at 29.4 million on Friday then it should be ~33m today, should beat TFA and TLJ 36m by Friday, and assuming the Pulse multi drops to "only" equal to IW, should be about 48m by release
  19. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/films/0/uk-box-office-report-april-12-14-hellboy-freezes-dumbo-soars/ 1.19 million tickets sold so far for Endgame as of Monday. Wonder how far it will increase in the next two weeks. TFA iirc was around 1.8 million? (not sure of the number) in release week Tuesday.
  20. Have been pretty busy this week and forgot to do it for last weekend. I'll definitely have #s by Saturday night.
  21. What's up with Sunday sales? It was selling at a pretty decent pace compared to other days then suddenly froze.
  22. In the opening day presales tables that people post in this thread (like the one where Captain Marvel was ~70m), does that number include midnights?
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