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  1. That would also explain the lack of direction. Most marvel work better because of the executives. They are not some auteur cinema. This was marvels strategy during the first 10 years and this was the prime of the MCU.
  2. Dont forget the shows, secret invasion was the nail in the coffin
  3. I didnt mind CM as a character, but thats a point i agree. She wasnt build up as charismatic leader like cap or a symbol of justice/hope like cap or superman. Something like a captain america fan girl would give a lot more meat to the script. Dont know how the comics handle it.
  4. I would argue it was Eternals, shang-chi and black widow. Regardless of the reception was already the lack of direction present and this were the movies where i started to see "you dont need to watch it" anyway, also by MCU fans defending for example eternals performance. This kind makes a break of the interconnected universe advantage. I remember how big of a deal MCU post-credits were and even the one of eternals, was seen as a big spoiler. Now its hard getting excited for beast if the last 5 scenes lead to nowhere. Its not even seen as a big thing. Yeah if doctor strange 2 and quantumania would have been great it would still push MCU but it didnt start with them.
  5. For the 1,1b+ predictions here it would need a lot more audiences and there is 1 r-rated movie 1b movie and several dozens 1b non-r-rated.
  6. Which weird undertones? People are just throwing buzzwords around to make the movie a big hit - Cameos!!!, X-Men!!!, Multiverse!!!, Social Media!!!. All of the aspects failed in other movies and if you clump them together it wont make 1b. And now it also has to overcome MCU fatigue and an R-Rating.
  7. I could imagine teasing joker as the behind the scenes villain. Like hugo strange/raas al ghul/ black madk as the main villain and in the end its revealed this is part of jokers bigger plan.
  8. People are way more interested and emotional attached to the mcu though.
  9. Every massive opener with good audience reception had a 3x multiplier? And how many of them were 5 days x 3?
  10. on what are you basing this? Avatar 2 got 2-3 expansions and i dont remember any specific actions against the marvel movies.
  11. I want to hear that the people who decided that the Pokemon movie should be a dystopian/cyberpunk detective noirlike story have to say about that
  12. Avatar 2 made in germany this weekend 460k€, so 700k$ for the whole international weekend seems way too low.
  13. It does look good, but also pretty generic. Awkward teenager gets a superpower, cant control it, wacky situation, bad guys arrive, now he develops self-esteem, controls his power and saves the day. The blue beetle powers are not that interesting or not interesting enough that i would watch the movie in cinemas. Sword is honestly just boring, i would like the idea more that the scarab has only defend powers and he needs to rethink them/use them cleverly.
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