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Everything posted by Tinalera

  1. A question about comps. Is it simply a matter of going and seeing how much a previous movie made on that day/same time during its own run? Wheres the beat place to find previous movie info? Or is it just going back through this weekend thread?
  2. Joker thursday oct 3 Toronto Ontario Canada Yonge Dundas VIP 400 2/60 500 9/77 700 27/60 800 4/77 1000 15/60 1040 8/77 AVX 430 1/386 730 27/386 1030 4/386 IMAX 400 32/356 700 108/356 1045 45/356 Scotia place IMAX 430 43/416 730 237/416 1030 81/416 Regular 400 15/195 500 61/391 530 6/390 700 34/195 800 18/391 830 10/390 900 7/140 1000 80/558 1040 0/318 Yonge eglington VIP 600 8/70 700 67/95 900 23/70 1000 23/95 AVX 430 4/379 730 24/379 1030 14/379 Eglington town IMAX 400 6/335 700 28/335 1030 9/335 Regular 430 4/305 730 7/305 1030 0/305 Don Mills VIP 500 5/115 730 35/115 830 35/115 1030 22/115 Yorkdale AVX 400 2/382 700 42/382 1000 3/382 Regular 430 3/451 530 1/200 730 7/ 451 830 11/200 1030 7/451 Queensway VIP 400 3/136 445 1/124 600 12/109 700 47/136 800 63/124 915 12/109 1010 27/136 AVX 400 4/417 700 7/417 1000 46/417 1587/15724 Just over 10 percent sales mark Here is fridays count. Seems to be selling well. It will take following to see any movement. Hard to tell exactly how numbers go. Im very interested to see how movie does given the media attention.
  3. I feel so missed seeing the above post (i cant quote ). Ive been gone awhile real life stuff itsnice to see my work referenced! Thank you! Think ill be getting joker numbers over weekend now that i have some time to spend on the boards. Be nice to catch up. Thank you @cax16 !
  4. Just chiming in joker in toronto the same. No date from cineplex yet as to ticket sale times. Would a director have a say in presales? If he did i could see him not wanting a "comic book movie hype" and actually wanting it close to opening
  5. Must be the film fest because cineplex has nothing for presales charlies angels maleficent joker up here. No numbers to contribute.
  6. Thats a mini lesson in itself! Thank you very much that really gives me an idea of how it works! Awesome writeup which i will use for future reference! Awesome job.
  7. Thanks. I thought that might be the idea but i wasnt entirely positive. So a combination of things. Makes sense.
  8. Im curious dumb question how do they track without presales? Is it numbers estimated by studio due to things like film fests? Things like tweets/shares/reactions to trailers?,
  9. Its like we are all sitting here just waiting for tickets for joker to go on sale not to buy but to track "just start giving us those number counts dangnabit!"🕦🕢 tick tick tick
  10. A ways off but Doctor Sleep box office is going to be intriguing, reading reactions to final trailer. Discussion about how it is/isnt like the book, how the movie is/isnt following kubricks shining vs not, people and places that are or not in book/shining novel/kubrick shining. Like there are people who do/dont want to see it for any combination of the above. Really hard to tell how this might do by the sheer varied amount of opinions, and im fascinated
  11. So im reading 91 million approx for wekend preliminary. If the numbers stay in that area then im now watching wom and legs. Will be interesting to see how it plays.
  12. Im interested to see how it plays out. Its getting critical good reviews, will the tickets also respond in kind. Very good point made Shawn about the changing game. Could be one of those movies. Im also interested if what any discussion starts about "comic book joker character" vs "a man becoming joker" (all it takes is one bad day).
  13. I got so used to ticket sales way out i couldnt understand why joker tickets werent showing up for pre sales lol.
  14. We should deliberately one time make no estimate predictionsl at all for a movie. See what type of estimates the sites come up with or do incredibly vague "estimates between 5 and 15 million" Or keep wildly keep changing estimates and watch them try to keep up
  15. Toronto ontario canada IT Chapter 2 Thursday sept 5 Scotiabank Theatre No dates (!) Don mills VIP 530 0/115 615 10/115 930 46/115 1020 2/115 Yorkdale AVX 500 21/349 845 48/349 Eglinton Town IMAX (removed) AVX 630 14/383 1015 8/383 Yonge eglinton Vip 530 34/95 600 39/91 93023/95 1000 15/91 Avx 600 59/300 945 11/300 Queensway VIP 530 25/111 615 34/135 800 48/56 930 48/100 1015 17/135 AVX 630 73/377 1030 24/377 "X" 530 28/224 930 13/224 Yonge and dundas VIP 630 56/61 1030 28/61 AVX 615 98/386 945 33/386 IMAX 500 73/356 845 34/356 4DX 530 28/82 900 13/82 911/7389 Works out about 8 percent sold. This is going to be wom and walkup i think up here. Only reason it doesnt make same amount as pt 1 would be people who werent fans of part 1 not showing. Also 3 hour length (plus movie ads and trailers could push this to a 3 and almost 3 and ahalf hour total in theatre time
