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Posts posted by Inceptionzq

  1. On 7/31/2019 at 6:15 PM, Inceptionzq said:

    Hobbs and Shaw Thursday Night Showings Denver Metro

    AMC Westminster Promenade 24:


    7 PM – 140/217

    10:15 PM – 27/217(+10)

    AMC Prime:

    NEW 7:45 PM – 21/187(+21)

    NEW 11 PM – 2/187(+2)


    7 PM – 25/158(+3)

    7:30 PM – 6/56(-7)

    NEW 8:15 PM – 4/36(+4)

    10:45 PM – 2/56

    11:15 PM – 0/158(-2)


    AMC Highlands Ranch 24:


    NEW 7 PM – 68/210(+68)

    NEW 10:10 PM – 7/210(+7)


    7 PM – 81/159(-4)

    7:30 PM – 15/52(+9)

    NEW 7:45 PM – 2/85(+2)

    NEW 8 PM – 0/41

    NEW 8:15 PM – 0/159

    NEW 9 PM – 4/85(+4)

    NEW 10 PM – 0/85

    10:15 PM – 7/159(+2)

    Total from 9 theaters(47 showings): 901(+272)/8195(+3272) (11%)

    TLK comp: 4.05M

    OUATIH comp: 5.62M

    Well the PLFs finally getting added helped today. I suspect that a couple showings lost tickets because people wanted to go to the PLF instead. Both comps went up by quite a bit, but unsurprisingly, it’s looking like the OUATIH comp will be the best one. But all depends on that walkup business tomorrow. OUATIH had a huge boost on Thursday.

    Hobbs and Shaw Thursday Night Showings Denver Metro

    AMC Westminster Promenade 24:


    7 PM – 162/217(+22)

    10:15 PM – 54/217(+27)

    AMC Prime:

    7:45 PM – 71/187(+50)

    11 PM – 2/187


    7 PM – 44/158(+19)

    7:30 PM – 18/56(+12)

    8:15 PM – 21/36(+17)

    10:45 PM – 4/56(+2)

    11:15 PM – 0/158


    AMC Highlands Ranch 24:


    7 PM – 153/210(+85)

    10:10 PM – 42/210(+35)


    7 PM – 109/159(+28)

    7:30 PM – 33/52(+18)

    7:45 PM – 11/85(+9)

    8 PM – 2/41(+2)

    8:15 PM – 18/159(+18)

    9 PM – 7/85(+3)

    10 PM – 4/85(+4)

    10:15 PM – 8/159(+1)

    Total from 9 theaters(58 showings): 2052(+1151)/9456(+1261) (21.7%)

    TLK comp: 6.22M

    OUATIH comp: 7.02M

    Adjusted OUATIH comp: 6.23M

    Interesting how the adjusted OUATIH comp and TLK are almost the exact same… So, Hobbs has been selling great these past 3 hours. I did a count at 4 so I could adjust for OUATIH, and it has sold 557 tickets in 3 hours. I’m feeling pretty good about 6M. Especially with these sales the past few hours, it looks like it will have some great walkups. So, I’ll just go with my adjusted OUATIH comp. 6.23M

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  2. 14 minutes ago, VanillaSkies said:

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but how does it make sense to compare H&S Thursday tickets to OUATIH Thursday tickets when Hobbes starts at 7pm and Once started at 4pm. It has a full extra showtime on Thursday. Does that not skew things a little?

    It does. I might try to adjust for that and the PLFs tomorrow. I wouldn’t be using OUATIH if I had better comps, but it’s all I have along with TLK.

  3. On 7/30/2019 at 5:46 PM, Inceptionzq said:

    Hobbs and Shaw Thursday Night Showings Denver Metro 

    AMC Westminster Promenade 24:


    7 PM – 140/217(+3)

    10:15 PM – 17/217(+4)


    7 PM – 22/158(+3)

    7:30 PM – 13/56

    10:45 PM – 2/56(+2)

    11:15 PM – 2/158


    AMC Highlands Ranch 24:


    7 PM – 85/159(+6)

    7:30 PM – 6/52(+3)

    10:15 PM – 5/159

    Total from 9 theaters(29 showings): 629(+85)/4923 (12.8%)

    TLK comp: 3.31M

    OUATIH comp: 5.13M

    Yikes…. If this doesn’t really pick up, then it’s looking bad. At least reviews will bring some awareness tomorrow. Also, TLK comp was actually 3.34M yesterday.. I just omitted that 3 on accident. Not that it's much of a difference anyway

