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Posts posted by TheDude391

  1. 11 hours ago, Ozymandias said:

    Quick thoughts:  Rob is a better Batman than Christian Bale and Zoe Kravitz is much better than Princess Diaries as Catwoman.  Theres one big problem though, the movie they're in isn't very good.  The plot and the way it unfolds is just flat out underwhelming and reeeally made its 3 hour runtime felt.  I won't remember anything about this movie in a month except maybe Zoe Kravitz lookin fine in a pink wig.

    Wholeheartedly agree, an hour too long with an overly expository script but the performances and the world they create are fantastic. But now that the set up is out of the way, hopefully the sequel is a lot better. The movie has the same problem that Joker did where it's just a pastiche of other filmmakers and is tackling these complex sociopolitical issues but ultimately has nothing meaningful to actually say about any of it.

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  2. I had previously skipped Swiss Army Man for looking unbearably obnoxious but I absolutely loved this so I gave it a shot and i couldn’t even finish it. I think the Daniels are very talented but the quirky random stuff can get too annoying (I think EEAAO almost goes overboard with it but keeps it grounded in the emotional character stuff well). Very excited to see what these two tackle next.

  3. 1 hour ago, JjFit said:

    Loved this movie - I feel like both this and the original are a love letter to Sonic fans.


    So many Easter eggs and game references with just ONE MAJOR disappointment - unless I’m wrong - I didn’t hear the iconic game music during the water scenes.


    No gamer can forget how traumatic and heart pounding that musical hook makes you feel while Sonic is underwater.

    Do they play ANY of the game music in this one?

  4. 2 hours ago, WittyUsername said:

    Since we’re talking sequels with big drops, King of the Monsters had a pretty big drop from the 2014 Godzilla movie. I’m pretty sure that wasn’t because a bunch of Aaron Taylor Johnson fans were mad that he wasn’t in it. 

    Edit: Another example would be the sequel to the 2014 Ninja Turtles movie. That made less than half what the first one did at the domestic box office.

    G2014 had really awful legs too due to audience WOM, that paired with KOTM dropping in the middle of a BUSY summer didn't do it any favours.

  5. Very depressing how empty the IMAX showing was but god damn what a picture. Bay back in Tony Scott mode and this is one of the most revolutionary action films in a long time with all the insane drone work. Runs a bit too long (the final 10-15 mins dragged) but everything prior was an edge of your seat thrill ride. One of Jake Gylenhaal's best performances, I hope he becomes a Bay regular because he is so attuned to the same wavelength that Bay rides on.

    • Like 8
  6. I give the MCU a lot of crap but they're at least baseline competent...which this film is not. It's not one of the worst comic book films I've seen but it is really really bad. So obviously hacked to shreds in editing, the film has zero pacing or structure, many things make absolutely zero sense, stuff happens because it needs to. The bones of a good film were here, a fun vampire hero movie could work but they do NOTHING with it. Anytime something threatens to be interesting or fun, the film swerves off the road to ensure nothing happens. The audience was dead silent throughout and the post credits scenes raised lots of confusion. 

    3/10 Good April Fools gag Sony!



    So they make it seem like the opening where he cuts his hands for the bats is how he gets his powers...but actually the illegal experiment is just on the boat? So was the opening just to capture those bats in his fishtank? Not made clear, it was very confusing.


    I also loved how after half a conversation with Matt Smith Jr., him and Morbius are already best friends in the next scene lol.


    To end on a semi positive note, the visualization of his sonar powers with that colourful smoky trail for everything was kinda cool looking.

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  7. Wow I absolutely LOVED this, crazy how we got two Wachowski films back to back! This is very much inspired by their work but still very distinct. Michelle Yeoh is a bad ass as always, my boy Short Round was easily the highlight though and him not taking over the Indy franchise is especially baffling now. It’s so overflowing with creativity and zany multiverse stuff while still grounding it in a really good emotional story, the sheer maximalist spectacle of it all made me tear up by the end. Zero chance Marvel or DC even comes close with their multiverse projects.


    i will be surprised if this isn’t in my top 10 come years end.

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