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Posts posted by TheDude391

  1. 2021 Catch Up:

    Spencer - 8/10

    Nine Days - 7/10

    Wife of a Spy - 8/10

    Finally finished my catch up (https://boxd.it/bnr5I). Ended up seeing 90 films last year which was a tad excessive, I'll definitely dial that down and be more selective this year!


    New Favourites I Discovered This Month:

    Universal Soldier: Day of Reckoning - 10/10 On the surface just a legacyquel DTV action flick but is more in line with an arthouse horror film, more indebted to David Lynch, Gaspar Noe and Michael Haneke than traditional action stuff. It's still insanely action packed but it's so extremely brutal (it earns the NC17 so fair warning) and intense that my heart was pounding out my chest the entire time. It's also standalone so you don't need to see the other UniSol films!


    Out of the Blue (1980) - 10/10 Dennis Hopper's finest hour behind of and in front of the camera. A spiritual successor to Easy Rider and the last dying gasp of New Hollywood. Haven't been this knocked out by something in a long time.

    • Like 1
  2. 2 hours ago, Brainbug said:

    I have actually never seen Top Gun and i have three questions:


    1) Should i be ashamed of myself for never having seen it?

    2) Is there a scene in the movie where Tom Cruise is running? Would be quite pathetic if there isnt one.

    3) Is the movie actually good? Or is it more like ... good

    1) Yes

    2) No

    3) It's not top tier Tony Scott by any means but its great fun.

    • Thanks 1
  3. I think CODA's winning BP, which is a sentence I cannot believe I'm typing. I saw it last fall and it's fine? At the very least it doesn't come across like oscar bait or pretentious, it seems genuine enough but its such a whatever film. If it wins, it's going to get so much undeserved hate and will over time be like The Artist which won and was immediately forgotten about. Netflix losing after ALL of this campaigning and seeming to have it in the bag is very funny though, didn't Apple beat them to the punch at the Emmys as well?

  4. If they just released a 3 hour cut of his JL in theatres (after letting the man grieve) it would’ve been well received (moreso than the Snyder cut since the length issues would be fixed) and this whole DCEU mess could’ve been averted. 

    • Like 1
  5. 4 hours ago, excel1 said:

    Isn't it suppose to have a bullet ?


    people should redirect their anger at Bruce Jenner 


    Also yeah she killed someone too and unfortunately didn't get the punishment she ought to have gotten so what's the point being made here? That two wrongs make a right?

  6. 3 minutes ago, excel1 said:


    I don't a fuck about Alec Baldwin, but the media clearly cherry picking here. Baldwin was supposedly beyond distraught following the accident, treated the husband and child of her very well, and preemptively tried to create a settlement for them.


    I also see no issue with completing the film? She is FAR from the first death on a production. Google it - there have been many of them. The films were almost always completed? What is so strange about that thought. 


    We now know that the gun fired without Baldwin pulling the trigger. He apparently simply cocked the gun back, which people do all the time with those old fashioned guns. IDK why everyone is always looking to rip someone down. This was clearly an extremely unfortunate accident.

    He wasn't just an actor for the film though, he was a producer and bears responsibility for the unsafe set. They went for non-union crew to save money, underpaid people, safety standards were not being met prior (accidental discharges happened prior to the incident). As a producer, him and the other people producing had a duty to ensure safety on set. Also "simply" cocking the hammer of a gun is still extremely dangerous as it can fire if it drops down (which is what happened).



  7. 20 hours ago, lorddemaxus said:

    Sony should've added some fake applause and screaming for the Tobey and Andrew entrance scene (which I think sitcoms used to do for cameo appearences) in the blu-ray. It just does not work without it.

    Oof, I hadn't seen the movie but I looked up the scene on youtube and it's so awkwardly paced and structured with all the silence lol, surreal stuff.



  8. 1 hour ago, baumer said:

    Probably not too shocking but that's definitely a movie I would pay to see. It's a good trailer with obvious Texas chainsaw massacre inspirations and being born in the 70s and a child of the 80s I'm ready for a good old fashioned gory slasher horror pic that doesn't involve anything supernatural or time travel or hereditary like psychological plot pieces. Just give me a mad man with an ax or a chainsaw killing people and they can take my money.

    I really hope the trailers are selling it as is because if it turns into another vapid "elevated" horror film midway through, imma riot lol. 

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