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Posts posted by TheDude391

  1. 11 hours ago, Dominic Draper said:

    This look great.


    I'm an unapolgetic saw fan. But jigsaw and spiral I didn't care for. I always loved the grungy aesthetic of saw 1-6, and then they dropped it in 7. And its been 3 straight of what I consider the worst of the franchise.they really lost their way of what the franchise was.


    Saw 6 is the 2nd best after 1. I feel like if you watch saw 1-6 back to back it strengthens them as a whole. 


    How I rank them:











    Yeah 7 is funny bad at least (which I can't say for Jigsaw or Spiral) but it totally drops the ball on the cliffhanger from 6. They built up the most insanely convoluted soap opera storyline and just didn't do anything with it in its finale. 

    • Like 1
  2. 2 hours ago, 35MM-18 said:

    A Verbinski Indy movie would've probably cost more than this one too, given the budget overruns of both his Pirates sequels and The Lone Ranger, and I've heard Lucasfilm hasn't been the best in managing their production costs either lately. 

    Well, this Indy film cost $300m and looks awful visually, not a single good set piece. Verbinski's would've been a flop at that budget too but at least it would've LOOKED like $300m!

    • Like 4
  3. 3 hours ago, Cmasterclay said:

    Indiana Jones has never been cool. And it's my favorite franchise. But I remember when Shia hyped up the KOTCS at the MTV Movie Awards and it was absolutely crickets. And that was 15 years ago and before that movie damaged the reputation of the franchise. Top Gun is still a cool military movie. Mission Impossible is still a cool spy franchise. Indy is more akin to Bond and probably even less hip than that. The crowd for it is 65 and up.

    Idk I was a kid in 2008 and Indy was super popular at my school at least, they did a great job bringing 1-3 back ahead of 4 and getting people into it with games, lego, toys, tie ins, etc. Was seen as analogous to SW bc of the Lucas connection. 

    • Like 5
  4. 22 minutes ago, Ipickthiswhiterose said:



    I know it's rote at this point and it's a standard thing to say, but the big folly was Batman V Superman. Not the film itself (as divisive as it is) but even before that the very choice of that level of wad-blowing on the second film. 


    Man of Steel 2 - Batman - Some kind of Palette cleanser - then BVS was an absolute minimum. 


    It was somehow both clout chasing and defensive. As on the one hand the announcement of BVS caused ultra hype in what was always going to be *not the market you need because those are the people who would turn up anyway* but on the other I'm sure it was with one eye on the Nolan movies and thinking a standalone Affleck Batman movie would have been too close to a deeply (albeit to me rather strangely, but my opinion isn't relevant here) beloved trilogy and risked being divisive/rejected.

    BVS is patient zero of WB being TOO reactionary. "Oh Man of Steel didnt make a billion, BATMAN CROSSOVER JUSTICE LEAGUE NOW".


    Also, doing a weird deconstructionist take as the basis of a cinematic universe is just lol. I kinda like the movie tbh but it should've been its own elseworlds thing.


    • Like 2
  5. That classic Lucas marketing helped Crystal Skull crossover to younger audiences. I was a kid when it came out and it was inescapable. Toys, lego, games, merch tie ins. It got me into the older films as a result...I don't think Dial has done the same for the youth of today.


    Plus you can't do the "one final adventure/the long awaited return of Indy" thing again.

    • Like 2
  6. 56 minutes ago, ZattMurdock said:

    It makes my contempt for Hollywood events like Cannes and Oscars even stronger. And I would mean that if it was a film I’m anticipating or not. There is just a divide between these festivals and the actual film audiences and that’s growing wider imho. 

    I mean the fresh reviews buoying the score aren't showering the film in praise. And neither did the Cannes audience rip it to shreds. It's all a very lukewarm response, some skewing more positive than negative.

  7. 3 hours ago, lorddemaxus said:

    I liked this, I think? I'd even say the first hour and last 15 minutes of this is terrific. Everything else sucked. Was hoping more of the movie would be like the scene with the babies (didn't expect this to be inspired by the Heroic Trio), which was the movie at its most inspired and funniest.


    Muschetti is great when he sticks to making fun roller coaster rides. Same reason I really liked It 2

    Yeah I honestly think if they cut the multiverse shit and just made it focused on the Barry's, the mom dilemma and more looney tunes esque flash setpieces...movie could've worked. Starts quite strong, I agree.

    • Like 1
  8. 3 hours ago, Eric Wayne said:

    What's even more frustrating is that Star Trek Prodigy already got renewed for a second season. It was being worked on up until right now and was all set to go later this year. But they just had to pull it all away and delete the whole thing without second thought. That is especially ghoulish.

    They're still gonna air S2 on P+...but no one will be able to catch up when it airs. Brilliant decision!

  9. 1 hour ago, SpiderByte said:

    I think it's clear now the Cinemacon reviews were strong because they assumed the CGI was unfinished and not the final product.

    A few of my friends who saw the fan screenings were also speculating that. That they were easier on the film because they assumed it'd look good after.

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