    Hobbs and Shaw Thursday Night Showings Denver Metro

    AMC Westminster Promenade 24:


    7 PM – 140/217

    10:15 PM – 27/217(+10)

    AMC Prime:

    NEW 7:45 PM – 21/187(+21)

    NEW 11 PM – 2/187(+2)


    7 PM – 25/158(+3)

    7:30 PM – 6/56(-7)

    NEW 8:15 PM – 4/36(+4)

    10:45 PM – 2/56

    11:15 PM – 0/158(-2)




    AMC Highlands Ranch 24:


    NEW 7 PM – 68/210(+68)

    NEW 10:10 PM – 7/210(+7)


    7 PM – 81/159(-4)

    7:30 PM – 15/52(+9)

    NEW 7:45 PM – 2/85(+2)

    NEW 8 PM – 0/41

    NEW 8:15 PM – 0/159

    NEW 9 PM – 4/85(+4)

    NEW 10 PM – 0/85

    10:15 PM – 7/159(+2)

    Total from 9 theaters(47 showings): 901(+272)/8195(+3272) (11%)

    TLK comp: 4.05M

    OUATIH comp: 5.62M

    Well the PLFs finally getting added helped today. I suspect that a couple showings lost tickets because people wanted to go to the PLF instead. Both comps went up by quite a bit, but unsurprisingly, it’s looking like the OUATIH comp will be the best one. But all depends on that walkup business tomorrow. OUATIH had a huge boost on Thursday.

    • Like 7
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  4. 12 hours ago, shayhiri said:


    Still, the Shay would like to share this exponential image:




    So, THIS is basically, Episode 8 (TLJ):


    1. It gets everything wrong - completely opposite, to be exact.

    2. It is bad and nasty just for the sake of it.

    3. Someone may still like it - but to do so, he has to make a conscious choice, and to pretend to forget about the good and normal things (of the previous SW movies).





    confused star wars GIF

    • Haha 1
  5. 23 hours ago, Inceptionzq said:

    Hobbs and Shaw Thursday Night Showings Denver Metro

    AMC Westminster Promenade 24:


    7 PM – 137/217(+19)

    10:15 PM – 13/217


    7 PM – 19/158(+5)

    7:30 PM – 13/56(+4)

    10:45 PM – 0/56

    11:15 PM – 2/158


    AMC Highlands Ranch 24:


    7 PM – 79/159(+9)

    7:30 PM – 3/52(+1)

    10:15 PM – 5/159(+2)

    Total from 9 theaters(29 showings): 544(+90)/4923 (11.1%)

    TLK comp: 3.4M

    OUATIH comp: 5.66M

    The Sunday to Monday increase in tickets sold is about the same as TLK in terms of percentage. But it’s not very encouraging that it is falling behind OUATIH.

    Hobbs and Shaw Thursday Night Showings Denver Metro 

    AMC Westminster Promenade 24:


    7 PM – 140/217(+3)

    10:15 PM – 17/217(+4)


    7 PM – 22/158(+3)

    7:30 PM – 13/56

    10:45 PM – 2/56(+2)

    11:15 PM – 2/158


    AMC Highlands Ranch 24:


    7 PM – 85/159(+6)

    7:30 PM – 6/52(+3)

    10:15 PM – 5/159

    Total from 9 theaters(29 showings): 629(+85)/4923 (12.8%)

    TLK comp: 3.31M

    OUATIH comp: 5.13M

    Yikes…. If this doesn’t really pick up, then it’s looking bad. At least reviews will bring some awareness tomorrow. Also, TLK comp was actually 3.34M yesterday.. I just omitted that 3 on accident. Not that it's much of a difference anyway

    • Like 4
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  6. 23 hours ago, Inceptionzq said:

    Hobbs and Shaw Thursday Night Showings Denver Metro

    AMC Westminster Promenade 24:


    7 PM – 118/217(+18)

    10:15 PM – 13/217


    7 PM – 14/158(+3)

    7:30 PM – 9/56

    10:45 PM – 0/56

    11:15 PM – 2/158


    AMC Highlands Ranch 24:


    7 PM – 70/159(+9)

    7:30 PM – 2/52(+1)

    10:15 PM – 3/159


    Total from 9 theaters(29 showings): 454(+59)/4923 (9.2%)

    TLK comp: 3.13M

    I don’t have an exact comp for OUATIH because I never posted or saved Sunday numbers, but I do remember that it sold around 120 tickets on Monday. So, I’ll make a rough comp from that.

