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Dominic Draper

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Posts posted by Dominic Draper

  1. 8 hours ago, Johnny Tran said:


    This is all how you personally felt and does nothing in response to my reply to you that was only rooted in factual information. 

    Man, joker discourse is giving me flash backs to the satanic panic level discourse around it in certain circles before release. Truly was embarrassing stuff.

  2. 4 minutes ago, ChipDerby said:


    Yeah man that's for sure happening and is definitely a thing!


    Way to go everyone, we cracked the case! 

    You realize false copyright claims is a thing that happens literally constantly? This is very common. Maybe read up a bit about it before dealing in snark.


    It happens across all social media platforms. They get taken down first before they get reviewed.

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  3. 9 minutes ago, ChipDerby said:


    Cool, again, why would WB make a COPYRIGHT claim for this? They have no legal standing to do so lmao.

    Probably because there is so many clips happening right now on social media they are just mass reporting everything without watching every clip.

    • Like 1
  4. People should examine the last 30 years of DC films at the box office.


    Pre Snyder DC was releasing stuff like catwoman, Jonah hex and green lantern 


    The successes are the exception, not the norm. Blaming any one person or event is silly. The brand has never really been strong.

    • Like 4
  5. 1 hour ago, dudalb said:

    I am not a Snyder fan but his JL cut was better then what we got in the theater.

    I certainly liked what he did with Darkseid. Cutting Darkseid from the theaterical version was a huge mistake.

    Wierd thing is I am normally a big fan of Josh Whedon...huge Buffyverse fan....but no doubt he failed with his changes to JL.

    The Snyder JL is badly flawed, yes, but still a major improvement on what we got in theaters.

    Remember in the lead up  to release how Elfman said Batman only has 1 theme and then they lazily slapped in burtons and donners themes.


    Or how the cast just didnt promote it at all.

  6. 16 minutes ago, JustLurking said:

    Is the sample size like...Super (lol) and TSS, which came during the pandemic and was part of a poisoned series? Because like...not really the greatest sample size.


    I think Gunn is a really good pick to reboot this universe. Fwiw, I think TSS is great.






  7. 11 minutes ago, ZattMurdock said:

    I think that Quantumania’s CG is eh, but I will defend Love and Thunder with my dying breathe. It’s my favorite Thor film, it’s extremely good looking and stylish and I will never understand the hate it got. Sure, it’s silly and talks about heavy subjects through comedy, but as someone that lost a loved one with cancer, I see a lot of truth on Natalie Portman’s portrayal of Jane. Not dealing with the actual issue and trying to escape doing literally anything else just to live is something it hit close to me. You can talk about heavy subjects through comedy, you don’t need Thor to become Kratos and go back to the more serious tone of the first two films. I fully expect that to happen with the next installment and I think that’s a shame.

    Love and thunder is one of the worst films I've ever seen in theatre and doesn't have a single redeeming quality.


    If you told me the director was making it bad on purpose to troll I'd have to believe it 

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  8. 35 minutes ago, dudalb said:

    What is amusing about Snyder and MOS is that just after he started filming MOS, 'Sucker Punch" opened and bombed badly, and a week after they announced that Chris Nolan has been brought in to be a producer on MOS. Not a coincidence.

    Nolan was always a producer on it. He pitched the filmnand came up with the story with Goyer. His production company was in from the ground up.


    Also MOS started filming August 2011 and Sucker Punch came out March 2011.


  9. 8 minutes ago, dudalb said:

    I think the decision to start filming JL just six weeks after BvS opened, with no time to make changes based on BvS's reception, was just plain stupid.

    I totally disagree with the idea that somehow, Gunn and Safran have to make nice with the Snyderfanboys. Most of the diehard Snyder fans have already turned on DC; and, frankly, there are not enough of them to make a real diffrence at the box office.

    The Snyderverse is dead. I think is has been dead since JL openes, All Gunn and Safran are doing is giving it a decent burial.

    It's why a clean hard reboot to me was the smart way to go move forward. It severes ties completley and there is no gray area.


    Even now, maybe we all have more clarity later, but right now there is still gray area happening of who is staying and who isn't. What's cannon what isn't.


    If Gunn ultimately decideds its a soft reboot that keeps everything he worked on, that's still messy and confusing and strange and a bad choice. 