  16. So whats the ballpark estimate for thursday /ow for IT right now? Any educated guesses?
  17. Toronto ontario canada IT Chapter 2 Thursday sept 5 Scotiabank Theatre No dates (!) Don mills ( new addition!) VIP 530 0/115 615 4/115 930 1/115 1020 2/115 Yorkdale AVX 500 6/349 845 17/349 Eglinton Town IMAX (removed) AVX 630 5/383 1015 5/383 Yonge eglinton Vip 4/95 15/91 17/95 2/91 Avx 17 0 Queensway VIP 530 10/111 615 16/135 800 43/56 930 37/100 1015 6/135 AVX 630 37/377 1030 16/377 "X" 530 8/224 930 0/224 Yonge and dundas VIP 630 43/61 1030 7/61 AVX 615 38/386 945 10/386 IMAX 500 33/356 845 32/356 4DX 530 10/82 900 12/82 477/7389
  18. I admit i chuckle a bit now when i see presales from an online seller ( this is not directed at IT, was just reminded. "X (genre variable)movie is now the (variable) selling movie in (variable years) on X movie ticket site ( which has a variable of how many tickets they generally sell and size compared to other movie sellers). Just seems like every blockbuster now makes seller history in some form or another.😂 Yes i realize the newness of afocus on presales will do this but its still intriguing.
  19. IT was well recieved so i dont see the sequel making less than part 1. I think as a result i think its more a "yes x amount will see it anyway" just maybe not opening day or weekend, unless spoilers really hit the net. Ill say it may have a solid but not spectacular ow but legs will carry it.
  20. Im really interested in seeing how the people respond to the movie. Like it will make a billion im pretty sure but how much more is what im curious about
  21. Toronto ontario canada IT Chapter 2 Thursday sept 5 Scotiabank Theatre No dates (!) Don mills ( new addition!) VIP 530 0/115 615 4/115 930 1/115 1020 2/115 Yorkdale (new addition!) AVX 500 2/349 845 13/349 Eglinton town (new addition!) IMAX 600 10/339 945 4/339 AVX 630 2/383 1015 3/383 Yonge and eglinton (new!) VIP 500 2/95 615 17/91 900 15/95 100 2/91 AVX 700 14/339 1045 0/339 Queensway VIP 530 10/111 615 12/135 800 39/56 930 30/100 1015 6/135 AVX 630 31/377 1030 16/377 "X" 530 6/224 930 0/224 Yonge and dundas VIP 630 35/61 1030 7/61 AVX 615 35/386 945 5/386 IMAX 500 33/356 845 36/356 4DX 5 30 10/82 900 10/82 412/8067* Okay more theatres! More data yay! So i discovered eglinton area 2 different cinemas hence some confusion. The total seats sold is right as far as i know however it might be off so take with salt while i take time to do mathy stuff. These counts are Toronto proper this is NOT counting missisauga richmond hill scarborough IE Greater Toronto Area...thats a whole other kettle of fish. And these are theatres with reserved. There are at least 4 that are still first come first served.
  22. Toronto ontario canada IT Chapter 2 Thursday sept 5 Scotiabank Theatre No dates (!) Eglinton (new addition!) IMAX 600 10/339 945 4/339 AVX 630 2/383 1015 3/383 Queensway VIP 530 10/111 615 10/135 800 39/56 930 30/100 1015 6/135 AVX 630 31/377 1030 16/377 "X" 530 6/224 930 0/224 Yonge and dundas VIP 630 35/61 1030 7/61 AVX 615 35/386 945 5/386 IMAX 500 33/356 845 32/356 4DX 530 8/82 900 9/82 If numbers are right 340/4995 seats...optically that number seems small. A new addition theatre going forward. Mostly stalled sales. Summer/september reasoning as before. It being R rated by nature is obviously going to have effect. I stll think it will do very well. Just have to see what September and forward brings.
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