    OUATIH comp: 6.03M

    Hobbs and Shaw Thursday Night Showings Denver Metro

    AMC Westminster Promenade 24:


    7 PM – 137/217(+19)

    10:15 PM – 13/217


    7 PM – 19/158(+5)

    7:30 PM – 13/56(+4)

    10:45 PM – 0/56

    11:15 PM – 2/158


    AMC Highlands Ranch 24:


    7 PM – 79/159(+9)

    7:30 PM – 3/52(+1)

    10:15 PM – 5/159(+2)

    Total from 9 theaters(29 showings): 544(+90)/4923 (11.1%)

    TLK comp: 3.4M

    OUATIH comp: 5.66M

    The Sunday to Monday increase in tickets sold is about the same as TLK in terms of percentage. But it’s not very encouraging that it is falling behind OUATIH.

    • Like 1
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  7. 1 hour ago, Porthos said:

    That's... not terrible.  Not what BOP was/is forecasting but a damn sight better than the 3m comps I have out of Sacramento.


    Perhaps more evidence for me not having any good comps for it locally. 

    Considering over a fourth of the sales are Dolby right now, I should be adjusting the OUATIH comp up. Not sure by how much though, maybe up to somewhere around 7M?

    • Thanks 1
  8. 23 hours ago, Inceptionzq said:

    Hobbs and Shaw Thursday Night Showings Denver Metro


    AMC Westminster Promenade 24:


    7 PM – 100/217(+8)

    10:15 PM – 13/217


    7 PM – 11/158

    7:30 PM – 9/56

    10:45 PM – 0/56

    11:15 PM – 2/158


    AMC Highlands Ranch 24:


    7 PM – 61/159(+6)

    7:30 PM – 1/52

    10:15 PM – 3/159

    Total from 9 theaters(29 showings): 395(+50)/4923 (8%)

    TLK comp: 2.96M

    Just to note, TLK comp went down because I had added two more theaters for it. Otherwise, it would have gone up.


    Hobbs and Shaw Thursday Night Showings Denver Metro

    AMC Westminster Promenade 24:


    7 PM – 118/217(+18)

    10:15 PM – 13/217


    7 PM – 14/158(+3)

    7:30 PM – 9/56

    10:45 PM – 0/56

    11:15 PM – 2/158


    AMC Highlands Ranch 24:


    7 PM – 70/159(+9)

    7:30 PM – 2/52(+1)

    10:15 PM – 3/159

    Total from 9 theaters(29 showings): 454(+59)/4923 (9.2%)

    TLK comp: 3.13M

    I don’t have an exact comp for OUATIH because I never posted or saved Sunday numbers, but I do remember that it sold around 120 tickets on Monday. So, I’ll make a rough comp from that.

    OUATIH comp: 6.03M

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  9. 26 minutes ago, john2000 said:

     probably both of these movie will make make most of their money by then

    TRoS has 12 days in 2019, I could see it doing around 1B(assuming around 1.5B overall). Frozen 2 has a bit of a staggered release. Christmas time for Australia, Sweden, Norway. 2020 for Argentina, Brazil, and China. Maybe even more countries in 2020. Frozen 2 will definitely make hundreds of millions in 2020. I don’t think it’ll be enough though.

    • Like 1
  10. 4 minutes ago, VanillaSkies said:

    It's going well past 10 billion IMO. 
    Just with what's left with Lion King (700m), Toy Story 4 (120m) and Aladdin (50m) will bring it close to 8.5 billion.

    Maleficent was huge overseas and made 758 million WW. 

    Even if it drops by almost half, should still gross 400 million WW. That brings the total up to close to 9 billion before Frozen even hits theatres, and that should do close to 1.5 billion. Almost 10.5 billion even before SW9 opens... DAMN

    12B dollar club anyone?

    • Astonished 1
  11. 23 hours ago, Inceptionzq said:

    Hobbs and Shaw Thursday Night Showings Denver Metro


    AMC Westminster Promenade 24:


    7 PM – 92/217(+52)

    10:15 PM – 13/217(+11)


    7 PM – 11/158(+11)

    7:30 PM – 9/56(+7)

    10:45 PM – 0/56

    11:15 PM – 2/158


    AMC Highlands Ranch 24:


    7 PM – 55/159(+34)

    7:30 PM – 1/52(+1)

    10:15 PM – 3/159(+1)


    Total from 9 theaters(29 showings): 345(+182)/4923(+680) (7%)

    These jumps are from the course of 10 days, so don’t get too excited.