    Hard reboot, wipe the slate clean. No half measures. Should have been done in 2016/2017 still should be done now.


    • Like 1
  10. 2 minutes ago, Cmasterclay said:

    I guess my take on all this is I can't believe they just didn't hard reboot DC in 2017. It was clear the Snyder style was never gonna catch on at MCU levels. But I know that's probably gonna be called dumb because Aquaman did good in a weak holiday season or whatever.

    There was really only 2 paths that made sense after BVS IMO.


    1) Get rid of Snyder right then and hard reboot. Delay or can JL.

    2) Let Snyder finish JL with heavy supervision and then dump him after it comes out and bring in a new head to build off the bones with a clear plan. The success of WW and Aquaman showed there may have been a chance. They could have recast affleck and cavill right then and inserted them in. It would be messy but not messier than the bizzare shotgun approach after.


    WB decision to keep Snyder, then bring in Whedon then not delay JL to get some bonuses is still insane.


    DC has been a mess, reboots, soft reboots, Sequels that aren't actually sequels, spin offs...none of it had any vision or cohesion. I swear every DC film from 2016 to now had an after credit scene that went nowhere.


    You can't build an audience trust like that.



    • Like 4
  11. 2 hours ago, Johnny Tran said:


    We've seen his execution on GOTG vol. 1-3 and TSS/Peacemaker and all projects have been critically acclaimed.  I don't think there's a reason to be pessimistic about what he wants to do and remember he's writing/directing Superman himself. 

    Gunn doesn't have a commercially successful film at the box office outside of the MCU that he directed. I think financially speaking there is plenty to be pessimistic about.


    Box office success inside the MCU has rarely translated outside of it despite Hollywood desperately trying it.

  12. 24 minutes ago, LVB said:


    Are Keaton fans really that old?


    I mean, my dad is 39 and he remembers Batman 89 like it happened yesterday.

    Not THAT old  I was being a bit over the top and using hyperbole for some laughs.


  13. 2 hours ago, LuisDHern said:

    Hahahaha!  I watched Superman II and Burton's Batman movies when they came out, and I'm not a senior or dead.   I'm 47 (not considered a senior in the US) since the "Seniors" designation starts around age 60. 

    Anybody over 30 to me is a senior citizen, sorry. 


    I don't want to watch a batman that fills his suit with gold bond power and whose utility belt includes a walker. 

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  14. 2 minutes ago, DlAMONDZ said:

    I'm honestly shocked Keaton isn't moving the needle

    DC really needs to stop trying to appeal to the Donner and Burton fanatics. They are a loud minority. People that watched those films as kids/teens are seniors or dead.


    The juice isn't worth the squeeze and I hope Gunn is smart enough not to make another Donner love letter with his film,  not that I expect him to mind you.

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  15. 26 minutes ago, Austin said:

    From where did the Transformers IP originate? Lol


    I get the budget would explode if they had a "live action" movie only like that first opening sequence, but that was by far the best part of the movie.

    It originated from a very bad cartoon.

    Just because the sequence looked the cartoon design doesn't make it a well designed action sequence.


    It was a cheap, easy pop for neck beards to start bumblebee before the utter mediocrity of the rest of the film.

  16. Transformers ROTB was just okay. Mediocre really.


    People can heap praise on it and bumblebee and bash Bay all they want, but the action sequences by Bay are just on another planet than these other 2 films.


    The first Transformers is from 2007 and I recently rewatched and it still has better CG and set pieces than this.


    End of the day these are movies about alien robots smashing into eachother to sell toys. The spectacle is the only selling point. Not the human drama.


    They need another action director to take over.

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  17. Looking at tracking and estimates for this and I cannot believe I had to listen to people earnestly try to claim Keaton was a huge deal still and as big or bigger than Bale.


    Bale returning as Batman would be a billion locked. 


    Im not even convinced a straight forward Flash movie (what a novel concept for the first ever Flash film) wouldn't make similar to what this will.


  18. 8 hours ago, PrinceRico said:

    Is it me or does Muschetti films seems to over use CGI. I just saw Mama and the ghost design was really bad. Even the IT films over used CGI. 

    He is 0/3 for me. 


    For a horror director he seems to have 0 feel for the genre. IT was such a waste of Skarsgard and great overall casting. 

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