    TLK comp: 3.52M

    OUATIH comp: 6.08M

    It’s barely above OUATIH in tickets sold right now, so that’ll be interesting to see. Unfortunately, I don’t have comps for Saturday or Sunday.


    Hobbs and Shaw Thursday Night Showings Denver Metro


    AMC Westminster Promenade 24:


    7 PM – 100/217(+8)

    10:15 PM – 13/217


    7 PM – 11/158

    7:30 PM – 9/56

    10:45 PM – 0/56

    11:15 PM – 2/158


    AMC Highlands Ranch 24:


    7 PM – 61/159(+6)

    7:30 PM – 1/52

    10:15 PM – 3/159

    Total from 9 theaters(29 showings): 395(+50)/4923 (8%)

    TLK comp: 2.96M

    Just to note, TLK comp went down because I had added two more theaters for it. Otherwise, it would have gone up.

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  12. 20 minutes ago, MattW said:

    201 times 3 hours is over 25 days straight sitting in a theater watching endgame.  Using AMC's thing he doesn't have to pay for 3 of those shows per week right?  That's still 159 times that he had to pay for it, at least $7 per ticket if he lives somewhere with relatively cheap matinees, over 11 hundred dollars.

    This dude is like those toddlers that watch the same movie on repeat everyday

    • Like 1
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  13. On 7/16/2019 at 6:24 PM, Inceptionzq said:

    Hobbs and Shaw Thursday Night Showings Denver Metro


    AMC Westminster Promenade 24:


    7 PM – 40/217(+4)

    10:15 PM – 2/217


    7 PM – 0/158

    7:30 PM – 2/56(+2)

    10:45 PM – 0/56

    11:15 PM – 2/158(+1)


    AMC Highlands Ranch 24:


    7 PM – 21/159(+10)

    7:30 PM – 0/52

    10:15 PM – 2/159

    Total from 9 theaters(26 showings): 163(+19)/4243 (3.8%)

    Yeah, I’m just gonna wait until next week to really start tracking this. One showing just got lucky with a large group.


    Hobbs and Shaw Thursday Night Showings Denver Metro

    AMC Westminster Promenade 24:


    7 PM – 92/217(+52)

    10:15 PM – 13/217(+11)


    7 PM – 11/158(+11)

    7:30 PM – 9/56(+7)

    10:45 PM – 0/56

    11:15 PM – 2/158


    AMC Highlands Ranch 24:


    7 PM – 55/159(+34)

    7:30 PM – 1/52(+1)

    10:15 PM – 3/159(+1)


    Total from 9 theaters(29 showings): 345(+182)/4923(+680) (7%)

    These jumps are from the course of 10 days, so don’t get too excited.

    TLK comp: 3.52M

    OUATIH comp: 6.08M

    It’s barely above OUATIH in tickets sold right now, so that’ll be interesting to see. Unfortunately, I don’t have comps for Saturday or Sunday.

    • Like 5
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  14. 23 hours ago, Inceptionzq said:

    OUATIH Thursday Night Showings Denver Metro


    AMC Westminster Promenade 24: 


    4 PM – 51/158(+9)

    4:30 PM – 24/94(+2)

    7:45 PM – 118/158(+12)

    8:15 PM – 55/94(+7)

    11:20 PM – 11/158


    AMC Highlands Ranch 24:


    4 PM – 22/159(+8)

    5 PM – 38/159(+5)

    6:15 PM – 49/85(+8)

    7:45 PM – 78/159(+33)

    8:45 PM – 36/159(+17)

    9:45 PM – 16/85

    Total from 8 theaters (35 showings): 930(+219)/4090(+45) (22.7%)

    TLK comp jumps up to 4.2M.


    OUATIH Thursday Night Showings Denver Metro

    AMC Westminster Promenade 24:


    4 PM – 83/158(+32)

    4:30 PM – 39/94(+15)

    7:45 PM – 128/158(+10)

    8:15 PM – 71/94(+16)

    11:20 PM – 21/158(+10)


    AMC Highlands Ranch 24:


    4 PM – 68/159(+46)

    5 PM – 67/159(+29)

    6:15 PM – 57/85(+8)

    7:45 PM – 111/159(+33)

    8:45 PM – 76/159(+40)

    9:45 PM – 29/85(+13)

    Total from 8 theaters (35 showings): 1695(+765)/4090 (41.4%)

    Quite the jump, almost half of all tickets were sold in the past 24 hours. TLK comp now suggests 5.14M. Seems to be within range of what everyone else is saying with their comps. So, what the heck, maybe TLK was somehow a good comp. Let’s go with that.

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